Just Another Grow Journal

Mr. Smiley

So i have some droopy leaves on my babies! I am really scared because I first thought it was just that I messed up the watering schedule. First I didnt give them enough water. So I upped the water a little, but now the leaves are droopy and I am freaking out. I don't have enough light on them at all, but do you think that this could be the reason for their droopiness? Please help!!
I would try either lowing temp and humidity a bit and see if that helps, or watering them only once every other day and see if that helps, if neither help at all after at least 3 days then you may need more light or more nutes if you think you haven't been giving them enough.
I of course could be completely wrong, but my bet is too much water/heat.
Some new pics from before and after trying to fix the problem would be great. :)

Mr. Smiley

So I was pretty bored and decided to upload some new pictures.
I have some pictures of Karma. You can see that some of her leaves are a little droop, and I now think it is because I was giving her too much water. She is starting to look a little better.

I have some pictures of Milana on here as well. I took her picture over and over again, so sorry about that but I was messing with the lighting to try and catch the best picture. I think Milana is looking a little more healthy than Karma, but she isn't quite as tall but she sure is a bush.

I also have some pictures of my setup on here. I know it isnt much at all, but I am trying to limit my budget as most as possible so bare with me.ha

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So what you guys think of my babies? These are all week 3 pictures. Should I be satisfied with their growth or am I behind schedule? (Karma is about 10 inches tall while Milana is about 5 inches.)
Any input or suggestions are more than welcome.

Mr. Smiley

Yeah those girls look real good my man, keep up the good work. How long you going to Veg for?
I'm not too sure. I was thinking maybe only a few more days. Karma is about a foot now and Milana is only about 6inches, but I don't really have much room for more growth so I think I will within the next few days.

Mr. Smiley

so i go to buy an extra lamp today. i bought it. come back to my place. i put the light bulb in, plug it in, turn it on, and nothing happens.....absolutely nothing. i hate stupid lamps that don't work. arggh...:finger:

Mr. Smiley

It's day 26 out here in the mini plantation. Karma is about a foot tall and Milana is ehhh 6inches give or take a little. Since I dont have a ton of space to let them grow, I decide to put implement the flowering stage now. My height is about 3 feet tall, so I figure that will be (hopefully) enough room for the two of them to grow. Here are some updated pictures that I just took. Not too much different from the last ones. But they are a little healthier than last time because I was giving them too much water back then. I now see that I need to water them about every other day, although this is probably going to change now that I have them on their 12/12 schedule. So enjoy a few pictures, and let me know what you think or if you have any advice for a novice like me eh. :leaf:
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