Just Another Grow Journal

Mr. Smiley

So its about day 4 of germinating. The first two days were pretty much a bust due to the cold temperature. But i finally put a lamp and some towels over my cups to warm the temperature up. I have read that you can put it in a moist towel to germinate, but i also saw that you can just put it in a cup with water. I decided to go with the water cup. I am starting small so i can just see what gives me the best results so i only started with 4 seeds. two of them arent really doing anything while the other two have have been doing quite well. Im probably going to plant them tonight. Going to lowe's tonight to buy some soil and lamps and whatnot. not really sure what kind of soil to buy because everyone has so many different opinions on what is the best....any advice?....i suppose thats all.

Mr. Smiley

so i was reading about humidity and what to do about it and there are mixed opinions. some people say to raise your humidity, but others say not to. im not sure realy...i think what im going to do is just try to keep it sorta higher until it pops out of the ground and forms its roots. then when it establishes a root system, i am going to drop the humidity a little. iknow this may cause some stress on the plant but i dunno...it seemslike a logical thing to do. if it doesnt work, well blah. its just an experiment and im not too far into this whole thing so i can just restart over again if i want to and all. also, i saw on the one plant that it looks like it is about to pop out of the ground. pretty fuckin sweet eh. the other one, i cant really see anything, but i am hopeful still. pretty amazing that it looks like it is going to pop out so soon considering it has only been in the ground for about a day and a half or so. thats all for now. :-o

Mr. Smiley

WOW! both seeds have already poked out of the ground and look to be doing great. karma (i named them now.ha) is a bit farther along than milano. milano just started to peak out when i turned off the lights. but karma seems to be doing just great. i am really surprised that it only took two days for them both to poke out. to celebrate, we are having a baby shower tonight for milano and karma.ha. peace.

Mr. Smiley

so karma and milana are looking just great. they are both way far out of the ground and look very healthy. im thinking of transferring them pretty soon into a bigger pot....not sure yet though because i might need to buy more soil. they both have four leaves now and seem to be loving the humidity that im giving them. alright, well i will check back later.

Mr. Smiley

so onto day 5 now. karma and milana are both doing great. karma is quite a bit bigger than milana. probably about twice in size in comparison. karma is prob around 2-3 inches and milana about one inch or so. i think i might have been close to overwatering them though. i came in a couple nights ago pretty drunk and i was being ridiculous and i poured alot of water on them and i think i was close to killingthem.ha. i felt really bad and told them sorry, but i think they are coolnow. they looked like they were hurting a little bit a day ago, but now they look good again. ihavent watered them for a couple days really because of that. i am also trying to lower the humidity slowly because they are establishing roots and all now. so i figure i can lower it now. i want to try to maintain it around 50-70 or so when im done lowering it. its at about 80 or so right now. alright, for next time.peace.

Mr. Smiley

first week is over of plants in soil. karma is about 5-6cm or so. milana is quite a bit smaller at about 3cm or so. karma has about six leaves and is really growing quite fast. i am amazed at how fast she is growing. milana is still growing quite well too, but not nearly aas fast as karma. she has only 4 leaves but she still looks very healthy. i still have the CFLs shining on them. my mh lights havent come in yet. i am on a 16on 8 off timing still. i am considering moving to a 18on6off pretty soon. not really sure when im going to do that. i am also considering transplanting the plants pretty soon too. but i want to have the mh lights first before i transplant them for sure. i have been trying to decrease the humidity so i took off the dome on top of them. the only problem with that is that the dome is like an insulator so it keeps the temperature up, but the temp is still aroun 82-83 without it on so its fine i suppose. ehhhh i guess thats all...will post when i have some updates. peace.

Mr. Smiley

so the two plants are doin alright. milana is still growing slower than karma but they both seem to be in good health. milana does have a small brown spot on her one leaf which i am a little worried about. not too sure what it is from because the rest of the plant looks fine besidessthat. karma is now about 7cm tall and she looks great. they are starting to smell a little like bud but not all that bad. i also finally got my mh bulbs in, but since i am an idiiot and didnt do research, i did not realize that you are not able to use these bulbs with just a regular fixture. i would love to buy a ballast to support these bulbs, unfortunately my funds are quite low and i cant afford it. i am also not too sure whether milana and karma are male or female. i have tried to research it, but i still cant really tell if they are male or female from itall. i did see that if you want to see if they are male or female, just turn off the lighting for 12 hours to let the hormones go at it, then you will be able to see if they are male or female from the pistils and whatnot. soo i am thinking about doing that pretty soon here. i guess thats all now, i will talk later eh.

Mr. Smiley

so i bought some tin foil at the grocery store to maybe use it as my background so my plants can get the maximum amount of light possible from the bulbs. so i i looked up about tin foil and how reflective it is. turns out that tin foil would be a good idea, but if you use the tin foil its not a good idea because you can get hot spots on your plant which is obviously not good for the plants. it reflects heat very well which would be nice if i was trying to make the heat of theroom higher but the temperature is maintaining a fine temperature. so to make a long story short, im gonna stick with using white paper as my back drop.ha. but nayways, karma and milana still doing quite well. i have been maintaining a 20on 4off routine for the plants now. i am beginning to think that i have two different strains. well either that or maybe i just have a male and female. alright, well i guess i am gonna head out, nothing else to really say eh.

Mr. Smiley

i transplanted milana and karma today. put them in 3 gallon buckets. about a 18inches of soil. they are starting to smell a little now. they getting bigger for sure now though. karma is about 8cm and milana is about 4.5cm. milana is growing more out and karma is growing more taller than out. they both looks to be in great condition though. and when i transplanted them, i was really surprised by the mass amount of rooots they have each grown. they were all throughout the cups and everythinng. it was very surprising that they were able to grow that fast in just a little less than 2 weeks. im gonna need to buy another light bulb though so i can get more light on them because there is only one cfl right now and it doesnt really put out that much so i need to get on that. butttt i guess thats all. i will get back when i there is something more.:leaf:

Mr. Smiley

so my plants are starting to smell quite a bit. not a huge problem, but i would like to be able to not have it not smell so much. i dont really have any idea what to do. i dont really want to spend a lot of money on something expensive because my funds are low but i dont really know what to do. i could maybe by an air freshener or something i suppose...hmmm...anyone have any suggestions? ps. my plants are in a closet too. :?:

Mr. Smiley

so the one leaf on my plant milana is turning a little yellow. i have read that overwatering and underwatering can turn your leaves yellow. i think that i am probably overwatering though a little. its not like i havent ever really given my plants not enough water. i think it might be just that i am getting used to the plants being in bigger pots, now that i have transplanted them into bigger containers. i just have to experiment with the watering in these new conditions...alright, well not much else going on really. they are both still look good except for that little yellow. the transplant went quite well and i think today they are really going to sink into this new soil and start liking their new home. alright, im gone. :bigjoint:

Mr. Smiley

So here are some pictures of the ladies....at least i hope ladies *fingers crossed*
What you guys think? This is about day 12 of the veg cycle.:-o

Mr. Smiley

So what you guys think? Any signs of being a male or female? I know it's really early to try and tell, but I thought maybe someone of better knowledge would maybe know. Also, sorry about the quality of pictures because my camera is a piece.
node 005.jpgnode 008.jpg
This is about day 13 of the veg cycle only so its really early to try and tell. But any ideas eh?

Mr. Smiley

so i have read all over the place that a fan is a pretty good idea to add to your grow area to blow over the leaves...so thats exactly what i did. just added a cheap clip on fan in my are so that karma and milana get a soft breeze across them. it keeps the temperature down a few degrees as well which i was hoping for as well.
also, i feel like i need to add another light in the room, so im gonna go to the store this weekend to buy a couple more cfl's and another cheap lamp to help out with growth. i just feel like they would really like it if i were to add some more light to the room.
as for their growth, they are doing quite well. karma is about 12cm now, about 6 inches. and milana is about 8cm or so. i am quite surprised at the solid growth of the two plants. they are doing quite well considering this is only my first time growing. but i am quite worried now that karma may actually be a male. i am not for sure, but the more and more it grows, the more i think that she is a he (ha funny). but i guess only time will be able to tell for sure.
so for next time, peace. :weed:

Mr. Smiley

So its about day 16 of veg cycle, and my plants karma and milana are both about 6 inches. They are healthy and growing pretty fast. I am about to add some more light to my grow room, so I expect for their growth to be even faster within the next few days. I was thinking about growing them until they are about 18 inches in height and then switching to the 12/12 flowering cycle. However, from doing a little bit of research, I have learned that the flowering process takes time and the plant will grow around twice the size it is now. If it were to grow about 36 inches, this would be the very limit for how tall my grow are is. If it exceeded this height, I would be in trouble due to my limited height.
This is where my question comes into play. How long should I wait until I start the flowering process? Max height in my grow are is about 3 feet from the top of the soil in my pots. I am really in need of some help here. Any ideas, recommendations, or inputs on my dilemma would be helpful. Thanks. :?:

Mr. Smiley

i guess no one really cares to help me out. =[ try try again i suppose....
but so karma is over 6inches tall now and milana is about 4 inches tall now. getting pretty big. i am going to post some pictures tomorrow some time. im just going to keep posting more and more stuff until someone finally gives me a little feedback i suppose. but thats all, i am getting pretty amped about the plants. !! alright later.

Mr. Smiley

So I took some pictures of my two babies and here they are....
This is Karma
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Here is Milana
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Then there is also a little bit of discoloration on the leaves of my new babies. I think it is just because I was experimenting with the water and I didn't water them enough. I was just seeing how much water they liked to have, so I decreased the watering but I have increased watering them now. But any input? Is it something else besides the watering? (sorry about the not so great photography)
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But other than the little discoloration, the plants seem to be doing quite well. But what you guys think of it so far? I would be happy with any kind of response at this point ha.:bigjoint: