Just a theory, what do you think?


Well-Known Member
I haven't ever heard of this. Gave me an idea though may keep my light cycle's normal but drop the temps to 50-60F.Frostyyy....

That is a bad idea unless you want to stunt your plant's growth, extend flower time, reduce yield and possibly stress it enough to throw bananas.


Well-Known Member
You make a very good point, where in nature would there be NO sunlight?
There would be none, BUT in the fall and winter months natural light gets reduced to about 12 hours of sunlight.(obviously this is what initiates flowering)
That is 12 hours of pure, strong, vibrant light. But what if a plant is shaded for 6 hours of this twelve hour period? I bet you it will still grow? Maybe tendencies light that trigger this stress resin production because it feels like it may never get any sunlight again or at least for long period of time so its trying to ensure the survival of its kind?

There may be NO areas with absolutely NO sunlight.
but who says you need NO sunlight at all to trigger the response?
Maybe just prolonged exposure to low light situations might trigger this response?
were just triggering this response faster by given it zero light for 3 days.
instead of prolonged lack of light?
I've read people saying that even indirect sun is vetter than a few CFL's, but if you're like me, I get about 10hrs of good sun on a good day, then pull them into the closet and give a few hrs of 6 CFL's.


Well-Known Member
If the plants have never experienced what before?
The 24 hr period of dark before flowering.
Can we actually tell if that makes a plant start flowering faster than eliminating that one day and going straight to 12/12?
IDK, I'm was just babbling last night, pretty hammered.

perdrick l. hapley

Active Member
some people seem to be misunderstanding this issue fundamentally. thc degrades in light. the reason that you're supposed to harvest in the morning is so that the thc at the point of harvest hasn't been degrading in the sunlight because it's been dark for presumably at least 12 hours. this will result in maximum thc potency and, this point is hard to argue

the whole 72 hours of darkness thing is another issue completely. i feel like it's risky because you don't know what kind of panic mechanisms you're activating in the plant. i suppose if you've done it before to phenotypically similar clones of a strain and not to others of the same strain seen markedly increased resin production in those that were given the 72 hours of darkness then i'd keep doing that. even then it might be risky because weed is notoriously prone to herming due to environmental stress....just my 2 cents. do what you feel man, share the results. its the only way we learn
are you implying that you have never not done it?
so are unable to tell if it does?
or you haven't really noticed anything different?
unless you have the proper scientific equipment, you would not know if it worked or not. so to answer your question, i have never seen a noticeable difference between doing it and not


Well-Known Member
Ministry of Cannabis reccomends the 72 hr dark both prior to flipping to 12/12, and 72hrs prior to harvest.


Well-Known Member
I've seen legitimate resources that say if you give 72 hours of darkness to a plant just before harvest that it puts out more resin glands.
Supposedly, its a defense mechanism to ensure survival of the next generation.

So my question is, using this theory or logic, would it make sense to periodically(Maybe 2-3 times) give the plant 72 hours of darkness throughout the flowering cycle?
Do you think it would do more damage then good? Id like to know your opinions
The only thing this will do is greatly incease the chance of mold, at this late stage the buds are thick and tight and are vulnerable to mold more than any other stage of flowering. Not worth it its bullshit anyway.


New Member
72 hours of darkness in nature?

No problem:

Really thick storm clouds that last for.....72 hours.

Even longer sometimes.


The 72 hours during flowering will produce hermies, I have had great fully formed colas, that have received bad weather (low light and plenty of rain) during last few weeks, and when you broke open the head you could see where the female flowers have started to form the start of seed pouches, and the plant stops producing THC whish lessens potency and goes into survival mode, So no not a good idea.
The 72 hours during flowering will produce hermies, I have had great fully formed colas, that have received bad weather (low light and plenty of rain) during last few weeks, and when you broke open the head you could see where the female flowers have started to form the start of seed pouches, and the plant stops producing THC whish lessens potency and goes into survival mode, So no not a good idea.
dude, read the post above yours.


Active Member
The 72 hours during flowering will produce hermies, I have had great fully formed colas, that have received bad weather (low light and plenty of rain) during last few weeks, and when you broke open the head you could see where the female flowers have started to form the start of seed pouches, and the plant stops producing THC whish lessens potency and goes into survival mode, So no not a good idea.
Your not gonna herm out and seed a plant in 72 hours. You even said yourself above: "durring the last few weeks" you had bad weather and "started" to form seed pouches. What you said contadicts your opinion


I am confused by the thc being degraded by the light in such a short amount of time. Is that only applicable to thc on plants that are still alive? What about keeping buds in clear glass jars in dispensaries with lights on all the time, not to mention the sun light? Or is this discussion aimed at simply getting the absolute highest thc content?
thought i should say this is my first post on a forum such as this.