Just a silly question about cops


Active Member
I have always heard that cops have to tell you the truth, or in other words, not lie, if you ask them directly if they are one.
I know it's silly, but stoned minds (at least this one) want to know.

So to clarify, if I ask , say an undercover cop if he's a cop....he either has to tell me he is, or he has to dance around the question....he just can't tell yo he IS NOT one.
Is that true?:?:


Well-Known Member
Haha...No, it's not true. If a cop is undercover, he can do whatever he needs to do to make the bust. Are you kidding?


Active Member
No, not kidding. just stoned.
I probably heard that many, many moons ago. Ya know, one of those urban legends that one hears, and never investigated to find out the real story.


Well-Known Member
a cop doesn't even have to be undercover to lie to you. i repeat: THE SUPREME COURT HAS RULED THAT COPS CAN LIE TO SUSPECTS.

during the course of the the investigation a cop can lie to you all he wants. even after you are under arrest they can tell you that somebody is in the other room spilling the beans, even if it's not true.

you have to understand that cops are taught how to use words to make you nervous. they'll ask questions really quickly expecting immediate answers, they'll interrupt you in the middle of sentences, ask the same question multiple times to find loopholes, and they'll never answer your questions, and they WILL LIE, and LIE and LIE. they know that they can be as rude as they want b/c they have a gun, a baton, and the badge.....


Well-Known Member
Cops, undercover or not, plain clothed or in uniform will always lie to you. There are three types of people you can NEVER trust, cops, politicians and lawyers. If they say the sky is blue, I would double check before agreeing.


Well-Known Member
does anyone ever think about the fact that tax payer dollars go to class's to teach these cops HOW TO LIE CORRECTLY? No one finds it disturbing, that we pay them to lie to us in a round about way.

....food for thought.


Well-Known Member
does anyone ever think about the fact that tax payer dollars go to class's to teach these cops HOW TO LIE CORRECTLY? No one finds it disturbing, that we pay them to lie to us in a round about way.

....food for thought.
We pay the government to fuck us in the ass for a lot of things. Welcome to the world of conservatism & capitalism.

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
You wanna learn something new? Never ever, ever, ever, ever, ever talk to a cop. Ever. Suspect or witness. I don't care if they have fucking video proof you did or didn't do it...just say I plead the fifth amendment, and I'd like my lawyer. Nothing else. Ever. Even if you aren't a suspect they can make you one with a few helpful dumb words you decide to say. No matter what they say, you aren't lawfully required to corporate with anything they ask you to do. FYI.


Well-Known Member
i hate cops period it would be different if they chased bad guy's but all they are here are traffic cop's, we have a string of break-ins known thieves running wild and cops don't care for anything besides wether or not your doing the speed limit. They are a joke in today's world to their profession.


bud bootlegger
yes, cops can and most definitely will lie straight to your face, especially during an interigation when they maybe trying to get some info from you or to get you to admit to something that they think that you may have done..
ever watch that show the first 48?? i watch it all of the time, much for the reason just to learn how the po po think.. they will simply say that someone saw you commiting a crime in order to trip you up and get you to admit to things that you other wise wouldn't have..
they also like to say, use the example that two people were involved in a crime, and they take both of you in for questioning... they will separate the two peoples, and will sometimes go in to one of them and tell them that person b is in the other room spliing their guts and it would be better if you'd just admit your part of the crime and get if over with..
shit, they will tell you things like if you admit your quilt, that you can go home and shit.. seen it done.. yah, just tell us that you killed this dude, and you'll feel much better about it,and blah blah blah... don't believe the hype, and don't talk to the popo.. rules number one and two in life..


Active Member
The trick to dealing with cops is to be smarter then them. Most cops are dumb shits. That's why they became cops, all you need is a G.E.D. If you find your self in a situation, outwit them.

For example:

You are rolling the streets looking for a hooker. You happen upon one that looks "too good to be true". Is it a cop? Probably. Pull over, she'll come to the door. She'll probably ask some vague questions. Tell her you don't want to have sex, you just want to take naked pictures of her, and you're willing to pay her, of course. If she's a cop, she'll turn you down. There's no undercover, gonna take off her clothes and give you a show. And THAT'S not illegal. If she's a real pro, she'll do just about anything for money and taking pictures sounds like an easy score. Once you get her naked, you can then be assured she is not a cop and can fuck her at will.

Cops will lie and do just about anything to get you to do something stupid. They will even break the law themselves. A police officer in Florida was driving at insane speeds with no lights or sirens on. She ran a red light, hit another car and killed someone. She was suspended and then sent to court, not arrested. The judge let her go with nothing.