Well-Known Member

My daughter in law was dropping off my GS to watch and the TV showed Jane Fonda. She made a comment that she looked so good for being her age. I commented that the only thing that would look good would be a building falling on her.
She looks at me and I told her Jane Fonda was a traitorous bitch that betrayed all Vietnam soldiers.
Her response was "That wasn't any thing."
I'm so pissed.
She has no clue and so gullible. I can't talk to her she wares her feelings on the out side and any thing sets her off on a crying spree.
In case you didn't know.
there was over 47,000 KIA in that war.
And we came home to a disgusted America that took it out on their servicemen.
Jane Fonda wants you to think it was just a laps of good judgment, so was spitting on a Vet.
Am I good with this NO!!!
Do I forgive? NO to forgive is to forget.
Okay rant off.