Just a quick fairness question.

I would say that lady who was asked about the cancer had a nice hefty lawsuit against her health care provider, and possibly her employer too.

Although they aren't allowed to ask about it, if they find out, they can sometimes uses some things to determine your further need as an employee.

If you go around acting like a legal expert, you will be shit canned pretty quick.

I had a cousuin, in another story, who was fired for pro union activities. He was trying to organize the work force. He bounced around for about 10 years from factory to factory, spreading pro-union messages and fliers, he kept getting fired and honestly couldn't figure out why.
If I were the boss making $800K, I would probably come up with some sort of profit sharing scheme (maybe split $100K between the employees) with the employees making sure to let them know that "when times are good, they share and when times are bad they also share". Yes, I would give a share to the $12 per hour employee as well.

I have heard that Anderson Windows does profit sharing with their employees that typically yields a share that is equal to an employee's annual salary, i.e. a guy making $40K in the factory gets a $40K bonus. I think Anderson probably has some very motivated employees.
If I was making 800k a year I would offer profit sharing and full benefits. If you have good employees it makes sense to want to keep them happy.

Simple, if I were making $800k, I know there is enough profit to take good care of my workers.
I'd reinvest into my business and focus on expansion.
The bigger, more successful your company is, the more good paying jobs and profits you create, win, win.
Does Jim care if his employees use MJ recreationaly off the job?
Does he drug test them prehire or randomly once hired?
Simple, if I were making $800k, I know there is enough profit to take good care of my workers.
I'd reinvest into my business and focus on expansion.
The bigger, more successful your company is, the more good paying jobs and profits you create, win, win.

It's what I do
Profit sharing puts money in their pocket today, but doesn't guarantee them a job tomorrow. Reinvestment secures their job and my business. Maybe through a big Christmas party at the end of each year and shamelessly spend some profits that way.
Screw Jim, he will either hand all of his profits to the government for fairness distribution, or we can shut him down and put everyone on unemployment if he doesn't. If neither choice is "Fair" enough, we can always employ our SWAT teams to enforce the rules we make up.