
Active Member
I have only once gotten more than one reply here on this site when i have asked a question. I will give it one more try, before i find somewhere else....Never grown indoor before.....

Im just trying to find out what the most average of yields are on an indoor plant....I have just bought a 12 plant aeroponic set up, it is designed so the plants are kinda close together, so im going to have to pretty much guide the plant through the whole growing proceess so they dont get all meshed up and intertwined.

I understand that the strain plays a roll in the yield so , lets assume im working with super silver haze...what is a good ball park guess of a yield indoors per plant....my room is set up for success, I im using great nutes (2) 1000 watt mh/hps veg/flower lights. I have my co2 injector and about a 5x5 area on my wall lined with cool white flourescent lights for the veg room. And yes i have great ventilation set up as well......i just want to know am i gunna yield enough to make at least a quarter of my $$ on these supplies back on the first harvest with 12 plants....thats all i care about (monitarily anyway...) aside from free smoke :weed:
Please, someone give me some hope!!!

Illegal Smile

The biggest factor in yield is the grower and what he does right and wrong. That's why the question is not such a good one. It's kind of like saying - if I play golf and I use these clubs, what will my score be?


Well-Known Member
smile is right, its really impossible to guess yields; but lets talk hypothetical for a minute

if you manage to get around an oz of bud per plant, and have 12 plants(that turn out female) then that would be 12ozs. if you kept half of it for your self and sold the other 6 ozs, for say, $350 each you would have a profit of $2100. i hope you didnt spend 2100 on your set up, but this amount should more than cover your supplies

Ace Smoking

Active Member
That's a good analogy.

But it sounds like you do know your stuff. The first grow can be a bit of trial and error, but assuming you grow some small ass plants with mediocre success and get an ounce from each. Some places an ounce of dank nugz sells for 300-$400/oz

so $400 x 12 = $4,800 USD
or $300 x12 = $3,600


bud bootlegger
yeah, like everyone else said, its kinda hard to guage yeild, i liked the golf analogy myself.. but saying that, with two 1k lamps, as long as you give them plenty of veg time and let them get plenty big before you start to flower them, i would say an ounce a plant would be the least that you should be yeilding off of one plant.. the more experience that you have, the higher that can go up.. some people around here can get three or four ounces off an indoor grow per plant after working out the kinks and getting fimiliar with their strains..


Well-Known Member
It all depends on you, man. Try it and see what your first run is and then try to get 'em bigger the next time!


Well-Known Member
I have only once gotten more than one reply here on this site when i have asked a question. I will give it one more try, before i find somewhere else....Never grown indoor before.....
im glad you got the better responses that you were looking for. i dont know why, but some people do have good questions, like yours, that get over looked. oh wait, i do know, its because the new posts page gets bumped the fuck out of and simple questions from honest growers get forgoten about and are never seen again


Active Member
morreallyricks - you got your answers. It basically depends on how good you are, at what you do. As with everything else.

1 oz pr plant may be a realistic approach, to begin with.
Happy grow!

Illegal Smile

Let me say something else about a first grow - your target yield should not be in ounces but in how much you learn. Keep it small and just strive to do things right. Don't try counting chickens before they hatch. If you get a good harvest of learning, it will increase your yields over coming years more than anything else.


Active Member
Let me say something else about a first grow - your target yield should not be in ounces but in how much you learn. Keep it small and just strive to do things right. Don't try counting chickens before they hatch. If you get a good harvest of learning, it will increase your yields over coming years more than anything else.
Very true....

It sounds like you have a good start tho. If all 12 plants are fem
I'll guess you'll have any where between 10 oz & 1.5 lbs. Guessing games are fun


Active Member
Thanks everyone for all of your input, thats the kind of response I was looking for out of this site....I enjoyed the golf reference as well lol.....there is one more thing however ive became to wonder about.....My aeroponic setup is basically just a huge tubberware chest with 12 holes drilled in the top of it....the guy that sold it to me was telling me its good for the roots to be all together and intertwined, meshed together...but reading threads here ive read that it is horrible for the plant.....if im gunna grow all twelve plants are those roots gunna be too much or should i seal up 6 of those holes, and not only allow more room for the roots, but also give the plants some ballroom as well....? :weed:

Very true....

It sounds like you have a good start tho. If all 12 plants are fem
I'll guess you'll have any where between 10 oz & 1.5 lbs. Guessing games are fun


Active Member
As soon as the roots hit the reservoir the'll go in all directions. Nothing you can do about that. Who says that's bad?
6 or 12 just depends on how many plants you intend to grow. Just as much rootball on 6 large plants, as on 12 small - and by the time you're done, all the roots are going to be one big tangled mess!


Active Member
As soon as the roots hit the reservoir the'll go in all directions. Nothing you can do about that. Who says that's bad?
6 or 12 just depends on how many plants you intend to grow. Just as much rootball on 6 large plants, as on 12 small - and by the time you're done, all the roots are going to be one big tangled mess!

Alright sweet, just wanted to be sure. I will have pictures coming soon, waiting on the seeds, and i still have to acquire some of the nickel and dime stuff.....can anyone tell me how often to run the pump in my rez? I was thinking every 4 to six hours for fifteen minutes....can i have feedback on what has worked best (for everyone with aero experience)??


bud bootlegger
i dont have any experience with areos, but i know that there are probably a ton of threads on here about it, so maybe you could pop by one and maybe find your answer there, or sometimes i just like to see whos around in those threads and sounds like they know what is up, and maybe shoot them a pm or something along those lines.. but i would think you should be able to find an answer to that fairly easily, although we all know that the search button on this site really isn't the best to say the least..
once again, best of luck with the grow, and glad to see that you have gotten the responses that you were after.. oh yeah.. i agree with what illegal smile had to say about not worrying to much about yeild on your first grow, but rather just worry more about learning from your mistakes and learning new ways to improve your future grows..
best of luck m8..


bud bootlegger
i just googled it and found an answer of ten minutes every three hours, but i don't know how accurate that that reply is, so i would still look around a lil more and get some peps with some experience to help you out ...


Well-Known Member
a better analogy is like asking hey if i use my mustang and race this semi truck, will i win?...your setup right now is good enough that you would have to be an idiot to not get a good enough yield from what you have told us. as long as you dont mess up your entire crop, you will make ur money back. 12 plants, if you only got a quarter ounce off each(this would be sad) you would still make ur money back after the first grow. dont worry bro you have the tools now apply them.


Well-Known Member
Let me say something else about a first grow - your target yield should not be in ounces but in how much you learn. Keep it small and just strive to do things right. Don't try counting chickens before they hatch. If you get a good harvest of learning, it will increase your yields over coming years more than anything else.
where on earth are you to be selling an oz anywhere from $300.00-$400.00