Just a little help


Well-Known Member
Im just looking for a few opinions here, so I have a old dresser which I hollowed out , how many plants do you think I would be able to grow at one time using cfl lighting and coir and what would I most likely be able to harvest from each



Well-Known Member
2 maybe 3 plants depending on how big your pots are/how big you grow the plants. Also depends on how many cfls you're planning on putting in there. No one is going to tell you yield, that's a pointless question. I'd consider auto's maybe with your space too


Well-Known Member
Tbh you could scrog a single plant into that space in no time with monster fat buds. The more mature the plant when flowering the better the aesthetics of the flowers themselves. Looks cool though. Are you putting a scrubber fan in that thing?


Well-Known Member
Tbh you could scrog a single plant into that space in no time with monster fat buds. The more mature the plant when flowering the better the aesthetics of the flowers themselves. Looks cool though. Are you putting a scrubber fan in that thing?
so I've been trying to figure out what a scrog is and haven't really had any luck so if you could tell me I'd be very appreciative, and naa I was planning on using a few cpu fans or maybe a few circular fans, an was gonna make a carbon filter for it, kinda on a tight budget,


Well-Known Member
thanks, anywhere you would order coco coir from for cheap? and what kind of nutes would you use on a auto flower


Well-Known Member
Go organic. Learn to mix a soil to have everything your plant needs and utilize beneficial bacteria. Best advice i can give for nutrition. Stear clear of bottled nutrients. Autos don't like loads of nutrients and dont like to be soggy wet. Coco i guess you can find a the pet store but id suggest getting a black trash bag and going into the woods. Find an old undisturbed spot where leaves have fallen and compacted for years. Lift the top layer away and harvest the fluffy decomposed layer, below that will likely be sand.

To mix a base soil you meed equal parts carbon rich fluff (decomposed leaves, peat moss, coco, biochar, whatever is available), sand, compost, and vermicastings.

Then you add a beneficial bacteria and a moderate dose of a dry organic fertilizer to turn that into a hotter soil. Lowes, home depot, and walmart have some ok ones.

My sig should help expand your concept of plant nitrition.