Just a few questions about my new room



I have just a few questions about my new room. I am using 2 floresent lights to start my seeds. Question 1. They are about 6 inches tall right now how big should they be before I sex them and do I just cut light back to 12/12 I am running 24 right now. Question 2. I am using an out building and it is VERY cold outside and I was wondering the best way to heat the room for cheap. Question 3. I am going to be running 1 1000watt light and will end up having 12 plants and the reflector is rated for 8x8. What size pots should I use? will 5 gallon buckets work?

Thankyou for your time,



Hey sourdman,
Let me point out first that I am a noob. The advice I'm giving you is just from what I've read here, I'm only on my first grow myself.
1.To induce flowering all you need to do is switch to 12/12 light yes. about the height, if you intend to continue flowering once you've started you should start 12/12 when the plants are 1/3 to 1/2 of the desired final height of the plants. If you intend to revert to veg once you've found the males I'm not really well informed on how to do that but I've been led to believe it's not the best idea as it stresses the plants and will increase the length of your grow.
2. In terms of heat are you sure the light you will be using won't generate enough?
And 3. Yea 5 gallons is fine to grow a plant to maturity although a good general rule of thumb as I understand is to use as many gallon pots as the number of months you will be growing the plant it contains. (if you're growing a plant for 3 months 1 month veg and 2 flowering a 3 gallon pot would suffice). Hope I've helped.


Well-Known Member
Once they mature they should start showing signs of sex, just search the forum for early sexing.

your 1000 watt light should do a pretty good job of heating your room. A space heater that you can set a desired temp on should be enough to get you by at night, should only set you back around $40.

5 gallon buckets should work just fine, you might even be able to get away with 3 gallon buckets depending on how tall you want them to grow. A good rule of thumb is a gallon per foot.


Thanks Birdyboy and Arsehole... I thought the 1000w might get the temp up enough. I am running a 250w heat lamp and 2 oil filled radiators right now with the plants under the flor. lights and the temp is only high 50's. as for the sexing I have like 24 plants right now and just wanted to get the males out before I used the 1000w because I didn't think 1 1000w would grow 24 plants. I've heard that you can sex them early and then continue to veg to correct height and then flower again but I was not sure. I guess I'll turn on the 1000w and see how it turns out