just a few questions about my first grow


Active Member
hey guys, just got a few questions about my grow.
i've got 5 MI5 fem seeds (autoflowering) that are germinating right now, i am going to get the equipment today, i was wondering whats the max amount of plants (autoflowering) that i can put under a 400w growlux bulb. And also what yeild is standard. i would like to get about a ounce off each plant but i dont know if thats to much to ask and if it is possible what can i do to achieve this. i have got 10 more auto seeds in the post and was wondering if i can put them in the same room? and if so how many plants can i have under the bulb. (its like over 50,000lm)
and i am curious to see what harvested MI5 looks like so any links/photos would be great.

thank you so much


Active Member
id just stick with the 5 plants under the light, as for yield it really depends on the strain and conditions of ur grow but i think u could easily hit ur goal of 1oz per plant as i got close to 4 oz from 3 plants under CFLs