just a few question

derius johnson

Well-Known Member
ive had these plants almost a month from clone... I first got them and transplanted them into ffof and had got nutrient burn or decificiency idk.... Heard ffof was low in cal mag so I just added some today along with some tappin roots stuff my hydro shop gave me as a sample.. Hope itworks good wont hurt anything ... will I had lst'd the plants about two weeks ago with tape... I just want a opinion on my plants if I lst'd right are they looking small for almost 30 days??? I was vegging under 1000watt but switched to 4 75 watt flourescents but during the day I keep them outside... Wondering why plants have 3 leaves,, wha does this mean?? will the cal mag help?? I also topped them 3 days ago.. how does it look ?? thanks everyone for your time.... CALI DRO


derius johnson

Well-Known Member
the second pic u see the tops coming in... but seems like they are coming in nicer than the other others hope they all catch up its been only three days... I grew for a couple of years but this is the first year I am actually topping lst and supercropping every plant hope it makes a difference.. I haven't super cropped yet im waiting for the tops to come in nice... the strain is Tahoe og kush. thanks rollitupers

derius johnson

Well-Known Member
and this fox farm ocean forest soil stays wet for bout a week plus... first time using it then after reading up on it after I used it people say mix with perlite.... so I know now but will this harm anything that the soil is wet for soo long.. after about 7 or 8 days about a inch is dry... im going to repot them in 5 gallon pots before flowering that means I need perlite... should I buy a extra bag of ffof and mix with perlite?? they are going to be coming from 3 gallons to five gallons.... or should I just put perlite???


Well-Known Member
FFOF is a very hot soil, hot means lots of nutes that burn some strains terribly, so caution at all times, mixing in perlite allows for more air and less water in the mix as roots need air too, also avoids compaction, crushing small roots, ans perlite dilutes per volume the area of the pot, so is almost essential to mix with FFOF which IMO has way to much moss, and peat, I advise many FFOF to mix in 30-50% perlite, it comes with practice, avoid over watering as Mj don't like wet roots, before you re water insert trigger finger 2 inches and test first.

You have red stems ...keep a temperature gauge in there and watch your night time temps


Well-Known Member
dont just use perlite definitly mix it with soil, after those things start getting a bigger root mass they will drink the water a lot faster. don't get impatient and water them before they need it. and its good that you are on top of the calmag stuff because they will be needing it in ffof. i like to put my clones in like a 6inch pot or something for a bit before putting them in the 3 gall pots that way its a bit bigger of a rootmass when u transplant and it doesnt sit in the wet soil for quite as long waiting for the roots to catch up. otherwise they are looking okay. they will take off soon. and about the 3 finger leaves, it's cool.. that is more of a genetic thing. some strains just do that. just my 2 cents. keep it up and good luck

derius johnson

Well-Known Member
Thanks for the advice.. I also watered them today but honestly probably could of went another two days I just wanted to feed them the cal mag