Just a cool thought about life that you discover when growing


Well-Known Member
So I have been thinking about how sometimes you can draw insight into life by referencing what is seen and done in nature. I just think that its cool how trimming off some leaves as they are dieng is beneficial to a plants health, sometimes in life we have to shake the dead leaves off in order to move forward in a healthy way.
That could mean a shitty job that your unhappy with, crappy relationship, what ever it may be. I think we should continue to find those dead leaves in our lives, trim them as soon as you can so that you can move forward with your life's progress.
That thought just kinda brought me to peace with the decision I have been needing to make in my life. I realize now that I really have an entire "branch" lol of dead leaves to trim off in my life.

That brought me to another analogy that helped me make a very tough decision to cut that branch free. You see when you cut that branch free, your also giving it a chance a beautiful life, a fresh start. Just like when taking a clone, or trimming the under growth of a scrog. Those branches that your trimming off go off to be beautiful plants of their own.
Its just the cycle of life, and sometimes decisions can be tough, but in the end its for the better for all in the garden..

dont know if that makes any sense at all but it was just something I was thinking about.


New Member
So I have been thinking about how sometimes you can draw insight into life by referencing what is seen and done in nature. I just think that its cool how trimming off some leaves as they are dieng is beneficial to a plants health, sometimes in life we have to shake the dead leaves off in order to move forward in a healthy way.
That could mean a shitty job that your unhappy with, crappy relationship, what ever it may be. I think we should continue to find those dead leaves in our lives, trim them as soon as you can so that you can move forward with your life's progress.
That thought just kinda brought me to peace with the decision I have been needing to make in my life. I realize now that I really have an entire "branch" lol of dead leaves to trim off in my life.

That brought me to another analogy that helped me make a very tough decision to cut that branch free. You see when you cut that branch free, your also giving it a chance a beautiful life, a fresh start. Just like when taking a clone, or trimming the under growth of a scrog. Those branches that your trimming off go off to be beautiful plants of their own.
Its just the cycle of life, and sometimes decisions can be tough, but in the end its for the better for all in the garden..

dont know if that makes any sense at all but it was just something I was thinking about.
Man I feel you on having to trim off dead leaves from yourself, I think I just started this year quitting my job and it feels bitter sweet. I now have a $0 income and I need to change this if I plan on moving soon. I would be careful with this direction also, because burning any bridges will hurt you in the long run. Be careful with your decisions, every action has a consequence. Happy new years everybody.


New Member
In life we must constantly be looking forward if we are to progress. With "dead branches" from our past decisions we can only weigh ourselves down, which is why it is necessary to sometimes trim them away so that new growth can be catalyzed. It's a pity that those branches and leaves had to die in the first place, but what is done is done and there is no further benefit to keeping them.


Well-Known Member
Life- Never moving anywhere but always changing, as a day gets closer a day gets further, we come to realize wisdom is a gift that you would easily trade for youth.


Well-Known Member
I don't trim my dieing leaves, I follow another route and leave the leaves alone, for I know the plant needs those leaves, as surly 'you' need a plate, a pantry, or even a microwave, to assist you in staying alive, these plants need these leaves for the same reason, many even (edu-ma-cated) botanists would agree, and see them as used grocery bags, but unlike the shit you get at the mall, these grocery bags are still in use once they have left there position on the tree.

There is a psychological syndrome, that I have no name off in English( I forget that is, when humans compare their lives to animals or plants, maybe if you can be responsible enough in the first place, you would take care of shit in your life, and be happy from your own actions


Well-Known Member
"Ticking away. The moments that make up a dull day. Fritter and waste the hours in an offhand way".

Life is like mainlining a critical mass seedling.
Sometimes you have to add pressure and other times you need to ask your mate for help.

now pass me that copy of LOADED.

I'll read it on the crapper whilst evacuating all those hobnobs I ate whilst watching X Factor.


Well-Known Member
So I have been thinking about how sometimes you can draw insight into life by referencing what is seen and done in nature. I just think that its cool how trimming off some leaves as they are dieng is beneficial to a plants health, sometimes in life we have to shake the dead leaves off in order to move forward in a healthy way.
That could mean a shitty job that your unhappy with, crappy relationship, what ever it may be. I think we should continue to find those dead leaves in our lives, trim them as soon as you can so that you can move forward with your life's progress.
That thought just kinda brought me to peace with the decision I have been needing to make in my life. I realize now that I really have an entire "branch" lol of dead leaves to trim off in my life.

That brought me to another analogy that helped me make a very tough decision to cut that branch free. You see when you cut that branch free, your also giving it a chance a beautiful life, a fresh start. Just like when taking a clone, or trimming the under growth of a scrog. Those branches that your trimming off go off to be beautiful plants of their own.
Its just the cycle of life, and sometimes decisions can be tough, but in the end its for the better for all in the garden..

dont know if that makes any sense at all but it was just something I was thinking about.
Trimming off the dead leaves gives more light to the living leaves. bongsmilie