Just 3weeks that Trump has been in office, half the country thinks he should be impeached.

Because code writers have been programming them for years. Unless you wrote the original code that made the first robot I'm not that impressed man.


Original robots weren't "programmed" they used ASIC's to control pre-set movements using analog signals.

Are you really gonna compare that to self learning AI, advanced pathfinding, decision making, etc?


Original robots weren't "programmed" they used ASIC's to control pre-set movements using analog signals.

Are you really gonna compare that to self learning AI, advanced pathfinding, decision making, etc?
Awesome, thanks for being a genius. You just might be the smartest person on a weed forum brah! I know you think you're something great but the fact is robots take jobs away to save money, glad your hearts into it though.
Something I haven't pulled the trigger on yet, anytime I've needed something printed Ive just had it done professionally.

How often do you actually use it?
It's not really me, it's my wife. She does that stuff. Architectural modeling. They use 3D pretty often but there are limitations. Most of the buildings are too large. But she just did a fracking diorama that used it a lot. For personal stuff, hardly ever. The tech moves pretty quick, better to use a public one then actually buy one. Reminds me of Stephenson's Diamond Age. Public compilers, the feed. Transporters can't be too many generations away.
It's not really me, it's my wife. She does that stuff. Architectural modeling. They use 3D pretty often but there are limitations. Most of the buildings are too large. But she just did a fracking diorama that used it a lot. For personal stuff, hardly ever. The tech moves pretty quick, better to use a public one then actually buy one. Reminds me of Stephenson's Diamond Age. Public compilers, the feed. Transporters can't be too many generations away.
Sweet, the technology is really coming along with water soluble filament for dissolvable supports and such.

I'll get one eventually, just don't want the wife losing her mind if I get one and don't use it that much ;)