Just 3weeks that Trump has been in office, half the country thinks he should be impeached.

Wow! Both sides sucked, bottom line. Both sides lied, both have been caught. Clintons have a very evil side, and it wouldn't surprise me to find out they're involved in the pizza gates scandal. What is your soul really worth I guess?

Reported for VERY suspicious warsock activity.

Member Since:
Jan 28, 2015
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And for being an (obvious) dickless 'alt-right' white kid.
I was a privileged white kid, is it that obvious? Small hands right? ;) You reported me when you guys are trolling people? I'm just giving the facts, take it or don't.
NASA came out saying there is a ninth planet with a 100-200 thousand yr rotation around the sun after telling us no way. Alex Jones reported on it and was called crazy. Ancient civilizations carved into stone about this planet. What about the black budget and the TRILLIONS that have gone missing? Believe what you want.
NASA came out saying there is a ninth planet with a 100-200 thousand yr rotation around the sun after telling us no way. Alex Jones reported on it and was called crazy. Ancient civilizations carved into stone about this planet. What about the black budget and the TRILLIONS that have gone missing? Believe what you want.

Get lost, cornball, and take your stink with you.

Propaganda-fed white bitch.
NASA came out saying there is a ninth planet with a 100-200 thousand yr rotation around the sun after telling us no way. Alex Jones reported on it and was called crazy. Ancient civilizations carved into stone about this planet. What about the black budget and the TRILLIONS that have gone missing? Believe what you want.

Reported as 'white supremacist' propaganda.

"Please do not spam our forums."