Just 3weeks that Trump has been in office, half the country thinks he should be impeached.

You're a piece of shit man! I don't think you understand that Americans aren't going to sit and let that shit happen. We aren't fucking pussies and will fight and defend this nation. You forget that if we decide we don't want insurance they tax the shit out of you, forcing me to buy something even if I don't want it. My wife is an accountant and the people who don't want insurance will be paying a shitton this year. AFFORDABLE, ha, should be raise it little by little every year.

you can try to fight, but the dropbears are quick and stealthy. you never stood a chance.
Why would you even say what kind of guns or fire power you have?
You asked would I hide behind my screen if a war kicked off, I responded with "no, I'd be behind my scope (that cost more than most people's car)".


I'm not a nut job right winger so noone cares what guns I own.
I was stating why I didn't like Obama, not just bringing guns into it just for the sake of gun talk. It not ignorance, it's reality the liberal fucks we're trying to take our gun rights away. The constitution says "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." So they take our guns and we fucking hope that the people we are fighting will give us our guns back. Fucking pussy behind a screen!
Nobody. NOBODY, not Obama or anybody seriously running for office in 2016 discussed taking guns away from anybody. You are ignorant.

I happen to like pussies. Nothing better to curl up with on a cold night. Fucking one behind a screen sounds interesting but I don't know why I can't just take her to bed. More comfortable and better choices in positions.

I'll just go on with my romancing and making love to my sweetie this Valentine's day. You go ahead and get all outraged about something that never happened and masturbate behind your screen. LOL.
Why not?
My old Browning Stainless Stalker .30-06 has put a lot of meat in the pot. Nothing fancy. Easy to carry, but hurts to shoot.
Kills on one end & wounds on the other. :shock:
That's another reason I'll probably sell the 82 when I've gotten it out of my system, my shoulder barely takes it now let alone when I'm an old ass man.
Look, it's not MY fault that I stretched your mom out nor is it my fault that you are a clueless conspiracy nut with racist tendencies.
Wanna tell us more about "space elevators", "supporting Drumpf", and/or how Alex Jones is a "free thinker"?

We're listening....
(Not really, but I'm trying to be nice.)
Look, it's not MY fault that I stretched your mom out nor is it my fault that you are a clueless conspiracy nut with racist tendencies.
Wanna tell us more about "space elevators", "supporting Drumpf", and/or how Alex Jones is a "free thinker"?

We're listening....
(Not really, but I'm trying to be nice.)
My mother has more class than to sleep with someone like you, lol.