• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

July 28, no sign of military exercise?


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by hanimmal
Coming from you 420 I take that as a compliment.

for the 900 millionth time... quit trying to make this about obama


your trying to twist our words.....
Damn man now your having conspiracy theories about me? I made a joke and your twisting it into some crazy I am making it about Obama line? And I am the one twisting words?

Here is what I had said again:

So I watched those vids and have to say those helicopters look badass.

But other than that what is it that we are worried about? Are you saying that they are setting up FEMA to take over america? Or is it a way to get their crap together so if something like Katrina happens again we don't have Kayne West saying Obama hates Black people?
See that was a joke about Kanye saying that a black man hates black people. Nothing about you going off on Obama. Then I said:
Maybe Obama is having a laugh at all the people flipping out about it.

Him and the internet Czar and everyone else in the whitehouse have these chat logs up and are cracking up at everyoen gets spooked.

Obama: "Hey bring in Clinton she will shit herself when she sees what these people are saying about the coffins she thought up. Fucking Classic!"
Again a joke about the Obama crew joking around. Thinking back it would have been better to end it with "Biden quit boggarting the weed and pass me Bongzilla!" After the coffin thing of course.

It was humor! Nothing to actually defend or say you are going after Obama.

So chill out and quit taking your crazy pills.


Well-Known Member
Damn man now your having conspiracy theories about me? I made a joke and your twisting it into some crazy I am making it about Obama line? And I am the one twisting words?

Here is what I had said again:

See that was a joke about Kanye saying that a black man hates black people. Nothing about you going off on Obama. Then I said:

Again a joke about the Obama crew joking around. Thinking back it would have been better to end it with "Biden quit boggarting the weed and pass me Bongzilla!" After the coffin thing of course.

It was humor! Nothing to actually defend or say you are going after Obama.

So chill out and quit taking your crazy pills.
Ignorance is Bliss Yet again!

[SIZE=+3]http://uweb.txstate.edu/~lf14/conspire/rex84.html[/SIZE][SIZE=+3][/SIZE] [SIZE=+3]FEMA And REX 84 [/SIZE]
In April 1984, President Reagan signed Presidential Directorate Number 54 that allowed FEMA to engage in a secret national "readiness exercise" under the code name of REX 84. The exercise was to test FEMA's readiness to assume military authority in the event of a "State of Domestic National Emergency" concurrent with the launching of a direct United States military operation in Central America. The plan called for the deputation of U.S. military and National Guard units so that they could legally be used for domestic law enforcement. These units would be assigned to conduct sweeps and take into custody an estimated 400,000 undocumented Central American immigrants in the United States. The immigrants would be interned at 10 detention centers to be set up at military bases throughout the country. REX 84 was so highly guarded that special metal security doors were placed on the fifth floor of the FEMA building in Washington, D.C. Even long-standing employees of the Civil Defense of the Federal Executive Department possessing the highest possible security clearances were not being allowed through the newly installed metal security doors. Only personnel wearing a special red Christian cross or crucifix lapel pin were allowed into the premises. Lt. Col. North was responsible for drawing up the emergency plan, which U.S. Attorney General William French Smith opposed vehemently.

The plan called for the suspension of the Constitution, turning control of the government over to FEMA, appointment of military commanders to run state and local governments and the declaration of Martial Law. The Presidential Executive Orders to support such a plan were already in place. The plan also advocated the rounding up and transfer to "assembly centers or relocation camps" of a least 21 million American Negroes in the event of massive rioting or disorder, not unlike the rounding up of the Jews in Nazi Germany in the 1930s.

The second known time that FEMA stood by was in 1990 when Desert Storm was enacted. Prior to President Bush's invasion of Iraq, FEMA began to draft new legislation to increase its already formidable powers. One of the elements incorporated into the plan was to set up operations within any state or locality without the prior permission of local or state authorities. Such prior permission has always been required in the past. Much of the mechanism being set into place was in anticipation of the economic collapse of the Western World. The war with Iraq may have been conceived as a ploy to boost the bankrupt economy, but it only pushed the West into deeper recession.

The third scenario for FEMA came with the Los Angeles riots after the Rodney King brutality verdict. Had the rioting spread to other cities, FEMA would have been empowered to step in. As it was, major rioting only occurred in the Los Angeles area, thus preventing a pretext for a FEMA response. On July 5, 1987, the Miami Herald published reports on FEMA's new goals. The goal was to suspend the Constitution in the event of a national crisis, such as nuclear war, violent and widespread internal dissent, or national opposition to a U.S. military invasion abroad. Lt. Col. North was the architect. National Security Directive Number 52 issued in August 1982, pertains to the "Use of National Guard Troops to Quell Disturbances." The crux of the problem is that FEMA has the power to turn the United States into a police state in time of a real crisis or a manufactured crisis. Lt. Col. North virtually established the apparatus for dictatorship. Only the criticism of the Attorney General prevented the plans from being adopted. But intelligence reports indicate that FEMA has a folder with 22 Executive Orders for the President to sign in case of an emergency. It is believed those Executive Orders contain the framework of North's concepts, delayed by criticism but never truly abandoned.

Now, FEMA is on stand by once again. Due to the terrorist attacks on New York and the Pentagon, and the ensuing "war on terror" known as Operation Enduring Freedom, the president can declare martial law under the guise of "national security."

The crisis, as the government now see it, is civil unrest. For generations, the government was concerned with nuclear war, but the violent and disruptive demonstrations that surrounded the Vietnam War era prompted President Nixon to change the direction of emergency powers from war time to times of domestic unrest. Diana Raynolds, program director of the Edward R. Murrow Center, summed up the dangers of FEMA today and the public reaction to martial law in a drug crisis: "It was James Madison's worst nightmare that a righteous faction would someday be strong enough to sweep away the Constitutional restraints designed by the framers to prevent the tyranny of centralized power, excessive privilege, an arbitrary governmental authority over the individual. These restraints, the balancing and checking of powers among branches and layers of government, and the civil guarantees, would be the first casualties in a drug-induced national security state with Reagan's Civil Emergency Preparedness unleashed. Nevertheless, there would be those who would welcome NSC (National Security Council) into the drug fray, believing that increasing state police powers to emergency levels is the only way left to fight American's enemy within. In the short run, a national security state would probably be a relief to those whose personal security and quality of life has been diminished by drugs or drug related crime. And, as the general public watches the progression of institutional chaos and social decay, they too may be willing to pay the ultimate price, one drug free America for 200 years of democracy."

The first targets in any FEMA emergency would be Hispanics and Blacks. The FEMA orders call for them to be rounded up and detained. Tax protesters, demonstrators against government military intervention outside U.S. borders, and people who maintain weapons in their homes are also targets. Operation Trojan Horse is a program designed to learn the identity of potential opponents to martial law. The program lures potential protesters into public forums, conducted by a "hero" of the people who advocates survival training. The list of names gathered at such meetings and rallies are computerized and then targeted in case of an emergency.

The most shining example of America to the world has been its peaceful transition of government from one administration to another. Despite crises of great magnitude, the United States has maintained its freedom and liberty. This nation now stands on the threshold of rule by non-elected people asserting non-Constitutional powers. Even Congress cannot review a Martial Law action until six months after it has been declared. For the first time in American history, the reigns of government would not be transferred from one elected element to another, but the Constitution, itself, can be suspended. The scenarios established to trigger FEMA into action are generally found in the society today: economic collapse, civil unrest, drug problems, terrorist attacks, and protests against American intervention in a foreign country. All these premises exist, it could only be a matter of time in which one of these triggers the entire emergency necessary to bring FEMA into action, and then it may be too late, because under the FEMA plan, there is no contingency by which Constitutional power is restored.

There are now over 600 prison camps in the United States, all fully operational and ready to receive prisoners. They are all staffed and even surrounded by full-time guards, but they are all empty.

Operation Cable Splicer and Garden Plot are the two sub programs which will be implemented once the Rex 84 program is initiated for its proper purpose. Garden Plot is the program to control the population. Cable Splicer is the program for an orderly takeover of the state and local governments by the federal government. FEMA is the executive arm of the coming police state and thus will head up all operations. The Presidential Executive Orders already listed on the Federal Register also are part of the legal framework for this operation.

The camps all have railroad facilities as well as roads leading to and from the detention facilities. Many also have an airport nearby. The majority of the camps can house a population of 20,000 prisoners. Currently, the largest of these facilities is just outside of Fairbanks, Alaska. The Alaskan facility is a massive mental health facility and can hold approximately 2 million people.

Terry Kings wrote an article on his discoveries of camps located in southern California. Here are some of his findings:

The first camp we observed was in Palmdale, California. It is not operating as a prison at the moment but is masquerading as part of a water facility. Now why would there be a facility of this nature out in the middle of nowhere with absolutely no prisoners? The fences that run for miles around this large facility all point inward, and there are large mounds of dirt and dry moat surrounding the central area so the inside area is not visible from the road. There are 3 large loading docks facing the entrance that can be observed from the road. What are these massive docks going to be loading?

We observed white vans patrolling the area and one came out and greeted us with a friendly wave and followed us until we had driven safely beyond the area. What would have happened had we decided to enter the open gate or ask questions?

This facility is across the street from the Palmdale Water Department. The area around the Water Department has fences pointing outward, to keep people out of this dangerous area so as not to drown. Yet, across the street, the fences all point inward. Why? To keep people in? What people? Who are going to be it’s occupants?

There are also signs posted every 50 feet stating: State of California Trespassing Loitering Forbidden By Law Section 555 California Penal Code. The sign at the entrance says: Pearblossom Operations and Maintenance Subcenter Receiving Department, 34534 116th Street East. There is also a guard shack located at the entrance.

We didn’t venture into this facility, but did circle around it to see if there was anything else visible from the road. We saw miles of fences with the top points all directed inward. There is a railroad track that runs next to the perimeter of this fenced area. The loading docks are large enough to hold railroad cars.

Another site is located in Brand Park in Glendale. There are newly constructed fences (all outfitted with new wiring that point inward). The fences surround a dry reservoir. There are also new buildings situated in the area. We questioned the idea that there were four armed military personnel walking the park. Since when does a public park need armed guards?

A third site visited was in the San Fernando Valley, adjacent to the Water District. Again, the area around the actual Water District had fences logically pointing out (to keep people out of the dangerous area). And the rest of the adjacent area which went on for several miles was ringed with fences and barbed wire facing inward. Also interesting was the fact that the addition to the tops of the fences were fairly new as to not even contain any sign of rust on them. Within the grounds was a huge building that the guard said was a training range for policemen. There were newly constructed roads, new gray military looking buildings, and a landing strip. For what? Police cars were constantly patrolling the several mile perimeter of the area.

From the parking lot of the Odyssey Restaurant a better view could be taken of the area that was hidden from site from the highway. There was an area that contained about 100 black boxes that looked like railroad cars. We had heard that loads of railroad cars have been manufactured in Oregon outfitted with shackles. Would these be of that nature? From our position it was hard to determine.

In searching the Internet, I have discovered that there are about 600 of these prison sites around the country. They are manned, but yet do not contain prisoners. Why do they need all these non-operating prisons? What are they waiting for? We continuously hear that our current prisons are overcrowded and they are releasing prisoners because of this situation. But what about all these facilities? What are they really for? Why are there armed guards yet no one to protect themselves against? And what is going to be the kick-off point to put these facilities into operation?

What would bring about a situation that would call into effect the need for these new prison facilities? A man-made or natural catastrophe? An earthquake, a massive poisoning, a panic of such dimensions to cause nationwide panic?

Once a major disaster occurs (whether it is a real event or manufactured event) martial law is hurriedly put in place and we are all in the hands of the government agencies (FEMA) who thus portray themselves as our protectors. Yet what happens when we question those in authority and how they are taking away all of our freedoms? Will we be the ones detained in these camp sites? And who are they going to round up? Those with guns? Those who ask questions? Those that want to know what’s really going on? Does that include any of us? The seekers of truth?

When first coming across this information I was in a state of total denial. How could this be? I believed our country was free, and always felt a sense of comfort in knowing that as long as we didn’t hurt others in observing our freedom we were left to ourselves.

Once we challenge that freedom we find out how free we really are. How many are willing to take up that challenge? Very few indeed, otherwise we wouldn’t find ourselves in the situation that we are in at the present time. We wouldn’t have let things progress and get out of the hands of the public and into the hands of those that seek to keep us under their control no matter what it takes, and that includes the use of force and detainment for those that ask the wrong questions.

Will asking questions be outlawed next? Several instances have recently been reported where those that were asking questions that came too near the untold truth were removed from the press conferences and from the public’s ear. Also, those that wanted to speak to the press were detained and either imprisoned, locked in a psychiatric hospital, murdered (through make-believe suicides) or discredited.

Why are we all in denial over these possibilities? Didn’t we hear about prison camps in Germany, and even in the United States during World War II? Japanese individuals were rounded up and placed in determent camps during the duration of the War. Where was their freedom?

You don’t think it could happen to you? Obviously those rounded up and killed didn’t think it could happen to them either. How could decent people have witnessed such atrocities and still said nothing? Are we going to do the same here as they cart off one by one those individuals who are taking a stand for the rights of the citizens as they expose the truth happening behind the scenes? Are we all going to sit there and wonder what happened to this country of ours? Where did we go wrong? How could we let it happen?


Well-Known Member


July 21, 2007 at 16:23:41
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[FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]We are dangerously close to a situation where ~ if the American people took to the streets in righteous indignation or if there were another 9/11 ~ a mechanism for martial law could be quickly implemented and carried out under REX 84 .. Do remember , the
[FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]growing threat the Cheney/Bush administration truly fears is not terrorists but, instead, the internal threat of the people demanding the truth : Allen L Roland[/FONT]

[FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]I originally wrote this weblog a year ago but it seems appropriate to bring it up to date and share it again ~ particularly in light of the new emergency powers the Cheney/Bush administration now have. ( Presidential directive # 51 ) .[/FONT] [FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]The Cheney/Bush administration have a plan which would accommodate the detention of large numbers of American citizens during times of emergency. This is a secret plan which evidently no one has seen ~ except Dick Cheney and perhaps George W Bush. [/FONT]

[FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Don't believe me, read this short dispatch today from CLG news ~ [/FONT][FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Ore. Rep. asks to see gov't plans for aftermath of terror attack, denied access[/FONT][FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif] 20 Jul 2007 Oregonians called Peter DeFazio's office, worried there was a conspiracy buried in the classified portion of a White House plan for operating the government after a terrorist attack. As a member of the U.S. House on the Homeland Security Committee, DeFazio, D-Ore., is permitted to enter a secure "bubbleroom" in the Capitol and examine classified material. So he asked the White House to see the secret documents. On Wednesday, DeFazio got his answer: DENIED. "I just can't believe they're going to deny a member of Congress the right of reviewing how they plan to conduct the government of the United States after a significant terrorist attack," DeFazio says. Homeland Security Committee staffers told his office that the White House initially approved his request, but it was later quashed. "Maybe the people who think there's a conspiracy out there are right," DeFazio said. [/FONT][FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][/FONT]

[FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]The plan is called REX 84, short for Readiness Exercise 1984. Through Rex-84 an undisclosed number of concentration camps were set in operation throughout the United States, for internment of dissidents and others potentially harmful to the state. [/FONT]
[FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]The Rex 84 Program was originally established on the reasoning that if a "mass exodus" of illegal aliens crossed the Mexican/US border, they would be quickly rounded up and detained in detention centers by FEMA. [/FONT]
[FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Existence of the Rex 84 plan was first revealed during the Iran-Contra Hearings in 1987, and subsequently reported by the Miami Herald on July 5, 1987[/FONT]
[FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]" These camps are to be operated by FEMA should martial law need to be implemented in the United States and all it would take is a presidential signature on a proclamation and the attorney general's signature on a warrant to which a list of names is attached." [/FONT]

[FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]And there you have it ~ the real purpose of FEMA is to not only protect the government but to be its principal vehicle for martial law.[/FONT]
[FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]This is why FEMA could not respond immediately to the Hurricane Katrina disaster ~ humanitarian efforts were no longer part of its job discription under the Department of Homeland Security. [/FONT]
[FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]It appears Hurricane Katrina also provided FEMA with an excuse to “dry run” its unconstitutional powers in New Orleans, rounding up “refugees” (now called “evacuees”) and “relocating” them in various camps. “Some evacuees were being treated as ‘internees’ by FEMA,” writes former NSC employee [/FONT][FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Wayne Madsen[/FONT][FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]. [/FONT]
[FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]“Reports continue to come into WMR that evacuees from New Orleans and Acadiana [the traditional twenty-two parish Cajun homeland] who have been scattered across the United States are being treated as ‘internees’ and not dislocated American citizens from a catastrophe" [/FONT]
[FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]We are dangerously close to a situation where ~ if the American people took to the streets in righteous indignation or if there were another 9/11 ~ a mechanism for martial law could be quickly implemented and carried out under REX 84.[/FONT]
[FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]See footage of the camps here: [/FONT][FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]www.fight4truth.com/concentrationcamps.htm[/FONT]
[FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Be forewarned ~ the Cheney/Bush administration will stop at nothing to preserve their power and their ongoing neocon mis-adventurein Iraq and they already have executive control over all the states National Guard troops in a national emergency. [/FONT]
[FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Governor Tom Vilsack of Iowa, called this action "the end of the Guard as a dual-function force that can respond to both state and national needs."[/FONT]
[FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]The provision was tucked into the House version of the defense bill in 2006, without notice to the states, something Vilsack said he resented as much as the proposal itself.[/FONT]
[FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Under the provision, the president has the authority to take control of the Guard in case of " a serious natural or manmade disaster, accident , catastrophe or crisis " in the United States.[/FONT]
[FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Do remember, the growing threat the Cheney/Bush administration truly fears is not terrorists ~but, instead, the people demanding the truth.[/FONT]

[/URL][FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif] [/FONT]
[FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]MINDFULLY, 2004 - There over 800 prison camps in the United States, all fully operational and ready to receive prisoners. They are all staffed and even surrounded by full-time guards, but they are all empty. These camps are to be operated by FEMA should martial law need to be implemented in the United States and all it would take is a presidential signature on a proclamation and the attorney general's signature on a warrant to which a list of names is attached. . . The Rex 84 Program was established on the reasoning that if a "mass exodus" of illegal aliens crossed the Mexican/US border, they would be quickly rounded up and detained in detention centers by FEMA. [/FONT]

[FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif] Rex 84 allowed many military bases to be closed down and to be turned into prisons.[/FONT]
[FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Operation Cable Splicer and Garden Plot are the two sub programs which will be implemented once the Rex 84 program is initiated for its proper purpose. Garden Plot is the program to control the population. Cable Splicer is the program for an orderly takeover of the state and local governments by the federal government. [/FONT]
[FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]FEMA is the executive arm of the coming police state and thus will head up all operations. The Presidential Executive Orders already listed on the Federal Register also are part of the legal framework for this operation.[/FONT]
[FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]The camps all have railroad facilities as well as roads leading to and from the detention facilities. Many also have an airport nearby. The majority of the camps can house a population of 20,000 prisoners. [/FONT]
[FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Currently, the largest of these facilities is just outside of Fairbanks, Alaska. The Alaskan facility is a massive mental health facility and can hold thousands of people.[/FONT]
[FONT=arial,helvetica,sans-serif]Freelance columnist Allen L Roland is available for comments , interviews and speaking engagements ( [SIZE=+0][email protected] ) [/SIZE][/FONT]


Well-Known Member

An Iron Fist In A Velvet Glove

TED RALL Liberal Point of View
Published: January 4, 2008
Updated: 01/03/2008 08:55 pm
What would you do if you learned that Bush Administration officials wanted to round up thousands of Americans and throw them into concentration camps?
For all we know, there is no slippery slope. It's entirely possible that extraordinary rendition, eliminating habeas corpus, and the torture camps at Guantánamo and elsewhere are exactly what the government says they are - tools for fighting terrorists, not domestic political opponents. But how likely is it?
History is clear: Over and over again, the U.S. government places fascists in powerful positions. Once in office, they exploit wars and national tragedies to roll back hard-won freedoms. They're Democrats as well as Republicans.
As has happened with increasing frequency in recent years, another blockbuster story revealing the anti-democratic impulse within the top echelon of the U.S. government has appeared and vanished overnight.
According to Cold War-era files declassified last week, FBI director J. Edgar Hoover repeatedly advised President Harry Truman to arrest "all individuals potentially dangerous" to national security, jail them in military prisons and try them before kangaroo tribunals that "will not be bound by the rules of evidence."
"For a long period of time the FBI has been accumulating the names, identities and activities of individuals found to be potentially dangerous to the internal security through investigation," Hoover wrote in a 1950 memo. "These names have been compiled in an index, which index has been kept up to date."
Capitalizing on anti-communist hysteria at the start of the Korean War, Hoover asked Truman to preemptively detain 12,000 people, 97 percent of them American citizens, in order to "protect the country against treason, espionage and sabotage."
Hoover was a lunatic. Truman ought to have fired him on the spot.
Instead, in September 1950 Congress took his advice and passed a law authorizing the detention of "dangerous radicals" if the president declared a national emergency. Truman signed it. In fact, he declared such an emergency three months later. No one knows why, but the president never actually followed through with mass arrests. Hoover's "subversives" - people suspected of left-wing political sympathies - remained free. He was wrong. There were no acts of sabotage.
It wasn't the first time the government went "crazy."
Between 1919 and 1921 the Bureau of Investigation (predecessor of the FBI) carried out the Palmer Raids, named for Alexander Palmer, Woodrow Wilson's attorney general. The BOI rounded up 10,000 lefties, anarchists and foreigners on a list compiled by a young J. Edgar Hoover, then in charge of the Justice Department's General Intelligence Division. Many were tortured. Five hundred fifty were deported.
Palmer's clampdown accomplished nothing. On Sept. 16, 1920, a bomb attributed to anarchists went off on Wall Street, killing 38 people and wounding over 400.
Crazy ... like a fox.
During the 1960s and 1970s the CIA - in violation of its charter, which limits the agency to acting overseas - cooperated with local police departments across the country to compile a list of 300,000 Americans and organizations suspected of opposing the Vietnam War.
On April 6, 1984, President Ronald Reagan signed National Security Decision Directive No. 52. Reagan targeted 400,000 people for arrest and confinement at concentration camps in mothballed Army bases. The National Security Council's "secret government within a government," as Congressional investigators later described it, planned to cancel the 1984 presidential election so Reagan could remain in office indefinitely.
"Lt. Col. Oliver North, for example, helped draw up a controversial plan to suspend the Constitution in the event of a national crisis, such as nuclear war, violent and widespread internal dissent or national opposition to a U.S. military invasion abroad," The Miami Herald reported on July 5, 1987.
People who hate The People never sleep. In 2006 Congress passed the National Defense Authorization Act, which overturns the Posse Comitatus Act of 1878, which prohibited the use of combat troops on the soil of the United States. For the first time in 128 years, the president can declare martial law in case of a hurricane, riot or terrorist attack.
In May 2007 Bush attached a National Security Presidential and Homeland Directive to the National Defense Authorization Act. In case of a "national emergency" - the president could declare it without consulting anyone - he could suspend the Constitution and appoint an unelected provisional government under a "national continuity coordinator."
To an optimist, America's brushes with fascism seem like comforting evidence that the system works. Despite it all, even taking into account grotesqueries such as the concentration camps for Japanese-Americans during World War II, the First Amendment remains in force. Few Americans feel threatened by government tyranny. Few worry about getting shot by trigger-happy soldiers or being detained in concentration camps (unless they're flood victims in New Orleans).
So why does a democracy need fascist schemes like Reagan's Rex-84 Alpha Explan (a FEMA plan to put American protesters against a planned war against Nicaragua into camps)? Because American democracy is an iron fist in a velvet glove, a glove that's becoming increasingly transparent.
Threats of repression are rarely carried out. They don't need to be.
If potential opponents are afraid, there's little need for concentration camps. The threat of repression (and actual crackdowns, explained away as exceptional excesses and brushed off with a token apology) creates a chilling effect on people who might pick up a rock instead of a sign.
A dog doesn't have to bite everyone every day to earn a fearsome reputation. Mount cameras all over the place, and you don't need to have anyone actually watching on the other side.
In a country whose legal framework authorizes the government to kidnap, torture and murder them, opponents of U.S. policy must decide whether getting out of line - anything from a letter to the editor to direct action - is worth the risk of getting kidnapped, tortured and murdered.
Ted Rall is the author of the book "Silk Road to Ruin: Is Central Asia the New Middle East?" an in-depth prose and graphic novel analysis of America's next big foreign policy challenge.


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by hanimmal
Damn man now your having conspiracy theories about me? I made a joke and your twisting it into some crazy I am making it about Obama line? And I am the one twisting words?

Here is what I had said again:

See that was a joke about Kanye saying that a black man hates black people. Nothing about you going off on Obama. Then I said:

Again a joke about the Obama crew joking around. Thinking back it would have been better to end it with "Biden quit boggarting the weed and pass me Bongzilla!" After the coffin thing of course.

It was humor! Nothing to actually defend or say you are going after Obama.

So chill out and quit taking your crazy pills.

Ignorance is Bliss Yet again!
What does any of that make me ignorant about making a joke? And btw I didn't set you up as well as I was set up. I was told that someone felt sorry for me, allowing me to say "Why because ignorance is bliss". It was a much better set-up.

But anyway you realize that you are proving my point about the news that you are swallowing? The left wing nut was saying that Bush/Cheney was going to lock americans up (it was dated 2007). And it never happened. Now the right wing nuts are using the same script but taking out Bush/Cheney and putting in Obama.

It is definanatly interesting and something we should watch what the plans are. But seriously the government would not be able to lock up our country. We are just too spread out and too in love with our guns. Plus they don't need to. Most people are sheep and would be perfectly happy to go on with their lives regardless of who was sitting in washington.

Edit: btw Al Quida doesn't have shit on us Americans. I strongly feel that we are the craziest people in the world. We were a bunch of farmers and shopkeepers when we decided to take on England who was the strongest nation in the world at the time. And we won.