I eat raw cannabis, both leaves and buds. I don't use a juicer and throw all that fiberous pulp away, though. I put the leaves and bud with my oher fruit & veggie goodies into my NutriBullet, and consume everything.
It greatly diminishes my severe systemic inflammation and puts a large dent in my pain. No high whatsoever... though more than 10-12 grams (raw, wet) will make me feel sleepy, but still not high, which is great when I want to enjoy *and* remember my lower pain day.
My perpetual grow cycle is.now back on track, and I will be able to have my cannabis raw every day instead of only on my worst days in the next few weeks, so I am looking forward to less inflammation & pain more often.
As for taste? I think it is delicious raw! And I hate veggies! I got a NutriBullet so I could swallow & keep down veggies by covering the taste with fruit. I do still make a full fruit/veggie smoothie, but with raw cannabis in there it tastes better to me. It tastes much like it smells when raw before any drying.
I also freeze it. I have a jar with buds and a large ziplock with leaves, in my freezer. This way I don't have to worry about it going bad. All my fruits & veggies for smoothies are in my freezer. Just grab what I need and blend. Like a milk shake, but very healthy.
Yesterday I put into my NutriBullet...
6g raw cannabis buds
4g raw cannabis leaves
raw spinach
raw cashews, almonds, sunflower kernels, flax seeds
raw honey (for sweetening and for inflammation)
protein powder (makes it a full meal)
Add water and blend. Yummy, and medcinal!