Juicing cannabis??!!


Active Member
Just pulled a male that popped up in my closet. Was getting ready to throw out until I thought maybe it would be good to juice? At least for nutritional content? Question is I'm using GH Flora nutes, would it be okay to juice right after pulling? Or will the nutes fuck me up?


Well-Known Member
juicing is said to have antioxidants and inflammatory properties.. if I had one I would try it.. I know the leaf itself has some fibers in it that can irritate the stomach lining in some folks.. not sure if juicing would stop this.. I assume it would..

dunno on the nute ?


Well-Known Member
There was a thing in a high times magazine where the girl had a bunch of health issues but she thought the problem was cannabinoid deficiency so she juiced a bunch of leaves for a few months and got better. They said their is a THC-A enzymes or amino acid that is destroyed when its heated but you can get it from juicing.