Juicing cannabis to help your health...


Well-Known Member
This video mentions something most folks have no clue about... that Humans have a built in THC receptor and a built in thc LIKE producer.

For example dogs (there is a larger more active community for health and medicating dogs with pot
I myself will give my chihuhuhuhahuhauhauhua (shown in the avatar) a small 7-10ml of canna oil BUT only when she is REALLY bad and itchy we have taken her to vets to test her for the skin and they have never found the answer and just do what they do to anyone they cant help toss pills at em..
anyhow dogs dont get the same reaction as we do beacuse they do not have the thc recptors etc.. however they DO get the medicinal benefit and can suffer from the effects of thc when given too much.

He mentions he saw an article in 2004 but I am pretty sure there has been research on the effects and reactions from our receptors back in the 50's-60's


Well-Known Member
so have done some more research on this Saw Matt Rice even has a video on Juicing.
From all I have seen the only portion of the plant they are using appears to be fan leaves raw mixed with a bit of coconut water?

I dont see many folks saying what regiment they are following Matts vid actually showed a small (aprox 100ml) size amount but was not sure that was done for expediting the vid or not

ok... I know the taste may be crap already (have already eaten some fan leaves raw in the past -ugh- so my theory was
using a ninja chopper adding 10 -20 fan leafs then about 1 oz vodka and with that juice reruning it thru more leaves until I can make a tincture of sorts anyone think the vodka (40%) will activate the thc (not the intent) also do you think it's possible by making several runs with an alcohol base will extract more of the beneficial stuff or less?

dank smoker420

Well-Known Member
the taste isnt the best so ive herd. its on the acidic side. so mixing it into something is much better. but i believe one ounce a day is a good amount. they have a longer video on youtube about it. its over an hour. i believe it is on netflix or hulu also. i think its called the powers of raw cannabis or something along those lines. this is a little clip from it about a girl talking about what it helped her with. but the full movie is online somewhere.