Judge dismisses all charges against Bundy's no retrial

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Posted at the Free Thought Project website. Looks like prosecutorial misconduct was the impetus.

Can't bring back the guy the FBI murdered though, Lavoy Finnicum.

Was a mistrial the right decision?
the obama administration was just NOT COOL
Posted at the Free Thought Project website. Looks like prosecutorial misconduct was the impetus.

Can't bring back the guy the FBI murdered though, Lavoy Finnicum.

Was a mistrial the right decision?
Cliven Bundy is a card carrying Klan member. He believes black people were better off as slaves. He believes public land is for the public. I do as well. I don’t believe I want him grazing his fucking cattle on our public land.
Lavoy Finnicum enjoyed his 2nd amendment rights, as do I. I don’t go reaching when I’m drawn down by federal agents.
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Cliven Bundy is a card carrying Klan member. He believes black people were better off as slaves. He believes public land is for the public. I do as well. I don’t believe I want him grazing his fucking cattle on our public land.
Lavoy Finnicum enjoyed his 2nd amendment rights, as do I. I don’t go reaching when I’m drawn down by federal agents.

well said
Cliven Bundy is a card carrying Klan member. He believes black people were better off as slaves. He believes public land is for the public. I do as well. I don’t believe I want him grazing his fucking cattle on our public land.
Lavoy Finnicum enjoyed his 2nd amendment rights, as do I. I don’t go reaching when I’m drawn down by federal agents.

If Cliven Bundy is in the KKK, that might make him an abhorrent racist, but does that mean he doesn't deserve a fair trial in other aspects of his life?

So you're okay with FBI shooting people as a way to avoid expensive trials ?

"Public land" Have you heard the term "tragedy of the commons" ?
Maybe you can let his cattle graze on your plantation?

I don't like him, so the answer is no.

Even though I don't like him, I think he has a right to control HIS land. Do you think he does?

Who owns the so called "public land" he was attempting to use? Do you and / or I own it ?
If Cliven Bundy is in the KKK, that might make him an abhorrent racist, but does that mean he doesn't deserve a fair trial in other aspects of his life?

So you're okay with FBI shooting people as a way to avoid expensive trials ?

"Public land" Have you heard the term "tragedy of the commons" ?

He’s a bigot, ok? He does deserve a fair trial. Unlike Trump, there should not be another dime spent on giving this racist a fair trial.
Not ok with people shooting people. I don’t lay an armed siege to a govt. outpost and automatically think things are peachy when it’s done.
Yes, it’s public land. It’s my land. It’s your land. It’s every Americans land. It’s not westworld out there. You can’t just have your plot of land. That is why it’s regulated.
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