Judge blocks Trump's transgender military ban


Well-Known Member
If I'm following anyone, it's by mistake. I follow no one, least of all centrists. Centrism delivered us here. Anyone to the right of me should be shipped to Mars and shoved out into the airless vacuum.
Well ok then. Please tell us your big plan for American politics so we can tell where we stand versus you. Please be specific.


Well-Known Member
Seriously, @ttystikk , what the fuck has gotten into you? In the last few weeks I have seen your credibility go from poor to rock-fucking-bottom, hitting a new low with this presstv crap. And all the while you keep telling us that you are offering "proof" and "the truth" when none of it is either of those. Can you no longer tell a fuzzy, fact-free opinion piece from actual news? Can you no longer distinguish a reputable news organization from a completely skewed bunch of holocaust denying assholes like presstv?

No tty, change isn't scary - but whatever the hell has affected you certainly is. You have become a left spectrum version of flaming pie. No shit.
Just because I don't agree with you doesn't mean everything I say has lost credibility. That's cult thinking- which come to think of it, sure describes what's happening in the politics section lately. You've succumbed to groupthink, and I thought you were smarter than that.


Well-Known Member
i've never bragged about "marrying into" my wife's family. i think she's lucky to have married into mine.
Yet another straight up lie, apartheid supporter.

So it seems to be Elitist shill for establishment Democrats, no surprise that you could give a fuck about the average Americans financial well-being. You got yours, after all...

Nice to know how much you don't care about your fellow man.


Well-Known Member
His WIFES religion.
His if he adopts it. And there's nothing wrong with that.

And thanks for the opportunity to make myself clear; I have absolutely nothing against Jewish people or the Jewish faith. The apartheid state hiding behind and using the Jewish religion as cover for war crimes and crimes against humanity is a separate issue- one that apartheid supporters like Buck would very much like to conflate. He's a big fan of human rights- but only as long as they suit his political purposes, of course.


Well-Known Member
His if he adopts it. And there's nothing wrong with that.

And thanks for the opportunity to make myself clear; I have absolutely nothing against Jewish people or the Jewish faith. The apartheid state hiding behind and using the Jewish religion as cover for war crimes and crimes against humanity is a separate issue- one that apartheid supporters like Buck would very much like to conflate. He's a big fan of human rights- but only as long as they suit his political purposes, of course.
the palestinians' official position is to kill every last jew on earth.

i would not get behind them.


Well-Known Member


Nice source as usual. If you don't trust your own government, why trust the Iranian government? Because that's who runs presstv.

If whites ran Press TV, one would have no difficulty in saying it was a neo-Nazi network. It welcomes British Holocaust-deniers such as Nicholas Kollerstrom, fascist ideologues such as Peter Rushton, the leader of the White Nationalist party – an organisation that disproves the notion that the only thing further to the right of the BNP is the wall – along with, until recently, Ken Livingstone, Labour's candidate for mayor of London, who showed no embarrassment about the company his Iranian paymasters kept.

Press TV is not just a home for those with exterminationist fantasies about wiping Israel off the map, but a platform for the full fascist conspiracy theory of supernatural Jewish power.

Who will rid us of hate channels such as Press TV?

Iran’s Press TV Claims American Jews Are “Incubating Another Hitler”

Lack of fact doesn't stop journalist claiming Alberta government sells Native children

Iranian website promotes Holocaust denial

Attack the source but not the content.

It's everywhere- except the Big 6 Approved propaganda outlets of course.


Well-Known Member
the palestinians' official position is to kill every last jew on earth.

i would not get behind them.
They'd settle for killing those who murdered their parents and ran them off their own land.

Can't really blame them.

You're an apartheid supporter and this post proves you're fine with the crimes against humanity Israel has committed.

You're a despicable human being.

Let me guess; you support the proposed (and unconstitutional) laws against the BDS against Israel movement, don't you?


Well-Known Member
They'd settle for killing those who murdered their parents and ran them off their own land.

Can't really blame them.

You're an apartheid supporter and this post proves you're fine with the crimes against humanity Israel has committed.

You're a despicable human being.

Let me guess; you support the proposed (and unconstitutional) laws against the BDS against Israel movement, don't you?
it is weird that you side with the "KILL ALL JEWS ON EARTH" people rather than the country that has jews and arabs and palestinians in every level of government and military.

but yeah, the UN is wrong and your holocaust denying blog is right. that sarin gas was fake.


Well-Known Member
it is weird that you side with the "KILL ALL JEWS ON EARTH" people rather than the country that has jews and arabs and palestinians in every level of government and military.

but yeah, the UN is wrong and your holocaust denying blog is right. that sarin gas was fake.
Sidestep the point.

Then call me a Holocaust denier.

Been reading the apartheid manual, haven't you?

You brought up the Holocaust, not me.

I wonder what the Palestinians call what's happened to them?