Well-Known Member
Yeah, it had to be some other racist pseudoscience book******citation needed*******
Yeah, it had to be some other racist pseudoscience book******citation needed*******
just accept reality. he was citing chrales murray and his racist ass pseudoscience book 'the bell curve'so nothing but bare faced assertion from you then?
i must say its pretty disappointing from someone who claims to be a jewish person with an iq of 140+
its almost as if your full of shit..
or something.
sam harris had ultra-racist charles murray on his little podcast a while back. they talked about how black people were just naturally less intelligent than whitesHmmmm...... I think Uncle Bumblefuck is back in la-la land.
4:24 hits close to home for UBF.
Again with your 7 steps of Kevin baconjust accept reality. he was citing chrales murray and his racist ass pseudoscience book 'the bell curve'
that's where the claim of higher jewish IQ comes in. the flipside is that the same book basically calls black people borderline retarded
god you're dumb.
You are a stupid person.....lolsam harris had ultra-racist charles murray on his little podcast a while back. they talked about how black people were just naturally less intelligent than whites
pseudoscience. no basis in fact whatsoever. harris tries to peddle this racism as the scientific consensus
your cult is kinda fucked up
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just accept reality. he was citing chrales murray and his racist ass pseudoscience book 'the bell curve'
that's where the claim of higher jewish IQ comes in. the flipside is that the same book basically calls black people borderline retarded
god you're dumb.
Except it is zero stepsAgain with your 7 steps of Kevin bacon
Charles Murray believes black people are naturally less intelligent than whites. Sam Harris has him on his show and claimed that was the scientific consensusYou are a stupid person.....lol
Talking about differences in people is not racist, even if those difference make over sensitive people like yourself feel bad.
It takes a professional victim complex to blow up inocuous things up like UBF does.
So far the only one behaving in a cult like manner is you. You've demonstrated an inability to accept new and compelling information based on your currently held incorrect and preconceived beliefs.
You don't even make sense....
"JP uses words and so do Nazis therefore he is a nazi." - you
At best that is how stupid you sound to literally everyone who has read this thread.
go on then show those steps...Except it is zero steps
Deal with reality
You’re angry and unhinged and not even attempting to rebut the facts I am calmly stating about ultra-racist Charles Murray and his racist pseudoscienceClearly spoken by someone who has done no research of their own and has only regurgitated other peoples opinions.
It must be easy to be you, Buck.... You've never had an original thought in your life. You just vomit up whatever hyperbolic-ultra left wing garbage you copy/paste from huff post.
Peterson’s claim that Jews are more intelligent is taken directly from Charles Murray’s racist pseudosciencego on then show those steps...
ive never seen peterson cite murray....
no its not he cited gregory cochrans paper Natural History of Ashkenazi IntelligencePeterson’s claim that Jews are more intelligent is taken directly from Charles Murray’s racist pseudoscience
Cochran?no its not he cited gregory cochrans paper Natural History of Ashkenazi Intelligence
thats one step and no sign of murray
i dunno its definatley cochran the guy who isnt murray....Cochran?
The guy who says homosexuality is caused by a pathogen?
Do you think homosexuality is caused by a pathogen?i dunno its definatley cochran the guy who isnt murray....
you said directly cited no steps jordan peterson cited murray
put up or shut the fuck up with your lies
buck-- peterson is a nazi facist jew haterDo you think homosexuality is caused by a pathogen?
So is homosexuality caused by a pathogen?buck-- peterson is a nazi facist jew hater
peterson -- jews are slightly on average above inteligence, thats good for people
buck -- a ha!! you all must think homosexuality is cause by a pathogen....
keep it up buck everyone here can see what your doing
have you convinced a single person in this thread that your right?
or just showed yourself up as a caricture of excatly the sort of person peterson is talking about??
oh and i dont mean the jews with that as you are not jewish
Enjoy your indoctrination into racist pseudoscienceI'd never heard of Charles Murray, now I'm listening to a 2 hour long podcast between him and Sam Harris that's incredibly interesting.
Thanks, Buck!
No indoctrination required. Just careful examination of peer-reviewed science.Enjoy your indoctrination into racist pseudoscience