
mr j2

Well-Known Member
So last night I rolled this little joint. Took a bunch of papers and I used ez widers because I didn't want to waste any good papers and damn that was a mistake, I forgot how much they suck. It was about 5 g's of some decent stuff and only me and two other people smoked it. Kinda a waste of weed but we were pumped on making a huge joint. Well here it is :mrgreen:


mr j2

Well-Known Member
It sucked though, the f*cker was boating for awhile but I finally got it fixed. I rolled a 2.5 g one the other day that smoked way nicer..probably because it wasn't with e-z widers


Well-Known Member
That seems to happen to alot of the things I roll, ( if its over 3 or 4 grams). But I find when I smoke by myself, I have NEVER had a runner. I think my friends do it to fuck with me.


Well-Known Member
Call them spliffs guys......Joint- Came from rolling smokes in prison with tissue papper....Joint=prison get how it came about....So unless you smoke Dirty Harry smokes then you aint smokin joints.....bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
1. Zig Zag orange label.
2. hell yes, filters make the joint. i use quintessential organic hemp filters.
3. let em gather and ill roll a blunt out of them.
4. I love smoking cigarellos more than anything. Joints are a second.
5. Maybe if i wanted to smoke hash in a joint, yeah. I smoke cigarettes so its not too radical of an idea to me.
6. Joints and blunts are the most efficient and most stoning ways to smoke.

heres the spliff im lighting up as i type!



Well-Known Member
no. It keeps bud from getting out of your mouth and more importantly allows you to smoke the joint comfortably down to the last bit of bud without airflow restriction due to pinching of the roach, etc.

its really convienent.


Well-Known Member
hell no.

hand roll

dude, theres nothing like a perfectly formed, loved, hand-rolled joint complete with a filter.

all you do it put it in there and roll the joint normal, forming the joint at the end where the filter is the size of said filter. Just twist it up.


Well-Known Member
I agree with the hand rolling, not sure about the filter though. Never tried it with a filter. What is the purpose, just to not get any slight "spillage"?


Well-Known Member
I agree with the hand rolling, not sure about the filter though. Never tried it with a filter. What is the purpose, just to not get any slight "spillage"?
like i said, it keeps the joint hitting till the end and allows the air not to be restricted. Therefore, a harder hitting and more satisfying joint.



Well-Known Member
well my joint rolling isnt consistent. its sad i can unwrap the leaf off a dutchmaster, break down the cigar and wrap the leaf back flawlessly.

but for some reason, i CAN NOT roll a perfect joint most the time, let alone all the time!

im trying to move away from blunts, but until i perfect my joint rolling skills, it just seems like im wasting papers and weed. i can only roll certain brand of papers at that (or maybe its in my mind)!!!

i figured the machine rollers would be a good fix!


Well-Known Member
start with the taco roll...

back to the filter... I am satisfied with my joint as long as its a decent roll (hitable) and I get that sweet sweet flavor. I don't need it hitting like a sherlock bubbler. I guess I'm sticking to my zigzig whites.