Joints. How to protect when on the go?


Well-Known Member
i called myself a hoity toity not anyone else, as part of a joke.

than i went on to explain that i never have seen a cigarette case be apart of something like that as most of the people i knew to own them bought bagged cigarettes. which are the cheapest canadian form of cigarettes
I know you called yourself that. That was my point. I didn't catch on that you were joking though. My bad and I apologise.

They are the cheapest form of cigarettes here too. Cases however are not that popular in general society. In-fact they are quite rare. Maybe the socioeconomic status is a tad higher in Canada than it is here. This is after all, Straya mate :bigjoint:


King Tut
Didn't you know
I am hoity toity

I've never looked at it that way people who buy bag smokes often buy them
I usually buy the can of Tops, sit down for an hour every couple days and pre-roll a bunch. I can hold about 12 smokes in my thin little case.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 3536645
I've been using a blk one of these for years. convenient lanyard and o-ring inner seal lid to keep smell and waterproof. discovered these at the indian reservation gas station, (everyone goes there for cheap fuel). these cases r about the size of a ciggy pk. but streamline and thinner. 6.95
Just ordered two. Nice little gift for guy who got me started. He likes to show up at events with a bunch rolled up.


Well-Known Member
I would think those cases are more for girls than anything... Like you throw them in your purse with all your receipts, old phones, hair straighteners, and mail


Well-Known Member
I just put them in my pocket.,never really had a problem with them breaking and if it does I'll just reroll it since I always have papers in my wallet


Well-Known Member
Smoke the joints before you go and just bring bud and papers.
If you can't roll one somewhere then you probably can't smoke it there either.


Well-Known Member
if you wrap a cig tightly in the cellophane from the pack you can actually tie the cig in a not and it wont break.
Whatever that means


Well-Known Member
I watched a dude shit out two packs of smokes when I was in jail. No biggie!
My uncle, who is in prison for being the fall guy for the cartel. He used to request 40 cigs, no filter. Duct tape and Vaseline. He would be on the road crew. We'd drop it the morning before. He has a heads up on where they would be. Nothing wrong with sticking stuff up your butt. Hey @6ohMax You never tried it? Don't know what you're missing. Na, you've done it. Stupid question.


Well-Known Member
I'd publicly release my ultra genius method of hiding up to 16 grams of bud on your person that in no way involves stuffing it into any orifice on your body.
But then it won't be a secret anymore.
Then I'd get arrested and cop would be all telling the judge that he tried to Monkey Grinder his bud.

But to protect your joints?
A cig pack works. Or a cig case.


Well-Known Member
personally i like the stability pf blunts if im out and about.

but they do have manly cig cases, not those flat metal ones but the shape of a pack woth flip top etc just with a design and usually plastic.
holds the same ~20 joints. i like em