Jointed's Journey


Well-Known Member
Well I've been here since 08 and have mostly just used this site to browse and learn. I finally got off my arse and got my card so I don't have that nagging worry about growing illegally. Actually because of my wifes incessant nagging. Thanks honey!! So anyway I started a journal in my profile page area, but I think most members like it in a thread format so thats what I'm doin. I don't have any rules really, just lets leave the drama at the door ok. If you want to see what I've been up to just go to my other journal to catch up. I'll do a little rehash here, but not gonna go crazy with it. So belly up if ya want to and lets get this sucker goin :-P....Jointed


Well-Known Member

Fast forward a bit. I added that stanley fan, boy let me tell ya that sucker can blow some air around lol I know someones gonna call me out on it if I don't explain. I got the ww x bb mixed up with the chocolate heaven, they now have the correct Id tags. Also the fuschia and the geranium are no longer in the coop, They are now upstairs makin it feel a little more like spring :-P Besides I needed the room lol


Well-Known Member
I know right!! Had to get that sucker out of my coop because I got maters, cucumbers, basil and cilantro coming and those girls are starting to require more space. Thanks for joining me.


Well-Known Member
You've got a nice little space going there...are you planning to flower with CFL's? No topping or training?


Well-Known Member
These are just my mommies :-P I have a big chicken coop out back that has a wooden floor, electricity, and is insulated also lockable. I have a 400 CMH that I will be flowering with, just have to wait until the nighttime temps start hangin in the high 40's. Being that I'm in Mich it will most likely be in april or may. I also have plans to go outdoors too, but am keepin that on the d/l for obvious reasons. I'll be giving a couple of those girls a haircut soon, as 1 of them is already into the light. Damn, I got 2 months to go, oohhh shit I'm in trouble these girls along with the veggies are gonna bust right outta my coop lol....J


Well-Known Member
You've got a nice little space going there...are you planning to flower with CFL's? No topping or training?
To be more specific on the topping and training, I'm just going to use UB's method and top at the 2nd true node to start. I also like to veg plants up to about 2' and then count up 8 nodes and wack her head off, then I tie each branch down to the edge of the pot. It takes a big pot to do this and damn the plants go nuts!! All the hormones in the growing top are now directed to the 8 branches you have left. Not recommended for small areas though as plants that are done like this can get huge if given 2 - 4 weeks more veg time after the beheading. Can you tell I like big plants yet lol I can't wait to get out to the old chicken coop and give it a go in there. That sucker is approx 10' x 12' x 7' to the open rafters. I can grow some monsters in there!! Any more ? just shoot....J


Well-Known Member
i cant wait to see them get big. i want a big grow area. but i have 1 room with closet to grow into. i can fit 1 4x8x8 tent and then 1 5x5x8 while using closet as veg room. but that is a ways away i have to grow into them.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for stopping by DC. It does take a while to get things going, sometimes I wish I could just snap my fingers and be where I want to be, but then I would miss the journey that got me there. Keep doin what your doin and those tents will be full before you know it. Take care and swing by once in a while....J


Well-Known Member
i agree it the journey will be worth it. ive done the outdoors now its time to get indoors down. im learning air injection soil. and if i can get 2-3 oz out of 4 plants ill be happy this time. that will last me and ill have clones to work with which will save a ton of time. i could even loose 2 of the 4 plants to being male. who knows i could get lucky also.Ny lights are at 16 on 8 off now in my flower room. so i have 2 weeks to get a clone or 2 from each plant. then i get to test my cloner woot woot.


Well-Known Member
Dc you may not believe this ,but you can take clones all the way up until you harvest your girls. So its never too late if you forget. They just take longer to root is all. You should see the monster clone I just took of my 70's plant, as a matter fact I'll take a pic of it so you can see it. Gonna go take some pics....later bro....J


Well-Known Member
okay cool then ill let them sex take a bottom branch and know its female i have rooting compound and an air/hydro cloner i made ill load it up with b vitamins in water to help the roots even more.


Well-Known Member

Heres the pic of the clone I promised. I figured I might as well take some other pics as well. The fan was a good score, it was free and works like a charm. AllI had to do was clean it up a bit and oil the bearings. It should do a good job of keeping the flower room cool I love free lol :hump:....Later folks....J


Well-Known Member
vn i like your room also. i changed my mind jsut gonna run my 2 largest plants to flower not even gonna compete in the 16 oz 4th annual contest. ill post pic later. i figure i can get more yield with the 2 being under all the lights then having 4 and rotating them each day.