yeah cuz they might check EVERY DVD COMING TO AMERICA...... haha dumb ass....

Also, as if our government hasn't placed orders under false names and identities to probably every fucking seed site in the world that says "world-wide-delivery." So I'm pretty sure they knew about DVD's or any other way they might come. they probably have a catalog somewhere that show's how each place packages thier orders and how much business they do.
The only problem (or Greatest part, depending on how you look at this) is we don't have the money to implement any program that could potentially stop this "epidemic." LOL. So while they probably know everything there is to know about the situation, they completely lack any ability to actually deal with it. Typical beaurocracy, especially the state that ours is in now. Our civilization is going to babylon by bus, and we're in the desert fighting a war over oil. Just like every other war in the last century. We owe the Chinese too much money for the government to worry about seizing any more 'contraband seeds' than is absolutely necessary to maintain the front that they're hard at work fighting the WAR ON DRUGS. Fuckin' gimme a break. Also, I love what you did with the