Joining the military is an act of cowardice, ignorance, or greed

typical ancap bs.

blame gov't for everything, turn around and support private concentrations of power.

criticize military because it costs money with little to no regard for the actual victims of occupation

the fact is, the military is the only avenue for socioeconomic mobility for many who are extremely susceptible to indoctrination. if you don't believe people can have a change of heart, what is the point of activism?

besides, this guy isn't really much different from alex jones
the fact is, the military is the only avenue for socioeconomic mobility for many who are extremely susceptible to indoctrination. if you don't believe people can have a change of heart, what is the point of activism?

Kokesh was a US marine who fought in Fallujah, I would think he'd understand this point more than most people, indeed, the video in the OP is essentially, exactly that

"Support private concentrations of power" - could you expand on that?
He was a pogue, a fobbit. He didn't fight. I fought in fallujah in 2004 before the marines went in and lost 99 people in one day. I also left ivaw because of all the extreme right wing bullshit and blow hard pogues trying to get attention.

These oathkeepers and pawlbots and ancaps in ivaw are funded by right wing libertarian groups and work as a catch for lost blowhards to get them pushing right wing ideology.

Watch his show. He's basically mini Alex Jones.
He was a pogue, a fobbit. He didn't fight. I fought in fallujah in 2004 before the marines went in and lost 99 people in one day. I also left ivaw because of all the extreme right wing bullshit and blow hard pogues trying to get attention.

These oathkeepers and pawlbots and ancaps in ivaw are funded by right wing libertarian groups and work as a catch for lost blowhards to get them pushing right wing ideology.

Watch his show. He's basically mini Alex Jones.
I haven't seen his show, I'll take a look, but aren't his anti-war approach to politics as well as his open drug use diametrically opposed to right wing ideology?
I haven't seen his show, I'll take a look, but aren't his anti-war approach to politics as well as his open drug use diametrically opposed to right wing ideology?
No, right wing is more about anti-egalitarianism.

Dude makes pretty legitimate points, what makes you say that?

That's not why 99% sign up. Oh I know there are ones that sign up for Medical Education, that think they won't be in the shit, but, they are there for battle wounds. Darn, gotta go to battle.

He went, saw the horror of the modern enemy because he signed up, not drafted in. Then he acts like a punk on youtube. This is nothing new. Pad, you hope this modern enemy does not require the draft.
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I liked Adam Kokesh 8 years ago, this guy is like a caricature of that guy. I think the politics have contaminated him.
Its adorable when you get people who never served, telling the people who did serve what it means to serve.

In fact, you say you are Marine. Yet, you claim the US Marine Corp was before the USA.

But, Congress created the Marines Corp, after the Continental Marines were disbanded.
Weird, huh, sir? You being the LT, and all, I mean, sir.

In February 1776, the Continental Marines embarked on their maiden expedition.[2] The Continental Marines were disbanded at the end of the war, along with the Continental Navy.[3] In preparation for the Quasi-War with France, Congress created the United States Navy and the Marine Corps. The Marines' most famous action of this period occurred in the First Barbary War (1801–1805)
I have to admit I was offended by this thread's title. Having served I can safely say that 99% of everyone I worked with and knew in the military volunteered fully knowing that they were joining something that was very dangerous.

That my friend in itself takes bravery. And anyone on here that has served knows I'm speaking the truth.
I'm surprised UncleBuck has chimed in yet about his ASVAB score. He seems to be very proud of something he never used.