Picture 1- Klip dagga seedling
Picture 2- A view of all my plants
Picture 3-T[FONT=lucida grande, tahoma, verdana, arial, sans-serif]richocereus Bridgesii seedling (6 months old... I think) given to me by a friend although it has that brown color possibly due to coldness or over watering... only got it about 4 days ago and it was like that.
Picture 4- A view of one of the plant trays with the addition of Ginger and some Morning glory seeds which have germinated but have not popped out yet.
Picture 5- My pea plants with one of them being droopy after transplant but it has now perked up.
I have just over 100 morning glory seeds w/about 40 Ipomea heavenly blue and 2 other strains.
I have also just ordered 50 T[/FONT]richocereus Bridgesii seeds which should arrive in about 2-3 days and will go all well as I have never grown cacti before.
I'm going to add a couple 100 cacti seeds into some compost in April and will carry on to do so every month.
The klip dagga seedlings should pick up on pace once the sun decides to pop out everyday and shine upon them, they had a full day in direct sunlight yesterday and to be honest I think it did put on some growth to them compared to before when they were just sitting there with artificial lighting.
Oh and two carrot plants should pop out real soon along with a potato plant probably in about a week or so.
I will transplant them outdoors in April but for now I'm going to re pot them into their final pots.
I thought that there was not much point in doing an update as there wasn't much growth put on but hopefully this should not be the case in April and I have sold one of my salvia cuttings so i am now left with one which is now in soil and is growing roots pretty fast although the roots need to be well established before I see any actual plant growth.
I almost got an artist's grant from my state and was going to use red and white Morning Glorys to form a giant vagina. It would have pissed them off, but it would have been beautiful
Just to get the legal bits and bobs out of the way:
-All the plants I am currently growing are legal in the UK
-Fuck the poppies I can't be asked mainly because they grow into massive plants
-I am from the UK so do not know if any of the above are legal in any other country other than the UK
I have ordered a san pedro cactus cutting along with the cactus seeds; they will arrive tomorrow and I will upload some pics when they do.
Just ordered 200 Mimosa Pudica seeds AKA sensitive plant which folds up the leaves when touched and unfolds after a few minutes... I won't be growing all of the seeds but probably will grow about 20 of them.
Pic 1- Morning glory ipomea heavenly blue
Pic 2- Mimosa Pudica seeds
Pic 3- Almost all my plants
Pic 4- San pedro catus cutting
Pic 5- The base the cactus cutting
Pic 6- The plants I still need to re-pot.
Pic 7- Cactus seeds planted 3 days ago... about 2 weeks left until they germinate
Pic 8- Mycelium from a *legit* spawn bought with a grow kit.
If you know your plants, the pictures speak for themselves but:
Pic 1 - Two thirds of my plants
Pic 2 - Rooting salvia divinorum sections
Pic 3 - Morning glory ipomea blue
Pic 4 - Klip dagga getting bigger
Pic 5 - Morning glory popping out along with a few others
@fridayfishfry They look amazing and really healthy, I'm going to have to take some pictures of my cacti seedlings soon and upload them on to here for you to see... most people interested in the weed and not legit so I hardly get any replies on this