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John Lilly on Ketamine and dissociatives:
Pyschonaut John Lilly constructed this ketamine dose-to-response curve and wrote of his experiences (speaking in the third person): “Later John was to find that there was a small residual effect that lasted several hours. The falling curve did not go completely to zero. The overvaluation trap would be found much later to be caused by this small residual effect unnoticed in the first set of experiments.”
Copyright 1988, 1997 by John Lilly. From The Scientist: A Metaphysical Autobiography, John Lilly, MD, by permission of Ronin Publishing, Berkeley, CA

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You guys should seriously go to that link. It is a long interview with a ketamine chemist and all the ketamine analogues he made and how he did a shit load and went bat shit nuts lol.

Also, I seriously think dissociative tolerance never goes down and I swear it has something to do with what John Lilly said about experiences never actually returning to baseline, I could see since Ive done dissociatives so much why all of a sudden the tolerance sky rocketed and blew up. I guess it has a cumulative effect.. Dissociatives cause serious tolerance problems.
im definetly about to read up on this. thanks Hadd.
That shits shockingly interesting.. Let me just put a quote out there for ya guys...
3-MeO-PCP and 3-MeO-PCE are simply incredible drugs. They have a true capacity for healing, as the 3-methoxy group infers µ-opioid receptor affinity3 and removes the manic pressure of thought that can make PCP quite a disturbing and unpleasant drug. With the 3-methoxys there is such incredible laughter and boundless sexual energy. 3-MeO-PCP produces an inner stillness as if all the leaky naggings of the subconscious are completely muted. At 15 mg I felt 3-MeO-PCP was possibly the most amazing drug I had ever consumed, and 3-MeO-PCE seemed to have the full capacity to be the next LSD. It’s a barrel of laughs, with none of the shambolic lurching of ketamine. I felt as if I was Peter Sellers as Inspector Clouseau in a world of desperately struggling Charlie Chaplins. I laughed until I had tears rolling down to my thighs! The arylcyclohexylamines have a tremendous therapeutic potential, but they have a great abuse potential as well.
I fucking need some 3meopcp or pce. Seriously. the 4 kind isnt as potent and is SHIT. 3meo is where it's at. It literally makes experienced dissociative users with huge tolerances go nuts and lose their mind. This shit is so potent, its as potent as PCP which is ridiculously potent. I can see why I cant find it ANYWHERE. They seriously dont want people going nuts and dying. Apparently the guy that made it even went bat shit nuts on it. Apparently it lends to manic behavior and compulsive redosing. It's supposedly so hardcore, it can leave the highest of dissociative users in a catatonic state. SOUNDS LIKE WHAT IM LOOKING FOR. I will seriously pay hundreds for a gram or a half a gram idc. lol
In Singapore, ketamine dealers face 15 strokes of a brine-soaked rattan cane to the bare buttocks… probably in addition to execution. Risky business. When you were working with these things you had a psychotic episode of some sort—what exactly happened?
I felt it was my responsibility to test these chemicals for toxicity in a large variety of doses. It is simply not ethical to give untested drugs to other people—it’s the equivalent of throwing an unknown substance into phase IV clinical trials. I was acutely aware these arylcyclohexylamines had the potential to become extremely popular drugs. For a period I was also using methoxetamine daily to treat my phantom-limb pain, and that had clouded my judgment. Lastly, I was in a difficult place because my beloved cat, Nesbitt, a pet I had all of my adult life, had just died. He was 22 years old and I knew it was coming but it really affected me badly. I was indulging in a lot of self-destructive behaviors without actually realizing it, so I tested a 50-mg intramuscular dose of 3-MeO-PCP, and, well, I ended up in what I have been told was a catatonic state.

The death of a beloved pet is always very difficult.
My partner came home and found me, or at least my mind, somewhere past Alpha Centauri. The first thing I remember is riding in an ambulance, being asked all sorts of questions by paramedics about what it was and how much I’d taken. In their opinion I was a fruit loop. As I later found out, they also thought I’d tried to commit suicide after finding some printed pages full of vitriolic rants in a drawer next to my computer. It took bloody ages for them to believe that the rants were written years ago as a form of therapy where you put down your feelings in writing in order to exorcise said feelings. It was three weeks before I convinced them I was not a suicidal maniac, but rather that I was a pharmacologist investigating the structure-activity relationship of 3-methoxylated arylcyclohexylamines… That was one they’d never heard before.

So why did they section you for three full weeks?
At first I was a bit, well, not quite totally with it because of the side effects of the drugs. Also I think they looked at the medical reports and saw PCP and thought, “Oh my God!” But during medication time they started to notice I was not behaving like the rest of the patients and eventually came to the conclusion that maybe there wasn’t that much wrong with me. I did feel a bit like Randle McMurphy. Let me tell you that if you ever think you’re going insane, try a fortnight in a secure psychiatric ward! I encountered real crazies there, which in comparison with, I’m just a tad eccentric.
Fucking intense. Please let me get some.. 50mg causing a severe mental break that severe? holy shit. And he has a helluva dissociative tolerance.. I gotta be careful if I experiment..
definetly. that sounds like a little much for me at this point. ive just dived into my dissacoiative experiences and K seems to do it quite well for me. maybe in time though, you never know.
That is Hammilton from Vice magazine who did the interview. He did another interview recently with Krystle Cole, the Krystle Cole who was intimately involved with Gordon Todd Skinner who was producing LSD with Leonard Pickard.

I am interested in the 3-MeO's as well. PCE seems particularly interesting. But I haven't even had a chance to try methoxetamine so I still have lots on my to do list.
yea. your right. being close to that big of a source had to be awesome. she may have been a cool chick at one time but it seems to me like that time has came and gone. u know what they say, snitches get stiches. if thats the case then shes should look like Leatheface.