John Tory says it's time for another round of pot shop crackdowns


Well-Known Member
Toronto mayor John Tory says he'd like to see further police crackdowns on the growing number of marijuana dispensaries sprouting up around the city.

The last round of raids were conducted in March, when Toronto Police searched stores owned by cannabis activists Marc and Jodie Emery. They were among five people arrested as part of what police called Project Gator.

In May 2016, Toronto Police conducted a much larger operation, raiding 43 storefronts and arresting more than 90 people in the process.

Tory acknowledged in an appearance on Metro Morning on Thursday that those crackdowns have "not really" worked in curbing the fast-growing industry.

Despite the past raids and the looming threat of more police operations, the city estimates that around 60 cannabis dispensaries are still open in Toronto.

Still, Tory said that targeting the city's most disruptive pot shops is worthwhile.

"I just don't think these are meant to be in every neighbourhood, in every retail strip," he said. "I don't think people want them and they're against the law."

Tory explained that they've caused problems in areas with children and families. He's also heard stories of people being harassed by would-be cannabis customers while trying to take money out of ATMs.

Though it would be improper for him to direct police Chief Mark Saunders to crack down, he said, he would still like to see more action from police.

"They have taken action before and I hope they will again because I think we're in an upward trend," said Tory.

Decriminalizing possession

On Monday, Toronto's board of health voted to support a recommendation by chief medical officer Dr. Eileen de Villa calling on the federal government to immediately decriminalize recreational marijuana possession.

Tory did not expressly state if he supports that recommendation, though he did say that he's "always felt that possession of small amounts wasn't something that was worthy of a criminal record."

"That has nothing to do with this, it's a separate issue," Tory went on. "My priority is to say 'look, I want these shops dealt with.'"
Well they are taking money out of the pockets of less blatant producers/sellers. They'll tell you it's all about helping the diseased access medicine. That might make sense for the first 3 or 4 storefronts but when it gets to be scores of them it becomes a little doubtful that the last 20 were really necessary. Either everybody gets to sell weed in a store, with no special permit, or nobody does. Does that sound unreasonable? Or are the Emery's and others who are doing it special and deserving to have different laws than everybody else?
I think this kind of statement translates into
"I'm tired of being mayor so here's proof showing how out of touch I am, please stop voting for me!"

Only a complete idiot would continue to waste resources on an unstoppable train.
Yes and I think I should be allowed to sell Valium in a storefront, no special permit. It's perfectly safe when used as directed.
Yes and I think I should be allowed to sell Valium in a storefront, no special permit. It's perfectly safe when used as directed.
you sound really familiar and way to out of touch to discuss anything when it comes to the real world of MMJ.

LP's don't stand a chance in hell if they think they will be the only ones...(:

They DONT HAvE A PLACE....oh how they forget.. lol

sell valium with out a license... lol what an ultra maroon. :wink:

Valium kills people dude are a dude right?!?!:?
Does that sound unreasonable?
Not at all. What's stopping you, me or Grandma from opening a store front to join the others? Your argument is they are taking money from the black market? The bm standard is $5 - $6 /g and the dispensaries are $9 - $15 /g....the bm is doing just fine.
Yes and I think I should be allowed to sell Valium in a storefront, no special permit. It's perfectly safe when used as directed.
So selling Valium is the same as selling cannabis now? You sound like Stephen Harper..... Cannabis will be legal for recreational use in 12 months, I haven't heard a date for recreational Valium. Cannabis is currently legal for medicinal use including the right to produce your own. I haven't seen HC's regs on setting up a basement Valium manufacturing lab yet, either. I'm sure when that happens, there will be folks opening up Valium shops.
Not at all. What's stopping you, me or Grandma from opening a store front to join the others? Your argument is they are taking money from the black market? The bm standard is $5 - $6 /g and the dispensaries are $9 - $15 /g....the bm is doing just fine.

So selling Valium is the same as selling cannabis now? You sound like Stephen Harper..... Cannabis will be legal for recreational use in 12 months, I haven't heard a date for recreational Valium. Cannabis is currently legal for medicinal use including the right to produce your own. I haven't seen HC's regs on setting up a basement Valium manufacturing lab yet, either. I'm sure when that happens, there will be folks opening up Valium shops.
No, rec will not be legal in a year, it's a pipe dream, literally. Bills have to be passed through the Senate, which is 38% Conservatives and only 18% Liberals. Or maybe it was actually 38 and 18 people, I don't remember, but point is that the Libs are outnumbered by the Cons. The rest are "independents". Independents didn't make any crazy election promises so they have no motive to go along with Trudeau's. The Libs and NDP can vote a majority of yes in all 3 hearings of the bill and it can still not pass if the Senate votes it down. It's possible that they could support it but I would be very surprised. The Cons don't need to get many indies on board to derail Trudeau's little scheme.
No, rec will not be legal in a year, it's a pipe dream, literally. Bills have to be passed through the Senate, which is 38% Conservatives and only 18% Liberals. Or maybe it was actually 38 and 18 people, I don't remember, but point is that the Libs are outnumbered by the Cons. The rest are "independents". Independents didn't make any crazy election promises so they have no motive to go along with Trudeau's. The Libs and NDP can vote a majority of yes in all 3 hearings of the bill and it can still not pass if the Senate votes it down. It's possible that they could support it but I would be very surprised. The Cons don't need to get many indies on board to derail Trudeau's little scheme.

Did you forgot that a good portion of the 35 independent were once Liberals that Trudeau made independent to make the senate appear more "non-partisan". They are still Liberal and will vote with the Liberals, I would be absolutely shocked if they did not. As much as I dislike Harper this is what he said about the situation "I gather the change announced by the leader today is that unelected Liberal senators will become unelected senators who happen to be Liberal,", and he is not incorrect at all.
Well they are taking money out of the pockets of less blatant producers/sellers. They'll tell you it's all about helping the diseased access medicine. That might make sense for the first 3 or 4 storefronts but when it gets to be scores of them it becomes a little doubtful that the last 20 were really necessary. Either everybody gets to sell weed in a store, with no special permit, or nobody does. Does that sound unreasonable? Or are the Emery's and others who are doing it special and deserving to have different laws than everybody else?
sounds great to me.
..we'll likely keep being disobedient until this comes to fruition (and so we should)
sounds great to me.
..we'll likely keep being disobedient until this comes to fruition (and so we should)
You do realize that weed would then be about $20 a lb don't you? Is that really the kind of world you want to live in? Everybody would get sick of it and then nothing would be cool anymore. That was the last cool thing we had.
No, rec will not be legal in a year, it's a pipe dream, literally. Bills have to be passed through the Senate, which is 38% Conservatives and only 18% Liberals. Or maybe it was actually 38 and 18 people, I don't remember, but point is that the Libs are outnumbered by the Cons. The rest are "independents". Independents didn't make any crazy election promises so they have no motive to go along with Trudeau's. The Libs and NDP can vote a majority of yes in all 3 hearings of the bill and it can still not pass if the Senate votes it down. It's possible that they could support it but I would be very surprised. The Cons don't need to get many indies on board to derail Trudeau's little scheme.
As of 27 April 2017, there are 99 sitting senators and 6 vacancies. Of the sitting senators, 39 senators are members of the Senate Conservative Caucus, which is affiliated with the Conservative Party, 34 are members of the Independent Senators Group, 18 "Independent Liberals" (Senate Liberal Caucus), and 8 are unaffiliated.
The 'independent senators' will vote with the Liberals. The best the CONs could do is 47 (39 CONs +8 'unaffiliated') versus the Liberals 52.
All that aside, weed will be legal by July 1, 2018. It might not be the kind of 'legal' we want and it will evolve over time, but prohibition ends in a year. The train has left the station and it can't be stopped.
You do realize that weed would then be about $20 a lb don't you? Is that really the kind of world you want to live in? Everybody would get sick of it and then nothing would be cool anymore. That was the last cool thing we had.
That is exactly the kind of world I want to live in. I really don't think everyone would "get sick of it" if they are buying $20 ilbs.The only people opposed to $20 a lb. for weed are the sellers...worried about losing your livelihood are we?
sounds like john tory is on crack....
I am happy to say I helped bring down john tory's bid to become a federal politician...after he ran in our riding that has been conservative for like 80 plus years at that time
He lost in a "sure thing" riding...after laurie scott retired to let him run.....funny thing is she came out of retirement right before the next election...
which frankly should not have been allowed...the whole debacle cost the local taxpayers 150,000 bucks....
so thanks john tory...and so he settled into the only other public office race...he could... toronto mayor's race....tell me this dude don't have aspirations to be a politician