John Maynard Potemkin


Well-Known Member
That's been the foundation of Liberal debate tactics for decades. Ignore rational thinking and facts, impune and malign any and all opponents to their agenda. Laughably claim the high ground and get away with it because the MSM is populated with like minded folk. It is fun though, I'll give you that. And with progressive legislation and ideology collapsing all around us, there's really nothing for you to lose, is there?
Really?,,,I think your Ideology has collapsed around your way of thinking,,,do you see or feel anything?,,,If not you will,,,and your so called "conservative",,,value's will be "highlighted",,,for what they are "Bullshit"....


New Member
That's been the foundation of Liberal debate tactics for decades. Ignore rational thinking and facts, impune and malign any and all opponents to their agenda. Laughably claim the high ground and get away with it because the MSM is populated with like minded folk. It is fun though, I'll give you that. And with progressive legislation and ideology collapsing all around us, there's really nothing for you to lose, is there?
Jared Loughner is that You?

Did they force you to take your meds yet?


New Member
I think Parker and Muyloco are the Same person

Anyone want to Put all their posts in spell check and see which words they Misspell the same?

On CNN I caught a Professional Sock Puppet who was running 50+ accounts
he couldnt spell


Well-Known Member
Wow, I got the holy trinity of replies from that last post. Peach, UB and Duke... Garsh, I'm honored.

In response, I have stated I know there's no way the social programs are going anywhere soon, so that one is a bit tired. But, on a happy note I don't think they are going to be expanding in that direction for a while. I wasn't really picking, I was just playing along, can't I join in any reindeer games?

I guess we'll have to wait and see which "ideals" are going to be embraced about this time next year. Should be an interesting ride, that's for sure.

Duck, good luck finding me misspelling anything. I always have two windows open on my browser when I'm posting, if I'm not 100% sure on any word I always double-check it. I do quite a bit of writing in my spare time and while I'm no UndertheIce, I fancy myself a bit of a wordsmith. And yes, I did take my medication today. I'm on my sixth 10mg percocet and I'm feeling just fine.

Charlie Ventura

Active Member
Wow, I got the holy trinity of replies from that last post. Peach, UB and Duke... Garsh, I'm honored.

In response, I have stated I know there's no way the social programs are going anywhere soon, so that one is a bit tired. But, on a happy note I don't think they are going to be expanding in that direction for a while. I wasn't really picking, I was just playing along, can't I join in any reindeer games?

I guess we'll have to wait and see which "ideals" are going to be embraced about this time next year. Should be an interesting ride, that's for sure.

Duck, good luck finding me misspelling anything. I always have two windows open on my browser when I'm posting, if I'm not 100% sure on any word I always double-check it. I do quite a bit of writing in my spare time and while I'm no UndertheIce, I fancy myself a bit of a wordsmith. And yes, I did take my medication today. I'm on my sixth 10mg percocet and I'm feeling just fine.

Yeppers, I fancied myself to be a wordsmith also ... until I started reading undertheice. :)

Charlie Ventura

Active Member
i believe that i have torn to shreds your claim that most of america is with you in your quest to abolish SS, medicare, and the rest of the social safety net.

gotta pick on me for having a little fun? poor thing. please refer to duke's post concerning itchy vaginas.
There isn't one Republican presidential candidate who is advocating abolishing the safety net. Name one if you can. With just the mention of raising the retirement age, you progressives run TV ads showing Paul Ryan pushing grandma over the cliff in her wheelchair.

The old Saul Alinski tricks aren't working anymore Uncle Buckie.


Well-Known Member
There isn't one Republican presidential candidate who is advocating abolishing the safety net. Name one if you can. With just the mention of raising the retirement age, you progressives run TV ads showing Paul Ryan pushing grandma over the cliff in her wheelchair.

The old Saul Alinski tricks aren't working anymore Uncle Buckie.
i am actually all for raising the age. people live a lot longer now than when SS was established.

and thanks for agreeing with me in my assertion that americans are not with muyloco in his quest to dismantle the social safety net.


Well-Known Member
responding to that useless article (yes, it seems I'm a little late here) China is not in a liquidity trap, and the US is; so stimulus will not have the same effect.
But what China is showing us is that Keynesian stimulus spent on Potemkin projects doesn't end up jump-starting private economic activity. Instead, it sucks credit away from private activity into unsustainable "bubbles," leading to an inevitable credit bust that kills off private activity.
This is a perfect example. Because China is not in a liquidity trap, Stimulus is crowding out private investment and is mis-allocating resources; In the liquidity trap, there is no crowding out. Allocation of resources, in the short term, is irrelevant. Over the long term, however, you'd want spending to have value (so don't jump down my throat or twist my words into "you'd have us all digging ditches! waste!"). China could have gotten away with standard monetary policy, fiscal stimulus was probably unneeded... But we are not China, we're Japan in the 90's (but worse).