John Birch Society


Well-Known Member
Now THAT'S a Dutch Rudder! Perfect form and execution. Neither one actually touching the cock and balls of his partner, but both ejaculating into each other's mouths. Nicely done boys.

why am i not surprised that you know what a dutch rudder is? i had to look that up.

here's an idea to help cure your impotency: watch some interracial gay porn. i bet you'll pop an instant hard on, but then you won't be counted amongst the real america, so it's a tradeoff.


Well-Known Member
uh oh attack of the fluoride!!!!!! hmmm. you guys seem to skip many facts, such as bottled water, ppm of fluoride(and how low it actualy is) the chemical makeup of fluoride and a bunch of other useless fluoride facts that prove what your saying is malarkey. not to say the government doesnt want use as docile slaves... but they have our dependency on cash for that. use your brains "WAKE UP" fluoride is a piss poor choice for mind control, if it was as easy as that we would have alot more slave zombies running around. lol fluoide has to be one of my fav bullshit conspiracy wish you guy could meet this kid named Rosco i think his schizophrenia comes from worrying about the fluoride too much, cause thats all he talks about, lol.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
you are the one who used the words "real Americans" in describing the society if you cant elaborate just say you have no idea what it means, instead of semantics
read much?

"lets all run away from the facts and truths exposed by the John Birch Society, and the wisdom of their founders and leaders. if we call them racist then we can burn them at the stake right? lets call them crazy too, then we can piss on the ashes! lets say they are conspiracy nuts, then we can put the piss soaked ashes into a lead lined urn and dispose of it with our spent nuclear fuel rods! Brilliant!

the John Birch Society has the desire to defend REAL AMERICA from the multicultural wasteland of bullshit, limp dicked liberals, and mindless drones of the leftist establishment. claiming the John Birch Society is made up of out of touch octogenarians with racist tendencies and a pathological fear of everything that they oppose is absolute crap. if the John Birch Society is wrong, then please explain:

the trilateral commission
the council on foreign relations
the bildeberger group
the federal reserve's creation on jekyll island in georgia
the 1968 "crime bill" that banned sawed off shotguns, machine guns and grenades in response to the assasinations of JF and RF Kennedy, and mlk
legislation against thought and opinion (hate crime laws) rather than deeds.
use of eminent domain to profit private interests
the new york times' "man in moskow" Walter Duranty selling stalin as the greatest leader since moses while he murdered half the nation.
chris "Tingles" mathews publicly admitting he gets thrill up hius leg every time he sees The Immaculate One
rachel maddow and ed schultz having "news and opinion" shows
"the young turks" who are even named after a genocidal marxist movement in the ottoman empire.

all in all the John Birch Society has more shit right than they have wrong, and they have a way better track record than the new york times for truth, and are much more accepting of diverse opinions than the leftist press or leftists in general.

slinging all this vitriol at the Koch family is unwarranted, and duplicitous when you realize it's coming from the same bunch who still applaud and revere henry kissinger and the rockerfellers"
source: ME.

anyone with the ability to read can see that i used the words "Real America" to describe the country we are losing to the multiculturalist mob of dolts and fools, not "real americans".

what your clumsy and amateurish techniques failed to deliver was the hoped for rant about how them evil mud people be comin to my cuntry an takin all our white wimminz and bein a part of the ZOG conspirisee.

perhaps you also desire some intemperate comments about negroes, jews, south americans, italians, and asians?

i suppose you also wished for some dimwitted statements you could save in your little basket of non-sequitors for use at a later date.

when your bait isnt landing the fish, its time to switch to something else.

a "Real American Fisherman" would know this. youre welcome, thats what you call Charity.

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
read much?

"lets all run away from the facts and truths exposed by the John Birch Society, and the wisdom of their founders and leaders. if we call them racist then we can burn them at the stake right? lets call them crazy too, then we can piss on the ashes! lets say they are conspiracy nuts, then we can put the piss soaked ashes into a lead lined urn and dispose of it with our spent nuclear fuel rods! Brilliant!

the John Birch Society has the desire to defend REAL AMERICA from the multicultural wasteland of bullshit, limp dicked liberals, and mindless drones of the leftist establishment. claiming the John Birch Society is made up of out of touch octogenarians with racist tendencies and a pathological fear of everything that they oppose is absolute crap. if the John Birch Society is wrong, then please explain:

the trilateral commission
the council on foreign relations
the bildeberger group
the federal reserve's creation on jekyll island in georgia
the 1968 "crime bill" that banned sawed off shotguns, machine guns and grenades in response to the assasinations of JF and RF Kennedy, and mlk
legislation against thought and opinion (hate crime laws) rather than deeds.
use of eminent domain to profit private interests
the new york times' "man in moskow" Walter Duranty selling stalin as the greatest leader since moses while he murdered half the nation.
chris "Tingles" mathews publicly admitting he gets thrill up hius leg every time he sees The Immaculate One
rachel maddow and ed schultz having "news and opinion" shows
"the young turks" who are even named after a genocidal marxist movement in the ottoman empire.

all in all the John Birch Society has more shit right than they have wrong, and they have a way better track record than the new york times for truth, and are much more accepting of diverse opinions than the leftist press or leftists in general.

slinging all this vitriol at the Koch family is unwarranted, and duplicitous when you realize it's coming from the same bunch who still applaud and revere henry kissinger and the rockerfellers"
source: ME.

anyone with the ability to read can see that i used the words "Real America" to describe the country we are losing to the multiculturalist mob of dolts and fools, not "real americans".

what your clumsy and amateurish techniques failed to deliver was the hoped for rant about how them evil mud people be comin to my cuntry an takin all our white wimminz and bein a part of the ZOG conspirisee.

perhaps you also desire some intemperate comments about negroes, jews, south americans, italians, and asians?

i suppose you also wished for some dimwitted statements you could save in your little basket of non-sequitors for use at a later date.

when your bait isnt landing the fish, its time to switch to something else.

a "Real American Fisherman" would know this. youre welcome, thats what you call Charity.
in the past 10 years i have , i fixed your cars built your houses and welded your boats . . . i am a real American born and raised

so pretty much what your saying is if i dont support the singular culture the society preaches im not an American

i laugh at your one sided america, sounds more like Nazi germany to me,

the all men(women) are created equal, is the America i love

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
let me guess, the 14th and 16th are total bullshit. only the tenth and second are real amendments in the real america for real, yo.


edit: also, *its. and you accuse others of hamfisting and not understanding the language.
thats a possesive, not a plural buck.


Bucks penis got stuck in a boards knothole is incorrect. the penis belongs to buck, therefore it is Buck's penis, the knothole is in the board so it is the board's knothole

"it" is a funny little conjunctive pronoun that saved bill clinton from impeachment. "it's" is both the possessive, and a contraction of "it is", while "its" is not even a word. sorry Buck. It's time for you to buy a new dictionary, your old one has lost a few of it's pages.


Well-Known Member
thats a possesive, not a plural buck.


Bucks penis got stuck in a boards knothole is incorrect. the penis belongs to buck, therefore it is Buck's penis, the knothole is in the board so it is the board's knothole

"it" is a funny little conjunctive pronoun that saved bill clinton from impeachment. "it's" is both the possessive, and a contraction of "it is", while "its" is not even a word. sorry Buck. It's time for you to buy a new dictionary, your old one has lost a few of it's pages.
sorry, i think you need to learn english.

"its" is the possessive form of "it".

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
sorry, i think you need to learn english.

"its" is the possessive form of "it".
This has nothing to do with the English language, it's written syntax. Up until about 50 or so years ago it was perfectly acceptable to use "it's" all the time. Then stupid grammarians had to be all fancy. If I speak, can you tell the difference? These days we use less commas. Journalist writing is way different than the writing which a professor will give you head for. Get a life and stop talking like you know shit other than getting stoned.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
in the past 10 years i have , i fixed your cars built your houses and welded your boats . . . i am a real American born and raised

so pretty much what your saying is if i dont support the singular culture the society preaches im not an American

i laugh at your one sided america, sounds more like Nazi germany to me, the all men(women) are created equal, America i love


"Real America" is the constitutional republic established in 1789 through the "Constitution of the Unted States of America". that long lost nation was ruled by laws, and each citizen had rights and responsibilities for taking care of his own shit,, and not fucking with somebody else's shit. (again that is the possessive i was talking about right there, on else's) the term "real americans" was drafted by you, and assigned to me, in a feeble attempt to imply that i felt some americans were more "real" than others. this implication was noted, and dismissed by me, but you threw that dead worm back into the water just hoping for a nibble. it's just not gonna happen. (see that time the "It's" is a contraction of "It Is", and not a possessive)

i can assure you without reservation that you have NEVER fixed my car (i fix my own) built my houses (i rent, my mother owns, but her house was built in 1910, and i do the repairs for her) or welded my boats (the only boat i ever had was built of wood, by me and my grandpappy. the federal government made me sell it to pay his death tax).

what i am actually saying, not implying but actually stating as a FACT is that the Real America is based on our constitution, not fiats from washington or legalism from our new oligarchs. you may infer whatever you wish, but that's your problem. (see "That's" is a contraction of "That Is", not a possessive. see how context works?)

the united states never had a "singular culture" we had a singular constitution for a multiplicity of states, some based on agriculture, some quite urban, and others a mix of the two. some founded by german immigrants, or dudch, or english, or french or spanish, each with it's (possessive again) own "culture" accent, idiosyncrasies and laws. when other people come from foreign lands (plural) they bring with them their own cultural baggage. some have maintained parts of their heritage they find valuable, others (plural again) have chosen to join with the local customs and assimilate. Multiculturalism demands that the local customs accept the inclusion of alien influences regardless of whether the people find that influence positive or negative.

some positives of mexican culture:

great food
traditional farming techniques that prove useful in desert regions
good mexican music
fun new swear words
mariachi outfits
new strains of cannabis
honest hardworking people with a rich and colorful tradition, and strong family ties.

some negatives of mexican culture:

shitty "bandas de narcotrafficos" playing really loud on my street at 3 am
bitches (plural) who laser off their eyebrows and sharpie them back in like they are always surprised by shit
shitty cartel weed
shitty cartel violence
the unapologetically racist organization La Raza
people who just assume because you are brown you must speak spanish (farmboys have tans for fuck's sake!) (that fuck is possessive)

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
This has nothing to do with the English language, it's written syntax. Up until about 50 or so years ago it was perfectly acceptable to use "it's" all the time. Then stupid grammarians had to be all fancy. If I speak, can you tell the difference? These days we use less commas. Journalist writing is way different than the writing which a professor will give you head for. Get a life and stop talking like you know shit other than getting stoned.
lets settle this with a dictionary fight!!

ill throw first! (oxford unabridged dictionary 1979 edition, 35 lbs!) No dodging!!

Canna Sylvan

Well-Known Member
Is that Idiot jargon for

"does not exist"?
McDonalds and Walmart "donate" all the time to La Raza and do speeches on their behalf. La Raza sympathizes with coyotes and helps them do their good works. I don't have the time to waste searching multiple articles.


Well-Known Member
McDonalds and Walmart "donate" all the time to La Raza and do speeches on their behalf. La Raza sympathizes with coyotes and helps them do their good works. I don't have the time to waste searching multiple articles.
Please cite a news story about what you claim

Has to be some reporting outside of STORMFRONT on it