Joe's Summer Outdoor Grow Log


Well-Known Member
NEED HELP HERE - Started with nutrients this week. I am using ~50 gallons of water per watering for 22 plants. I mixed in Fox Farms Big Bloom and following the directions my 1 litter bottle was only enough to mix with 30 gallons of water. The bottle of BB cost $19 does this mean that every feeding I am looking at spending ~$30??!! Is there a method I should use for watering/feeding that might be more efficient? Maybe water with plain water first to get the soil moist and then circle back and water with nutes mixed in right after? I plan on feeding every other water cycle and $30 per feeding seems excessive.
welcome to the scam...aka bottle collecting!....i did nutes like this for a few years i use maxsea....i spend around $175 for the season....
good luck!


Well-Known Member
thanks ganja. i am just using the recommended 1-2 tsp / gallon per the label and it does not seem to have much affect.
Of course you're not seeing much affect, look at the NPK numbers for BB, it's hardly much. I would recommend getting some plain old high phosphorous rated bat guano, and mix that in with your soil, or brew up a tea. Much more cost effective in your situation.