jimson weed


Well-Known Member
I was reserching this jimson weed and im not sure if i wana try it but if i were to try what are the doses i should take and stuf. so if n e one has done this can u recommend a dose.:wall:


Well-Known Member
bro all i can say is start with a very small dosage and if ur still not paranoid enuff take some more,but dont take too much otherwise u will flip out

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Go to erowid and read some of the experiences there.I have personally used it, I made a tea of the seeds.Since the seeds can vary greatly in potency, never eat them raw.I didn't like Jimson.I started out with a small dose.It tasted bad,and I didn't get high.But for the next 12 hours, I was so dry I couldn't get enough water.My nose and throat were so dry it was hard to swallow.I wouldn't recommend it.http://www.erowid.org/plants/datura/datura.shtml
I was reserching this jimson weed and im not sure if i wana try it but if i were to try what are the doses i should take and stuf. so if n e one has done this can u recommend a dose.:wall:


Active Member
im pretty sure a way you can do it is peel off the thin bark like substance on the outside, leaving you with the starchy root then you mash it up and brew it. (thats how daun juan did it in a Yaqai way of knowledge.)


Well-Known Member
I heard it was the root...

That dude that lost his mind for 3 months straight or permanently or whatever, if that video was true, used the roots and boiled them.
Might be in a nuthouse now...

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Research, research, research.Make sure you are very careful, and have a sitter.This stuff can definitely kill you.I suggest using tried and true hallucinogens instead, like shrooms, salvia,cactus...all still have their dangers if done improperly, but this shit is just too easy to fuck up.You'll do what you want anyway,I'm just telling you, there are easier and better ways to get high.:peace:


Well-Known Member
i've spent a few hours reading all of the Jimson Weed (datura stramonium, datura inoxia, moon lily, angel's trumpet, devil's weed, etc.) trip reports... so i'll offer a low down. but, ya, if ur serious read that shite yourself first, it doesn't sound like a decision you should take lightly.

basically -every- part of the plant will fug you up, perhaps not so much the stem. You can smoke the flowers (though its rumored that the 'pistils' or danglies inside the flower will get you the best with the least negative side effx as compared to smoking the whole flower. You can also smoke the leaves. You can make a tea out of the flowers, leaves, seeds, or roots. Generally the seeds are used for this purpose (and are generally considered to be the strongest part of the plant).

One guy said that he got fugged up, like permanently going on 4 months in some fashion, from taking two -sips- from a tea made with =two seeds=. So start WAY small. Of say 15 people that jump right in and take around 150+ seeds it is generally concluded that about 1/2 will end up having police contact and ending up in the hospital and getting their stomach pumped. So if you don't have a person that is doing to BABYSIT you for 2 1/2 days STRAIGHT and not get so freaked out or sick of you that their gonna say, 'screw this' and just turn you over to the psyche ward.... then don't even think about doing it.

the craziest thing about this stuff, and the biggest drawback, IMO... is that if you are using enough to actually be 'High' on this drug... then you will have used enough that you -won't even know that you are high- because no matter how outlandish things become, everything will seem absolutely normal to you and as it should be.

watch some youtube videos on this stuff as well. but expecially read the trip reports on erowid site. personally i have too many responsibilities right now to just 'check out' and be gone for 2 1/2 days... though i am tempted to start with a very very weak tea. They say that the effects from smoking it are also shortlived... and that a piece of material no larger than a postage stamp from a flower or leaf would be a good starting point.


Well-Known Member
This is one of the pointless drugs in the world. It is actually a poison, so it will kill you if the dose is varied even slightly. You don't realize you are fucked, ubt you act fucked. You see shit, talk to shit, laugh at shit, and think it is real, and others look at you like WTF. If you want to induce pscyzophrenia, then, that is what it would be like...


Well-Known Member
yes u can do it.. this is kiddcuruptions girlfriend. i did it 5 years ago. my sister dared me too. i ate the whole pod though. and i heard you didnt need to eat that much. i was trippin really bad. but i was so happy. i had a good time until the next day when my parents caught me. theyy recorded me on a tape player and i never knew it. the tape player was sitting right beside me. :) just be careful, it can be like any other drug, different for everybody. just be careful. dont eat a whole pod at once. it takes a couple hrs for effect. DONT DRIVE. it feels like ur constantly spinning in a circle, non stop.


Well-Known Member
These type of drugs can and will kill if done wrong....
Just goolge.....

From erowid
These drugs are not usually regarded as psychedelic, although they have a great deal in common historically, ulturally, and pharmacologically with other drugs taken for their mind-altering powers. They are called anticholinergic because they block the action of acetylcholine, a nerve transmitter substance that controlls the contraction of skeletal muscles and also plays an important role in the chemistry of the brain. They are called deliriants because their effects at high doses include incoherent speech, disorientation, delusions, an halucinations, often followed by depression and amnesia for the period of intoxication. The classical anticholinergic delirients are the belladonna alkaloids:

These tropane derivatives, the most powerfull and important of which is scopolamine, are found in differing concentrations in various plants of the Nightshade Family or Solanaceae, among them deadly nightshade (Atropa belladona), mandrake (Mandragora officinarum), black henbane (Hyoscyamus niger), jimsonweed (Datura stramonium, and over twenty other species of henbane and datura. Of all psychoactive drugs , only alcohol has been in use for so long over such a large part of the world. For thousands of years on all inhabited continents the belladonna alkaloids have been a tool of shamans and sorcerers, who take advantage of the sensations they evok to leave their bodies, soar through the air, or change into an animal in their imagination. They also produce toxic organic symptoms like headache, dry throat, loss of motor control, blurred vision, and greatly increased heart rate and and body temperature; death from paralysis and respiratory may occur.

The belladonna alkaloids are so terrifying and incapacitating - the physical effects often so unpleasant, and the loss of contact with ordinary reality so complete - that they are used only with great caution and rarely for pleasure. For the same reasons, ironically, they are not regarded as a drug abuse problem and can be bought in small doses on perscription or in over-the-counter sedatives and pills for asthma, colds, and motion sickness.


Well-Known Member
yea. after reaserchin this lil plant a bit more i have come to a conclusion. F*** that shit, ill stick to my shrooms. lol.
Thanx for all of ur responses


Well-Known Member
If you want to risk it, go for it.
Make sure you start with an EXTREMELY low dose people.
The toxicity level of each plant varies in huge proportions.
One plant you could eat 10 seeds and have a mild trip.
The next one you could eat 10 seeds and die.
This isn't something to just fool around with to get messed up.

I myself enjoying being FUBAR'd in just about every way.
I have enough common sense to realize this isn't a good way.

Go for it.
I'm not.


Active Member
I know jimson weed. If you have tried it and are ok,,, your doing good. I drank the tea from the leaves,,,stems and seed pods,,, the best and not so hard on the body was from using the roots. I made some tea once and every one who drank it thought they were going to sleep. Not so,,,about an hour after drinking it,,,seven of my friend all did things that were totally off the wall. One friend only drank 3 sips,,,and ended up in a mental institution. He was confronted by cops and he though it was me and another friend. Another friend took all his cloth off,,, tossed his money and jewelry away and took a very long hike into the mountains. Another friend said a spirit was trying to take his body over and all night he was being tossed to the ground. His knees the next day were the size of softballs. Jimson weed it daturas family. Its is Belladonna,,,rat poison. One should be very careful about how much and,,,,most of all,,,where you are going to be when your on it. Jimson weed will make you invison things,,,,, not just halusinate,,, but a total invison. Its is nothing like LSD or mushroom. This shit has killed many people and has made shit of many a good brains. Trust me,,, it can be fun in the right place,,,,you need to be able to watch your self and,,,be your own guide. It wouldnt hurt to have some one around ,,,that not stone on it,,,, just to be a helping hand,,,,in case you do something dumb,,,,and ,,,the first time,,,you will. Fuck this shit. Life is to tender to play with rat poison. When I used it,,back in 1967,,no one knew about the affects of this after eating it. It pays to lissen. We might save your life. Aloha All,,,have a great New Year,,,,,Rock1999


Well-Known Member
i've spent a few hours reading all of the Jimson Weed (datura stramonium, datura inoxia, moon lily, angel's trumpet, devil's weed, etc.) trip reports... so i'll offer a low down. but, ya, if ur serious read that shite yourself first, it doesn't sound like a decision you should take lightly.

basically -every- part of the plant will fug you up, perhaps not so much the stem. You can smoke the flowers (though its rumored that the 'pistils' or danglies inside the flower will get you the best with the least negative side effx as compared to smoking the whole flower. You can also smoke the leaves. You can make a tea out of the flowers, leaves, seeds, or roots. Generally the seeds are used for this purpose (and are generally considered to be the strongest part of the plant).

One guy said that he got fugged up, like permanently going on 4 months in some fashion, from taking two -sips- from a tea made with =two seeds=. So start WAY small. Of say 15 people that jump right in and take around 150+ seeds it is generally concluded that about 1/2 will end up having police contact and ending up in the hospital and getting their stomach pumped. So if you don't have a person that is doing to BABYSIT you for 2 1/2 days STRAIGHT and not get so freaked out or sick of you that their gonna say, 'screw this' and just turn you over to the psyche ward.... then don't even think about doing it.

the craziest thing about this stuff, and the biggest drawback, IMO... is that if you are using enough to actually be 'High' on this drug... then you will have used enough that you -won't even know that you are high- because no matter how outlandish things become, everything will seem absolutely normal to you and as it should be.

watch some youtube videos on this stuff as well. but expecially read the trip reports on erowid site. personally i have too many responsibilities right now to just 'check out' and be gone for 2 1/2 days... though i am tempted to start with a very very weak tea. They say that the effects from smoking it are also shortlived... and that a piece of material no larger than a postage stamp from a flower or leaf would be a good starting point.
I remember when I wanted to do dartura, I read up about it and read trip reports. It sounded crazy, but I couldn't ever find any and I never grew a plant to harvest seeds.

So I just decided to drop acid instead.