Jimmy J's 400w shower grow

Jim Johnson

Active Member
I started this op oct. 7. Got some decent looking bagseed. I got a 400w htg hps. I think I have 12 females right now but I am having some problems with hermie's. Used Peters all purpose for veg and MG Big Bloom for flowering. Water every two days and nute everythird watering. I am using one gallon containers. Average plant height is about 20 inches with my big ones reaching almost 28". So thats pretty much it for now let me know what you think and anybody that has expeirence with hermies get a hold of me....I NEED HELP.



Well-Known Member
They look good. You are getting hermies because your seeds probably came from hermie plants. Ya should kill the hermies or they will pollinate your good females and you will have seeds. Hermie seeds that is.

Jim Johnson

Active Member
The seeds didn't come from hermie plants because it was bagseed but it wasn't like full of seeds so i know that's not it. I think maybe its stress, i dunno, any help appreciated.


Well-Known Member
I'm not argueing with you. If ya get a bud with a few seeds in it. The odds are high that they came from a hermie plant. Ya get a bud full of seeds the odds are they did not come from hermies.
If ya stress a plant that has the hermie gene it will turn hermie very easy.

The bottom line is if ya have a hermie plant. You want to take it out of the garden so ya dnt get seeds.


Well-Known Member
The odds are high that they are. Everybody pulls out the males. Most of the seeds that are in good bud are hermie seeds. Brick weed or regs that have a shit load of seeds in the weed are good seeds.

Jim Johnson

Active Member
Just started some new baby girls 2 barneys farm red diesel fem., 1 greenhouse seed co. big bang fem. and 1 g13 labs durban poison fem. They will be grown in 3 gallon containers under a 400 watt hps. Anybody grown these strains before your opinions would be valued. Pics are coming.


Well-Known Member
Ya should not have a hermie problem with those seeds. Not saying you will not but odds are way,way down.

Good luck with the grow.

Jim Johnson

Active Member
Here is my latest pics of my 2 red diesel's, durban poison and big bang. They are about 1 month after germination. Let me know what you think. Oh by the way they are all feminized seeds so NO MALES bongsmilieThank God



Well-Known Member
You are on a roll. The thing is fem seeds come from hermie plants. Some times they go hermie. Watch for light leaks and make sure ya stay on 12x12.

They look great.