Jigfresh's Closet Flooded Tube Vert Scrog - 1000w


Well-Known Member
Oh for sure. I'll PM all my peeps and tell em I'm on. I'll tell you what... I think my wife would give me $20,000 of the 50... after paying back some small loans I owe on... the rest would make a mighty fine grow room, lol.



Well-Known Member
Here's some of them when they were getting transfered... and one of them now, plus the whole veg area.



Well-Known Member
WOW.... Just gotta say... RIU is a fucking mad house. I just roamed around a little into some other threads and... WOW.

Thank you all for being cool in my thread. Fucking hell man... people are NUTS!!!!!!!

Sheesh. I really want to get into it, but I don't need that energy. I'm going to stay off the boards... stick to known waters. And I got's to quit a thread or two I'm subscribed too... it's always people talking about drama in other threads that get's me curious.

Ok... I feel better now.

ps. If you are a complete nut job... please stay away!!! lol


Well-Known Member
As I was writing the part you quoted I thought.... wait were all nuts... but the peeps round here are the good kind of crazy. The 'drive all night to help a friend' kind of crazy. Or the 'blow a bunch of money we shouldn't on a present for someone we love' kind of crazy.

I like our kind of crazy!!!

EDIT: Welcome SFguy. A pleasure to have to stop by and even better to have you along for the ride. I like you're avatar. Most of my best memories are of driving across and around california. We just took my mother in law to solvang a few months ago and stopped in buellton for you know what. (for those who don't know... split pea soup) She actually didn't like it very much at all.

And I just bought tickets to see my favorite band ever play in Santa Barbara... that's where they are from so I thought it'd be the best date of the tour to see them. I'll probably see them again in SD, LA, or Orange County. Maybe all of them.

Is it possible to spam your own thread? I'm going to give it my best shot!


Well-Known Member
If you've ever wondered what it's like to be someone else. Well, you can't be me, lol... BUT... if you listed to all these songs, you will know what I feel like inside. Don't know if that makes any sense or not... but this music is what it feels like inside me. A lot of angst, harmony, emotion, sadness, joy, love, pain, etc etc.

You guys fucking rock. And by 'you' I mean YOU. Thanks guys for making this world worth living in.


Well-Known Member
I clicked on the one with tartan on the screen, cause I am like that.....my wife would love the music, so runs in line with the fact she thinks you are a cool dude....even though she thinks you should cut your hair, lmfao........(she likes short hair in case you wondered, quite strange for a surfer chick but hey!)


Well-Known Member
She's like my mom then. I think mom would give me $1,000 if I cut it short. I bet she liked my beard more than last time, lol. It got a little intense for a while.


Well-Known Member
I think the fact that you had cut your beard lessened the opinions of the hair, lol. that was a good move mate, hehe. Women eh, I am constantly under fire from her about my stuble, ffs, I am trying to look cool for her, haha....

my mum was the same when i had long hair:shock:


Well-Known Member
Ive been buzzing my head since I was 19 with a #1. Ive gone through 4 sets of clippers in 20 years. Cant imagine what Ive saved on hair cuts! I know its getting too long when a pillow can give me "bed head" lol


Well-Known Member
My head would get cold up here with no hair. But I think if I lived down the hill in the heat I may change my grooming strategies, lol.

Get this... the casting people from that tv show called me. They want me to have an on camera interview in a couple days. I'm so gonna do this shit. You guys will still love me after I make a fool of myself on tv right? LOL.

He was asking me what was interesting about me and I really wanted to say I grow bomb ass weed... but I let that one go. Not very family friendly. Wish me luck guys. 50K ain't no joke.


Well-Known Member
That's so funny I'm reading this on my iPad whilst on the couch watching some Asians do some crazy obstacle courses :)


Well-Known Member
My head would get cold up here with no hair. But I think if I lived down the hill in the heat I may change my grooming strategies, lol.

Get this... the casting people from ????? called me. They want me to have an on camera interview in a couple days. I'm so gonna do this shit. You guys will still love me after I make a fool of myself on tv right? LOL.

He was asking me what was interesting about me and I really wanted to say I grow bomb ass weed... but I let that one go. Not very family friendly. Wish me luck guys. 50K ain't no joke.
id so love to see that,i watch that show all the time.