Jiffy Pots


Active Member
I started seedlings in jiffy pots under 2 fluorescent lights and are doing great so far in first week.I was wondering how long before i pop them into these 3.8 gallon? I used fox farm ocean forrest and using same in buckets growing indoors and outdoors living in So Cal any advice???


Well-Known Member
Ick, just planting the jiffy pot and letting the roots grow through? I always felt like that stunted root development, but you can put them in the 3.8 gallon containers anytime. Most people say 2-3 weeks before initial transplant, but I've transplanted tiny seedlings with no ill effects.


Well-Known Member
Dude, sorry I put the idea in your head...no, if you're willing, I'd do a formal transplant. In that case, wait another week or so...how big are these jiffy pots? If the plants are big enough, you can transplant. Like I said, I've transplanted little tiny seedlings before and been just fine.


Active Member
they are like 4 inches tall like a small paper cup they say just put rite into soil and they roots push through the cup and they break down over time


Well-Known Member
Yeah, if you're gonna do that, take a razor blade and slit the sides of the pots VERY carefully, so you don't cut the roots just inside. I dunno, I don't use jiffy pots, some people like 'em, other hate them. I tend to think they slow root development. Sure, they break down over time, but MJ grows fast dude, and those roots need room to spread now, not when the pot finally bio-degrades enough for the roots to easily push through.


Active Member
damn bro thanks for the info its my first grow so i am trying different things like outdoor and indoor some vegging inside 1 outside the 1 outside i just germinated and put directly into 8 gal bucket it looks nice starting second set of leaves i want to transplant those jiffy cups now lol


Well-Known Member
Cool, the best knowledge comes with experience. So this being your first grow, do not expect things to be perfect, and learn from the problems that do arise. You'll be good, it's great to live in Cali and have all this access to great genetics and being able to "legally" grow.


Active Member
i love it bro thanks again oh hey 1 more question i want to buy some clones tomorrow can i bring them home and just put them into 5 gal pots and keep outside?


Well-Known Member
Ask the supplier what light schedule they're on. if it's 24/0-20/4, I would put them inside and reduce the amount of light they get by 30 minutes every day or two until you get closer to 16/8, they MIGHT go into flower, but I'm not sure because I usually grow from seed. I know in NorCal June 1st is the day to put clones out so they don't flower.


Active Member
awesome u are very helpfull may i add u as a friend incase i have more questions and so i can keep u up to date on my first grow?