jiffy plugs/rockwool clones


Well-Known Member
well after giving up on my aero cloner(https://www.rollitup.org/hydroponics-aeroponics/303994-i-give-up-aerocloner.html)

i decided to go back to what worked for me; rockwool and the jiffy plugs. the aero cloner still has some live babes in it, but its been 24-26 days. so i havent given up completely, i'm still letting it run in the race.

i first started with rockwool and wasnt impressed with the success rate, so then i tried the jiffy starter plugs, which had a bit of a better success rate, but i found some rockwools in my closet and need to use them.

so i'm doing a side by side comparison to see which roots faster and has better growth in the first 2 weeks.

i'll post more pics in about a week from now.

feel free to post any questions/comments/opinions.



Well-Known Member
its a foliar feed you spray it on the mother the day before you cut the clone and you can spray the clones with it.


Well-Known Member
have you ever tried advanced nutrients jump start?

its a foliar feed you spray it on the mother the day before you cut the clone and you can spray the clones with it.

i sure havent.

do u get roots every time with this?

its insane all the shit thats available for these "weeds"

is there any ill side effects?

does it come ready to spray or does it need to be diluted?


i sure havent.

do u get roots every time with this?

its insane all the shit thats available for these "weeds"

is there any ill side effects?

does it come ready to spray or does it need to be diluted?

Hey there, Jump Start is a great product, I have to say. It works really well for getting things going, though I'm not sure everything can work 100% of the time.

I've gotten roots every time I've used it, though it has been a while. But you'll have to try it out to see if it works with the strains you have on deck to grow.

You want to water it down when you create the foliar spray - it's 1 ounce per quart. It's easy to mix this up and it's going to make things last a lot longer. That bottle of Advanced Nutrients Jump Start is going to last a while when you water things down, plus no plant should have that stuff full strength in the spray.

That would be a problem.

In fact, no matter how you use Jump Start, you need to water it down. The directions are on the package, actually. Really easy to follow.

Any ill effects? I haven't seen any when it's been used right. :lol:

Yes, it's totally insane how many goodies are available for your grow, but totally worth it when you see the results you can get.

I have a whole shelf of things right now, mostly from AN, which have just made growing so much easier - and the great harvests ain't too bad either.



Active Member
I was talking to an employee at my local grow shop and he said the AN rep is actually trying to make certain types of nutrients illegal saying its exclusively for marijuana growing so they took all AN products off the shelves. That's how I knew this was serious because why would they take a whole brand of nutes as popular as that off the shelves if something wasn't way wrong.??

Dutch Masters makes a similar called APS clone food. Im willing to imagine its basically the same thing. This says ready to use out of the bottle but i would still dilute it anyways because they're clones..


Well-Known Member
I was talking to an employee at my local grow shop and he said the AN rep is actually trying to make certain types of nutrients illegal saying its exclusively for marijuana growing so they took all AN products off the shelves. That's how I knew this was serious because why would they take a whole brand of nutes as popular as that off the shelves if something wasn't way wrong.??

Dutch Masters makes a similar called APS clone food. Im willing to imagine its basically the same thing. This says ready to use out of the bottle but i would still dilute it anyways because they're clones..

i think i know the incident you speak of. someone mentioned it in a thread here.
something about 2 companies....AN and sun systems or something like this.

there is even a video about it on one of the companies websites i think, or maybe on youtube.

i think it was just some kind of propaganda to boost sales of one of the company that manifested into this huge rumor.


i checked on the baby girls and looks like we are tied up.

one of the rockwools and one of the jiffy plugs showed just about the same amount of rooting.

although one of the cuttings in the jiffy plug didnt make it, so there is one more rockwool than jiffies in the remainding ones.

and for some reason it wont let me upload pics.
but i will upload them asap


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
well after giving up on my aero cloner(https://www.rollitup.org/hydroponics-aeroponics/303994-i-give-up-aerocloner.html)

i decided to go back to what worked for me; rockwool and the jiffy plugs. the aero cloner still has some live babes in it, but its been 24-26 days. so i havent given up completely, i'm still letting it run in the race.

i first started with rockwool and wasnt impressed with the success rate, so then i tried the jiffy starter plugs, which had a bit of a better success rate, but i found some rockwools in my closet and need to use them.

so i'm doing a side by side comparison to see which roots faster and has better growth in the first 2 weeks.

i'll post more pics in about a week from now.

feel free to post any questions/comments/opinions.
i use both and they both root in the same amount of time. it all depends on your abilaty to clone. good luck.:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
If something works then don't change it it is good to try new methods sometimes but you will normaly end up back at the origanal method that you started out at.I always clone in rockwool cubes with superthrive wait for the roots to just show through the bottom of the cubes then i put the cubes into 2"pucks and then i use the aeroponic cloner for 7/12 days.By doing this it gives me a realy nice root structure alot faster than any other method.Then do has you want with the plants put them into a hydrophonic sytem or plant the pucks into soil either way you know that the plants have the best start in life.Once the plants are put into there final medium then they just take off.........................tyke.........................................


Well-Known Member
i dont know you guys....
this rockwool seems to be winning the race.
i did 9 of each. the rockwool rooted 5, the jiffies, only 1, and 1 dead.
both have had the same treatment.
i think i'm convinced for myself.


Well-Known Member
yup, 2 more rockwools with roots and no more for the rapid rooters.
i'm going to the hydro store tomorrow to get more rockwools for sure.
its rockwool for me from here on out.
thanks for reading.


Well-Known Member
How are you watering them and how often? Do you use a humidity dome and do you mist? And also do you use a heat mat at all and if so what temp would you set it at? An if you dont use a heat mat what are the temps in there?

I have been growing for a couple of years now mainly hydro but ive had enough of the hit and miss aerocloner and also the cleaning of tubs every week so im going back to soil and jiffy plugs for cloning. Any info you can give me would be very helpful........thanks


New Member
How are you watering them and how often? Do you use a humidity dome and do you mist? And also do you use a heat mat at all and if so what temp would you set it at? An if you dont use a heat mat what are the temps in there?

I have been growing for a couple of years now mainly hydro but ive had enough of the hit and miss aerocloner and also the cleaning of tubs every week so im going back to soil and jiffy plugs for cloning. Any info you can give me would be very helpful........thanks
i like to use soil myself pretty simple get seedling soil mix 5.6 - 5.8 ph warm water and add it it soil soil should be damp meanin when grabbing soil squeezing it water should drip out other then that be steril and you will have clones in know time

