Jiffy Peat Pellet Cubes for seedlings..


Active Member
I have heard that specifically Jiffy Cubes were BAD for the exact same reason
i snip the pouch @ transplanting you get a nice bundle that spreads out, this is better then starting in large pot and having a hollow root ball that wraps around the sides and esp. the bottom of pot.


Active Member
Ph issues aside, I must add that as it goes I have planted in all 4 methods with success, the moisture heat light/darkness are most important factors its all about finding a balance, sometimes crumbling some fine soil over seed pod and developing cotyledon while tap root is doing its thing anchoring itself, as a part time raw foodie eating a lot of micro greens id say I could sprout anything on any thing, depleted medium of any sort is best for germination


Well-Known Member
jiffy pot are good cos they are made from peat but bad cos the root quickly starts to curl up and only grow in about the bottom 5mm. you can buy peat bricks like one big jiffy brick cheap as chips i live by the shit lol make a jiffy pot as big as you want or just fill a big pot with it


Well-Known Member
Erowid's Cannibis Vault quote
Erowid Cannabis Vault : Cultivation #10

Germinate seeds in sterile soil (for planting outdoors) or a hydroponic
medium of rockwool or vermiculite. DO NOT (!) use a Jiffy cube #7 to
germinate seeds. Informal tests and experience show these peat cubes do
not work well and stunt the plants growth. (perhaps this peson was doing something wrong like not realizing that PEAT does change PH?)

end quote

This is not to say that I disagreee with VV, I simply wish to present the other side of the coin.
mandala seeds have same idea,too ;-)