I don't think it's impossible for people to respect the religious or those of different/no faith. I have religious relatives and friends I love, and it has no effect on me.
I did have a friend who was very preachy, eventually his disdain for gays and religion altogether pretty much disappeared.
i dont care what story books you wanna believe in..keep the story in the book..not in my life,his life,politics,daily behavior ect...
if every christian was out helping on sunday,instead of setting in a church box,telling a fake "man" they are goid people because they came to see him,this world would have no problems..instead they set in a church box,thinking of ways to oppress others and force their ways onto society,creating social problems of dire consequence...quick example:were all potheads..
nancy reagan.
im just using her as an example.
now lets look around,see whos disdaining others and doing nothing to contribute to society, but what their own egos JUST ABSOLUTELY know is best for the society.
i tottaly love how religious nuts go to defend their religion but not their religious actions.
btw,how praying supposed to work? do i ask a burning bush? drink some wine after i walk across a lake to the wate store? hmm?..
double standards dont work for me in religion either.
cant call my opinion of prayer wishes and magical spells,then go study magical stories like that,and call yourself unbiased in this discussion.
i can however go replant o.p.s seeds for hom..did ypu pray for me to do that?
hallelujah! im saved!
any action that can be summed up by a geico commercial has my seal of approval..Flo can be the new mother mary,finshaggy can be joseph...
ill be working to physically help out my fellow man,not judging the whole way..
christans,muslims,jews,athiests,gays,nhilists..all of em...