Jesus Christ?


Well-Known Member
First off, I would like to say "Welcome back Pinworm!"

It seems like everyone missed you, @Pinworm , and everyone loves you very much.

You are like a superstar on RIU.

So, welcome back.



Well-Known Member
Proove it....
Its seems like no one can empirically prove the "historical" Jesus, so I highly doubt that anyone can empirically prove the fallacious, mythical Biblical Jesus.

The Biblical Jesus might have been based off of a historical Jesus, but since Jesus allegedly lived in ancient times, there are not enough records to empirically, falsifiably prove the historical Jesus lived at all.

And the Biblical Jesus is a mythical, fallacious, supernatural, incredible, nonsensical fairy tale. No one ever has been able to perform even one miracle, so Jesus falls into the fallacy of "special pleading".

And even though no one can prove the Biblical Jesus, billions of people claim to follow this Biblical Jesus. Even if there was a historical Jesus, he has been dead for almost 2,000 years, so why bother worshipping Jesus or praying to Jesus, when Jesus was just a mortal?

But, for the record, because I was raised as a Christian, I used to believe in Jesus, and I used to pray to Jesus, before I came to My senses.

Jesus is like the Santa Clause for adults: you should behave all of your life, and then you might get a present at the end- heaven or eternal life.

If Jesus were alive today, I bet he would be sent to some mental hospitals and put on some serious medications, because the doctors would not believe in him. But, if Jesus was alive today, he would unequivocally be on record, and Jesus would be able to record his alleged "miracles", his sermons, healings, walking on water, opening the eyes of the blind, etc., etc..

It seems like Jesus was born at the wrong time in history, to prove his alleged supernatural, miraclous powers.

Imagine blogging with the Christ?



Well-Known Member
Incubus - Megalomaniac

"I hear you on the radio
You permeate my screen"

"Hey megalomaniac
You're no Jesus"

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