
And if the equipment is impressive enough it can make up for the laziness aspect, but most men that have something to work with are the only ones smaller guys are already butt hurt it is small so they have just thrown in the towel...
What can I say...I know that the more big cocks out there the more happy I am trying to help the women's sexual movement...and I don't worry about ego just have to have a very strong ego...but when I ask you if my ass is getting fat, I expect the truth even if I do act put out by it...Honesty is always the best idea.

Do you have a younger sister..?
I wasn't always this way...but I learn I only wasted the parts of my life I was too young to be having at the time anyway...I am only 26 now..asking for a younger sister implies I am old...and I am old enough to worry about things like that now...
Ya know is the is more how you carry yourself and how you play things out as much as it is the size, but most men---and I can easily say most, because most is the correct vernacular, but most men do not attempt to please the woman they are with...they do what they do or are comfortable doing and then if that isn't enough for the woman what? Well then it sux to be us...and I got tired of that quick..I had 2 children before my first orgasm...ever...when I had one, I was like omg, so this is what it is all about...

2 kids before you came? Fuck ya really earned that one eh? :)
That sucks :( and You're probably right...

Either way there should be more women like you, Honesty is key to making sex great and there are way too many women out there that don't speak up...
I wasn't always this way...but I learn I only wasted the parts of my life I was too young to be having at the time anyway...I am only 26 now..asking for a younger sister implies I am old...and I am old enough to worry about things like that now...

Sorry, I wasn't trying to imply that you were old... it's just the younger sister line is kinda standard isn't it..?
OMG, you poor thing. :( I may talk a lot of shit but seriously, I don't know how the hell I could sleep with a woman and not make her come to fruition. I would be totally ashamed of myself
and guys the second number is supposed to be girth... the circumference of the shaft.... not the width... otherwise to anyone that has measured properly you look proud of being a pencil dick...
That sucks :( and You're probably right...

Either way there should be more women like you, Honesty is key to making sex great and there are way too many women out there that don't speak up...

Because there are too many men that can't stand to think they are doing something that the woman doesn't like...but this is one time when making it all about you will help everything in the long run...and I ask my husband to show me how he likes me to touch him and what not...I want to make sure that I am doing what he wants since I expect him to go above and beyond to please me...the least I can do is return the favor...I am not much for initiating..but if you get the ball rolling, I will take over...
but with the dominatrix style criticism causes a little fear of trying something wrong as well...but I explained all that as well...that I still want him to try things sometimes, because hell if I don't know I like it, I can't tell him I do, so see what you can come up with as well as these things we both know I like...surprise should be able to read my cues as to whether I like it as much as you thought I would...all it takes is a little attention to detail...and a willingness to serve.
OMG, you poor thing. :( I may talk a lot of shit but seriously, I don't know how the hell I could sleep with a woman and not make her come to fruition. I would be totally ashamed of myself

A lot of men just say like oh well there is something wrong with you... that was ex husbands excuse...I don't like these things because I was broken...luckily while married to this guy I met an older gentlemen that told me I wasn't broken gave me weeks of foreplay then sent me home with a vibrator for some homework...turns out I wasn't current husband and previous boyfriends had just never taken the time to care enough to make me comfortable enough so I could enjoy sex without just feeling badly afterwards...and not in a mushy I love you sort of way...but in a you are beautiful I want to make you feel nice more than I want to get off myself kind of way...I know that if I had sex with a guy and he didn't cum, I think I would hang myself, unless we had been doing blow...mmmmm....coke sex.....
ohhh....and I soon after slept with that giant cocked older gentlemen and he gave me a new lease on life...literally...he made me feel like a whole person all by myself...I was 22 and had never had an orgasm...
Furreal: Foreplay can save a relationship :) damn you......I haven't thought about coke sex in years.... Probably a good thing, I'm old now lol my heart might pop
He fixed it for not only me, and him, but every guy after him...every guy I sleep/slept with therafter should thank that guy
Shannon Alexander:7499044 said:
to the op If you don't keep up with a regular light routine pretty much all the gains you make over time, in time will disappear... I'm just sayin...

and also there are plenty of other exercises that you should be doing to complement the Jelqing... I'm just sayin...
What are some more exersizes?
For real the first time it happened to me, I didn't know the guy all that well and it was kind of scary...but I think about it know....come on....
LMMFAO @ "giant cocked older gentlemen"

Aww man for real...I have like given other girlfriends his number...he was just so amazing...and the cock carrying winner I have seen on film and real life...

ok...let me give you a little bit of this guys back story....

He was a landscaper at these upper middle class people's place, and the woman took a fancy to him...he said they flirted for awhile, but as soon as she got his clothes off, her husband's things were out the door...sweet jesus...there are some things you just grab hold of and don't let go...