
Wow, surprised...

There was actually some very conscientious and constructive sex talk that just about managed to not turn into 'I banged this ho once', 'women should bow to me' or just get downright vulgar. HOORAY. Lots of honesty... People being oddly sensible. Hmm.

But Corso, that was rude... Missnu, I think I love you... (too bad I missed the picture but I'm sure it was amazing) you've been very fair. WindyCity, there needs to be more men in the world like you.

I just hope this Scooby/Philip argument doesn't erupt again... this is a good thread for both genders to read...

I still don't know what jelqing is but I finally know someone who certainly doesn't need it...
yuck..I don't want to a flaccid cock anymore than you guys like the looks of Roast Beef sandwich pussies...gross...
I won't even kiss my husband in front of my kids unless it's just a peck. I'm not ready for them to grow up. Ever.
My oldest son is going to be sex scarred I think...he has walked in on so

Jeez he was 3 and we were having some morning sex, and I was on top, anyway in bursts my toddler and runs and jumps on my back yelling I wanna wrestle!
then when he was 5 he walked in while I was fellating my husband...he wouldn't look me in the eyes that night..and oddly he didn't ask for extra kisses that night before going back to though that is where babies came from for 4 because not long after he witnessed that I had my

I am hoping it all works out in the end...but there have been some mishaps at my
Did I say shit to you Urca? Did I say a fuckin thing to you?? You don't have to hang out in this thread. I was conversing with other people here. You drop in and basically tell me to stop talking like you're the goddamn thread police, and i'm supposed to what? Apologize? Everybody in here talks about sex. It's an 18+ forum board. Grow the fuck up. Sorry i'm not all hush hush about adult issues. Sex is a big part of adult life. Get used to hearing about it.

Well this thread was sort of sex based, because I was horny last night and saw something about making a bigger dick, and I think men should try a little harder to please their women, and I wanted to sex it became, but then it just went downhill fast with all that side crap about fake pictures and profiles and flaccid cocks, and whatever else...
Ok well in the first 10 pages or so it was constructive.... There's nothing wrong with talking about sex. Just when it gets derogatory, or abusive or the men start 'beating their chests' or people's slutty stories come out. Can't we just keep it factual or a little tongue-in-cheek?
haha your on some real good crack.
i never attacked her about her relationship once.
all i said was that kuroi could meet someone like matt and be happy.

she attacked me and so did you. not only that but i didnt say shit about her picking on me, those people saw what kind of patronizing, ingratiating witch you were being by stepping into something to defend the person in the wrong.

Because how could defenseless little Urca be wrong?? You SAID "If April can find a man, I know you can". And THAT IS BITCH FOR "She's so fucked up, if she can find a man, anybody can." Ya I speak bitch, so don't try to tell me that is not what that sentence meant.


I thought this was straightened out a while ago. Urca meant 'If April (or any other female here) can find a nice guy on the interwebs, then maybe Kuroi could, too.' It was not a personal attack on April.

Well, April has her nice man all to herself now and anynumber of men should she want to. She can do anything. Has the drive, the hot body and could talk her way around anyone.

Can't you just treat eachother according to what is being done or said in the moment? There's no use dragging up the past. Call people out when and only when it is warranted, regardless of whether you like or dislike a person.

I love you both, but I think April and Rainbow both got 'the wrong end of the stick' there. I know it's usually me doing it but in this instance I'm convinced you just misread the whole situation. April just decided she didn't want focus on her relationship being paraded around the forum after all. End of story. Ok, fair enough, I guess...

Back on the topic. I guess this jelquing business is a sign of male proactivity and a desire to please? Surely you would not go through such lengths just for show? Then again the women who do exercises and take supplements for their boobs do exactly that, but for the benefit of men who are apparently visual creatures. Or women like rainbow and I.

I'm an artist. I need visuals.

Now take off your clothes.
Wow this page has grown like... dimension extension maaan :eyesmoke:

So how many people are jelqing it? I.... tried to this morning but then I wanked, does that count? I swear it was `jelqy` as I did it :-P
I think they are close to the same thing...If it is an exercise for PE then there is a chance I have looked it up at some point...Many many men often have this is why I instilled the "I get off first" rule...The first rule is that I get off first.
I love starting shit on here. Every one on this forum is a dude accept april in my eyes.

Kush, bro its not a slap in gods face its just exersizing. You're dick is a mucsle and you can strenthen it and strech it just like any other mucsle. Lol. Its like doing crunches to get abs.
I am not a dude...and the penis is not a muscle..and you can't strengthen or elongate it without is just spongy tissue that becomes engorged with blood...the only way to make your penis bigger is to increase the amount of blood in your body, to collect all the blood you can in your penis and keep it there longer with something like a cock ring, or to make your heart pump harder...those are the only ways to make your penis bigger..which is why some supplements can help, but the size goes away as soon as you stop taking the supplement..because it just relaxes your blood vessels and sometimes lowers blood pressure...
So I think it is just a rough way to play with yourself, but you do have muscles that are near and around your penis that help to control the flow of things in and out...and that muscle is what PE exercises do...they strengthen your tubing muscles so you can hold the moment a little longer, if you get my drift...
Well this thread was sort of sex based, because I was horny last night and saw something about making a bigger dick, and I think men should try a little harder to please their women, and I wanted to sex it became, but then it just went downhill fast with all that side crap about fake pictures and profiles and flaccid cocks, and whatever else...

i can see we are on opposite spectrums, my feelings on the matter is if you dont get off when you fuck me, dont fuck me or ask for head(ask me and i will walk out, lol)

this "jelqing" shit is some of the most ignorant shit ive seen on RIU....

the simple sad truth is its not going to get bigger, no exercise or drugs are going to really make it larger. you kinda have to be born with it. next as far as pleasing your women, just give them head, if you know you got a small penis get good a head.