Jeffrey Epstein arrested for sex trafficking minors

Lets face it, troll bots might be any of the dictator countries these days, Trump pretty much put out a calling all cars to foreign involvement in our political system.
Don’t make me poke your third eye. I am more powerful than you. Trump is for humanity
I don't take place in that kind of thing, wouldn't even know where to go (or afford it) if I could. So if not Russian, are you a Saudi troll bot? Bots are people too, they just have lots of accounts by using multiple phone cards to sign up multiple accounts on websites to post their nonsense.
I don't take place in that kind of thing, wouldn't even know where to go (or afford it) if I could. So if not Russian, are you a Saudi troll bot? Bots are people too, they just have lots of accounts by using multiple phone cards to sign up multiple accounts on websites to post their nonsense.
Well I don’t even know how bots work so? I hate technology, it dumbs people down.
lol what?! Mr "I won't kill 150 people, but I will starve out millions to get my way"
they are starving themselves. What makes it America’s Job, the tax payers job to feed another country. The need to rise up as a people and take their country over. That’s what Trump is trying to get the Iranian people to do. You all really don’t see what’s going on do you. If you know, you know
Well I don’t even know how bots work so? I hate technology, it dumbs people down.
Everything is 'technology', a shovel is technology to people who never seen one before. I like living in a house, using computers to learn more about or beautiful planet and everything else we have learned over our recorded history.
they are starving themselves. What makes it America’s Job, the tax payers job to feed another country. The need to rise up as a people and take their country over. That’s what Trump is trying to get the Iranian people to do. You all really don’t see what’s going on do you. If you know, you know
This forum is huge circle fuck stick. Methinks you need tell them straight, honor in his own country is like shoe.
they are starving themselves. What makes it America’s Job, the tax payers job to feed another country. The need to rise up as a people and take their country over. That’s what Trump is trying to get the Iranian people to do. You all really don’t see what’s going on do you. If you know, you know
He is not taking taxpayer money away from Iran, he is saying they can't do business with countries which is a problem, but I wasn't even talking about them...
He is not taking taxpayer money away from Iran, he is saying they can't do business with countries which is a problem, but I wasn't even talking about them...
Trump put listening device in turban and is still now building furious case to bring God's justice once elites are all marked.

You wait. In my country justice takes many decades but finally like cool blue moon soon burn off concealing mist.

God mystery to you because you worship at fountain of Fonzie instead of learning true facts.
they are starving themselves. What makes it America’s Job, the tax payers job to feed another country. The need to rise up as a people and take their country over. That’s what Trump is trying to get the Iranian people to do. You all really don’t see what’s going on do you. If you know, you know

Well that policy is hasn't been working for the past 30 years. Not in Cuba, North Korea, or Iran. Trump is trying to assert himself like it's negotiating for a Macdonalds franchise. In way over his head.

But embargoes do starve the people and it's not them, it's us. If you decide that is acceptable that's fine, but you can't just wave off our guilt...unless you really don't have a clue.
Everything is 'technology', a shovel is technology to people who never seen one before. I like living in a house, using computers to learn more about or beautiful planet and everything else we have learned over our recorded history.

I think you want to say it's magic to somebody who has never seen one before, not technology because that would be silly.