Jeffrey Epstein arrested for sex trafficking minors

He said " I sorta get away with things like that". It shows intent. He paid to see naked girls.

Yeah, I'm sure that made the girls feel very comfortable. :roll:
Did it ever occur to you, he should have immediately turned around and not entered the room? Of course not, you're delusional.
You may or may not have been diagnosed with schizophrenia, but it's beyond obvious that you have issues!
Rubber Ducky isn’t even a good troll. They need English lessons. He’s not very good at his job.
The Most High, came down in the Flesh, but it could not be as we come, The Seed Came From The Woman, and he lived and he loved and he felt pain and torture and spilled his humanly/godly blood to cover our sins.
Seek the Truth and you shall find it.
American slavers were some of the biggest sex traffickers ever. Rape and sexual assault of slaves was just fine with these Suppsed christians. This is not even mentioned in our debate in this country.

Well the adversary, is all ways moving, Brainwashing back then happened the same as to day. Back then they were tricked into believing Adam was White and that the word Adam meant Red in the Cheeks so if you did not get color you where of the blood of Cain, and where evil and it was there duty to inslave them.
And a lot of slaves owner where Black, infact one of the Biggest Slave owners was black.
There are still slaves today. Most are a slave to Evil.
Real Truth is White is most likely the mark of Cain for it is the absence of color. But we are all one blood. Colors (Races), no such thing, but I’ll play along. Races come from inbreeding, the separation of people at the time of Babel.