Jeffrey Epstein arrested for sex trafficking minors

When did he stick up for Epstein? If you are referring to the quote of Trump telling you Jeff likes them young, that’s Trump warning you without making enemies, Trump learned how to play this Evil system of pedos and Satanworshipers and witches like Hillary Clinton with out being Evil himself. Trump is human and not perfect but not intentionally Evil as I think you are.
Talking about purposefully walking in on little girls naked is close enough imo.
Talking about purposefully walking in on little girls naked is close enough imo.
Wow you really dug for that.
But it’s still BS.

It was at pageant and Trump was being given a Tour of what he paid for, and the person giving the Tour Walked Trump into the room on purpose, Trump said Sorry, don’t worry I’ve seen it all.
To put the child mind at easy because He know they have a performance/pageant to finish.
Talking about purposefully walking in on little girls naked is close enough imo.

The only actual recording of Trump on that video is him talking about Grown Woman.

Men all over this country look at porn everyday. And not classy porn either.
I think it’s wrong
But at least Trump is talking actual grown beautiful woman.

Typical pedophile, incest driven, porn star paying Trumptard.
That’s sound garden cover is Evil. If you don’t beleave in Evil, then it’s racist. What’s the bottom word on that triangle say Negro backwards lol racist bigots you are
I think you fuck kids as much as you are obsessed with the fact you think a dude that’s been married and has 5 Children and reads the Bible fucks kids.

Maybe you were there when they served Jeff, so Maurice beside Bill Clinton who else will be introuble. Oh and thanks for letting me know this is a Google page. If it wasn’t it wouldn’t be helping their algorithms.
lmao did you forget your meds last night? Stick to growing man,
No he won’t, he will say they all knew and that he had mentioned how Jeff likes them young but no one was paying attention.
Wether you like it or not Trump is for Humanity. He knows how rigged and evil the system is, he has been being audit for decades and they killed all his casino heads to put him out of business. He is the only one is isn’t for killing off humans to make money, he believes he can make them their money while helping humanity, so he made a deal with the human powers that be, that he gets a chance to run as president. They didn’t think he could do it so they gave him his chance, they had to really, because of his Bloodline, but your Bloodline does not
Make you Evil, your choices in this world do.

Yeah the 3 year
:lol: i'm thinking what type of meltdown is this, i've never seen anything like it.
I think Trump must have called in all the trolls to divert conversations away from his..

Jailing children and poor people,
not getting a wall built,
throwing smoke for a murderer of Koshoggi,
Palling around with Putin,
Not getting anything from N. Korea but love letters,
Child raping friends getting jailed,
People getting called in to testify about his obstruction of justice,
Meuller report showing how Trump broke the law,
Large donor from inauguration getting hauled in,
backing child molesters........ on and on,

calling all trumptards please troll everything as best you can so people can't talk to anyone in real life about me without getting so annoyed that they have to walk away from the conversation because my Trumptarded army won't be able to.

lmao did you forget your meds last night? Stick to growing man,

Yeah the 3 year

I think Trump must have called in all the trolls to divert conversations away from his..

Jailing children and poor people,
not getting a wall built,
throwing smoke for a murderer of Koshoggi,
Palling around with Putin,
Not getting anything from N. Korea but love letters,
Child raping friends getting jailed,
People getting called in to testify about his obstruction of justice,
Meuller report showing how Trump broke the law,
Large donor from inauguration getting hauled in,
backing child molesters........ on and on,

calling all trumptards please troll everything as best you can so people can't talk to anyone in real life about me without getting so annoyed that they have to walk away from the conversation because my Trumptarded army won't be able to.
You must be high on something you mentioned Mueller? That dude has been curropt for 3 decades. Are you crazy or just stupid.
It was at pageant and Trump was being given a Tour of what he paid for
If he paid for a child sex slave and just toured his good you'd be cool with that too? And it didn't take long to find, I am not on a crack fueled all nighter, I just woke up and enjoyed a nice cup of coffee while reading through your nonsense, it was a fun read. You should not get yourself so worked up, and serisouly quit being such a mark for people that are clearly taking advantage of you in your life.
If he paid for a child sex slave and just toured his good you'd be cool with that too? And it didn't take long to find, I am not on a crack fueled all nighter, I just woke up and enjoyed a nice cup of coffee while reading through your nonsense, it was a fun read. You should not get yourself so worked up, and serisouly quit being such a mark for people that are clearly taking advantage of you in your life.

See that’s why you get called libtards because now your in Fantasy land making shit up to look good or try and prove your point.
When you can’t because you are wrong and you are lieing. And people are starting to see past the propaganda BS