Jeff Sessions : 'I thought the KKK were OK, till I learned they smoked pot'

Rob Roy

Well-Known Member
Sessions doesn't give 2 shits about the publics opinion and if he is the Attorney General you can bet your ass he is going to bring back the war on drugs and heavily on cannabis. The only way to stop him is if he gets rejected for that position. He gets in, he can do what he wants...Recreation and Medical, he is againt cannabis completely. Which is another concern, that trump said he was pro medical cannabis and if he lets this guy try and take it back the the Reagan years he is going to lose supporters like rats from a sinking ship.

The black markets will always exist if Free Markets are not allowed to satisfy demand.

Fuck Sessions. Fuck the Feds. Fuck their stupid hypocritical laws. I think that about sums it up.


Well-Known Member
There's a reason why prohibition of alcohol failed, and it's because there was no public support for the prohibition. We're pretty much at that state with cannabis. The majority of the country >60% wants it legalized, and something like 75% supports medical. Juries won't convict, people will spit on and protest against any fed agents closing shops, and it would ultimately just cost Trump a lot of supporters/motivate the left and make him a 1 term president. Trump can only lose if he lets this backwoods sister fucking ignorant ass country boy from Alabama crack down on the legal cannabusiness.
Prohibition was an immediate failure. The majority never stopped drinking and ignored the ban. It took 13 years, the great depression and a change to progressive government to finally repeal it. It's only been a few years since a bare majority decided that MJ should not be illegal. About 20% use MJ. Just saying that there isn't much of a parallel to prohibition of alcohol. An echo but not a repeat of history. And Sessions is a hard line drug warrior. If he has the say so, our state laws will be overrun. Nobody knows if Trump will lead or follow Sessions on this issue. I'm a rec user, watching and waiting to see what Sessions does.


Well-Known Member
Prohibition was an immediate failure. The majority never stopped drinking and ignored the ban. It took 13 years, the great depression and a change to progressive government to finally repeal it. It's only been a few years since a bare majority decided that MJ should not be illegal. About 20% use MJ. Just saying that there isn't much of a parallel to prohibition of alcohol. An echo but not a repeat of history. And Sessions is a hard line drug warrior. If he has the say so, our state laws will be overrun. Nobody knows if Trump will lead or follow Sessions on this issue. I'm a rec user, watching and waiting to see what Sessions does.
Sessions is bad news for recreational pot..