Jealous's 156W CFL Rubbermaid Fem'd Bubblicious Grow


Active Member
Well I nipped off a couple of the burn spots on the right plant, but left others cause they were small and would've caused more plant to get rid of so I decided to let em be. I also started LST today, I used paper clips, we'll see how they work out though they seem to be doing a fine job. Also I gave them more water than they've been getting cause the soil is always bone dry by the time I water them again 24 hours later. Been just kinda feeling my way through on that as I go. Anyways, on with the pics.



Active Member
I had a failed grow around new years, the temps were too high, 100 average, the plant grew pretty well for the first 3 days or so, then I checked it on the 4th day, and it was just completely plopped over dead. Sad sight.
Dude that fucking sux! I'm sorry for ur loss man, I think i'd tear my hair out if that happened to me :(


Active Member
Lol, so my girls have decided they don't like the paper clips, I need to get some string and do it proper I guess. They pretty much just shrugged off the clips and are standing tall and defiant, though i'm disappointed in them for not doing what daddy wants, I find myself proud of their initiative lol ;) As soon as I find some string ima redo the LST. Tomorrow though I am doing a bit of surgery and topping them. Kinda nervous about it but i've read up alot on it and will soldier on and do it. Tomorrow another pic update and surgery.


Active Member
Well day 20 is here and so are pix. I also topped the girls, I used a pair of new scissors and sterilized them with Gin cause I don't have any rubbing alcohol, it went pretty good. While I was doing that I noticed that some leaves were yellowing slightly and decided it would be a good idea to start nutes. I used Jacks AP at a quarter strength, as well as de-chlorinated it. Today when I'm at work i'm going to snag a bunch of twist ties and use those for LST, I'll tie them down tomorrow though, they've been through enough today. Last night I went into the room where the girls are kept and the door had been closed and I noticed that it stank in the room, the girls are officially smelly now. So I took emergency measures and made some pretty good lil diy carbon filters I think. I took 2 round tupper wares and cut out a square hole in the bottom of each. Then I took a pair of the wifes panty hose and cut off the legs and stuffed the containters into them, then filled it with carbon. I think that it's pretty good actually, no more smell, and no more light leak except for like 1 little hole that I still need to cover, but it's not really important. The temps have seemed to stay the same as well. I guess I could take some shoe boxes and stick those ontop of the scrubbers so it doesn't look so weird huh? O also the mystery plant is doing really well too, anybody knows what it is? Lol, on with the pix.



Active Member
Well I got some twist ties from work like I planned on and pulled out the girls and tied them down, I think this attempt will work out a lot better than the last time. They feel very secure and I don't think they'll break free this time. I took some pix of it, and here they are.



Well-Known Member
i think they will recover your plants are big enough to use fertz so they are probly hungry.. and if you used potting soil with no added nutes, they should be hungry

Damm that sucks... hey man when it comes down to soil grow you can always pull the plant out of the pot get off as much dirt as you can and re pot her in fresh dirt. yes it causes shock, but wouldnt you rather have a plant mantain its health and eventually start growing again,, or would you want the plant to keep dieing slowly leaf after leaf until..........RIP:sad:


Active Member
i think they will recover your plants are big enough to use fertz so they are probly hungry.. and if you used potting soil with no added nutes, they should be hungry

Damm that sucks... hey man when it comes down to soil grow you can always pull the plant out of the pot get off as much dirt as you can and re pot her in fresh dirt. yes it causes shock, but wouldnt you rather have a plant mantain its health and eventually start growing again,, or would you want the plant to keep dieing slowly leaf after leaf until..........RIP:sad:
Yea dude i hear what ur saying about the re-pot, I don't think it's to that point yet though. The soil test said it was low on N and P, plus I finally get some PH test and some UP and Down, I tested my water and it's in the high 7's, so i'm bringing it down, though the damn drops arent working like the bottle says it should, the ph has gone down but not too much, i'm just letting the water sit and see what happens the soil is still pretty moist so i wont be watering today, probebly tomorrow. When I do water i'll water with the ph'd water and nutes. After all the soil test said it was low on N and P, so hopefully the nutes and the better water should help clear up this problem. Though it's not to bad, and I don't think it's getting worse. I'll keep you posted homie +rep for ur 2 cent's and being the only person to even try to help so far, lol.


Well-Known Member
Hah yea I don’t even have ph tester. I was going to by one, but then I got a job as engineering assistant for utilities. Utilities mainly works on sewers, waterlines, ect… point of the story is when I got my ID card I took a ride over to my local water-processing plant, walked right in and asked one of the scientists. He replied rages from 5.7-6.1, he also told me the PPM of chlorine but I forgot it was really low.

So , I don’t worry about my ph that much, I feel sorry for the people out there that do. I just fill up a cup and water the plants.


nice man they're looking good! and healthy! cept for those few yellow spots lol.
in between classes right now, i'll post again later when i can sit down and take a look back at the last week or so.
all the other kinks worked out yet?


Active Member
Hah yea I don’t even have ph tester. I was going to by one, but then I got a job as engineering assistant for utilities. Utilities mainly works on sewers, waterlines, ect… point of the story is when I got my ID card I took a ride over to my local water-processing plant, walked right in and asked one of the scientists. He replied rages from 5.7-6.1, he also told me the PPM of chlorine but I forgot it was really low.

So , I don’t worry about my ph that much, I feel sorry for the people out there that do. I just fill up a cup and water the plants.
Bro I'm so jealous of that shit. Lol, that's fucking awesome though.


Active Member
nice man they're looking good! and healthy! cept for those few yellow spots lol.
in between classes right now, i'll post again later when i can sit down and take a look back at the last week or so.
all the other kinks worked out yet?
Yea, everything is going great except for the yellow, I think after I start watering them with the ph'd water and feed them some nutes they should be good *cross's fingers*


Active Member
Well I decided to just go ahead and proceed like normal seeing as the soil test said the soil was low on N and P, and from what I've read, whats wrong with the leaves is symptomatic of low levels of N and P. So i fed them half strength Jacks AP today in PH 6.5 water, the girls are still growing and the yellowing hasn't spread to any other foliage. Since the dirt is so low on nutes and the girls are so low on nutes, anybody think I should continue to give them half strength nutes the next couple of waterings? I think i am, the tests said it was very low.


Active Member
Well the yellowing hasn't spread at all, the girls have grown noticeably since feeding/watering yesterday. I'm convinced that the problem was low nutes due to the high PH of the water I was using locking out nute uptake and the organic soil with no added nutes. The girls were starving for N and P, this has convinced me to go the extra mile and drive the 45 mins before the next grow to the nearest hydro shop and buy some good soil like that happy frog potting soil everyone is always going on about (diluted with some vermiculite and pearlite of course) so that this doesn't happen next time. I don't even know if these kind of things exist, but does anyone know if there is some kind of digital soil tester thing? Like u stick it into the soil and it tells you the levels of all the different nutes in it? Thanx for any input.


Active Member
Today is super bowl sunday, and pix will be on the way, I would do it right now but I can't, the camera needs to charge. The girls seem to be rebounding nicely from the nute deficiency, been watering every other day with half strength nutes. I think tomorrow i'll use the last pills from the soil test kit and see where the N and P is so I can know if I should keep nuting or not. It sux whenever I look the girls, those yellow leaves freak me out but I know they're fine, just wish all the leaves were as green and lovely equally, lol. Anyways as soon as the camera is charged i'll upload some pix.


Active Member
Nice grow man everything looks pretty goods nice job on the lst as well i saw you had some trouble gettin them to stay tied i really like puttin screws aound the outter brim of the pot and just tying it that makes it really easy for re adjustment!

cant wait to see these girls bloom
how long before you begin flowering?

subsccribed this should be a good grow to watch :leaf:


Active Member
Nice grow man everything looks pretty goods nice job on the lst as well i saw you had some trouble gettin them to stay tied i really like puttin screws aound the outter brim of the pot and just tying it that makes it really easy for re adjustment!

cant wait to see these girls bloom
how long before you begin flowering?

subsccribed this should be a good grow to watch :leaf:
Thanx bro! Comments like that make it even better. I've just poked holes in the edges with paper clips and then threaded the twist-ties thru. Truth be told I'm not sure how long i'm gon veg, seeing as they double or triple in size during flower, and my girls are so short and bushy yet, they could veg for awhile still. I'm day 25 veg, and they're very bushy, so I may veg them another couple of weeks, i'm moving out of my apt in Jul, and I don't wanna start another grow when i'd have to move towards the end/middle of it, so I might as well take my time. After all letting them veg more can't hurt I figure, but then again, they might then outgrow their pots then I suppose. And I don't have the room for bigger pots in the 'maid. Damn, that is a good question (sorry for the rambling bro, been drinking) anyone with ideas on how much longer to veg?

Edit: BTW, u got a grow/journal going bro?