jealous women- who knows one?


Well-Known Member
man, it sounds like you really care about her and your family--but what everyone has said is true--it probably will just get worse unless she gets back on those meds. Why did she stop taking them? She apparently is suffering too--to be so jealous and even wake up acting like that (that is what you said, right?)

Do your children see her behave this way and see you two suffer and fight over it? While a family splitting is never easy on a child---neither is day to day misery in their home.
Extreme and unwarrented jealousy does tend to stem from insecurity (imo) and to add bi-polar to it--well, yeah, not fun for anyone. If she is so jealous of what you may be thinking about or doing w or other females that co-exist in you area--it's bc either she knows she's been a monster and that you deserve better--and is scared you may realize it, the "payback" thing, or it's bc of her own impure thoughts and feelings, again, of dissatisfaction w herself--There is nothing you can do but tell her to take her meds for the sake of your family or she will find her miserable little world in an upheaval.

that's my take--good luck--i have a friend who has been married twice bc she acted a lot like that--she is divorced again--but has finally learned some lessons and accepted herself and has been on meds for almost a year--a much happie and more down to earth person these days. again--good luck
yeah sometimes the kids see it. the kids are very attached to me cuz they dont want to ask her cuz she will just scream somethin fucked up. so its mainly my job to deal with the kids. she just doenst take it out on me. she will take it out on whoever is around. i think she has a guilty conscience about cheating on me too.


Well-Known Member
yeah her cheating on me scarred me big time. but im just tryin to do whats best as a whole and not just me. yeah shes dragging me down in a way but its ok. i care about her. i been with her since high school. we are goin on ten years or close to it. i want to record her with a video and play it back for her when shes not pissed. see it from another persons perspective. ive had friends who told me they wouldnt come back to my house unless she wasnt there. all my friends seen she was crazy long time ago. another problem is if i leave it will be very hard to start by myself. car house and shit is in her name cuz i lost my license from getting arrested. so if i leave i leave with the clothes on my back. and if i leave i loose my job cuz i work for her dad. so i would literally have shit and its not something i want to face. plus i do love her. im just puzzled over her getting back on meds. i guess i can spike her food for now on lol
Trust me I dealt with a bi-polar woman for years. It will NEVER end, even now two years later and with me across the country she still tries to contact me.

Bi-Polar is a heartbreaking "illness" that really has no treatment, most of the the stuff big pharma pushes seems to just have worse side effects IMO. Your best bet is to get as far away from her as possible or it will only get worse and you will slide into insanity along with her.

I know how hard it is to watch someone tear themselves apart knowing you are helpless. The other side is WELL worth it however and you will wind up the better person.

Good luck man:peace:

The Real Peter Parker

Well-Known Member
In my years of existance I have come up with 2 rules that I live by no matter what LOL only one of which is applicable here...

Rule No. 1 - No liquer from Mason Jars LOL long story

Rule No. 2 - Relationship and Bipolar woman do not belong in the same sentance no matter what!!! Regardless of how amazing the head she gives is !!
Funny, my rule is drink liquor from mason jars.


Well-Known Member
well my gf is extremely jealous. she dont like me leaving the house. she gets mad at me for communicating with girls. i.e. if a girl comes up to me and asks me a question about anything and i dont know her and she sees me talking. she says im hitting on her or im fucking her or somethin). but its ok for her to talk to her exbfs and stuff. shes always looking over my shoulder. almost everyday she blames me for jacking off or something. shes extremely jealous. if anyone should be insecure it should be me considering shes cheated on me and we broke up one time and she went around fucking my friends and family. but how in the hell do i make her stop? she doesnt realize if i were gonna cheat on her or something i would have done it already. how can i make her see that. that i dont like being accused and shit. i feel like im back in high school. how can i shut her up?
i know i way. lol. woman have no brains they leak out every month. sure seems like it to me. fuckin bitches. mine even has had the nerve to say i spend more time with my plants than i do her. kind of true but she knows its to help us both. atleast my green woman dont bitch and moan to me all the time .i love them lovely green ladies


well excuse us for having to put up with psycho bitches

walk a mile in our shoes first


yeah in a way all of you are right. family and friends who see her every day say she needs meds. she was on meds before and it was crazy. when she was on her meds she was nice and easy to talk to and would listen. she was fun to be around and everything she isnt now. for the last 2 months ive been pounding in her head (not literally)to get back on her meds. she took wellbutrin. i guess its for people with bi-polar. but it was the best thing in my life. and its really hard just to pack up in leave as i have children with her and it would be even worst if i did that. she does seem more jealous than insecure. i also beleive from her cheating on me shes worried about paybacks. thats why i think she tries to keep me on a short leash. how can i convince her to get on meds again? shes very stubborn and have tried everything i can think of short of hog tying her and dragging her to the doctor
Welbutrin is for depression. My ex who is Bi-Polar was on that, along with lithium, ceriquel, adivan, calaispan, and ciprelex as far as I can remember. Once she starts to feel better she will decide she doesn't need the pills and will slip back into the same patterns. I was absolutely positively in love with her and TRIED extremely fucking hard to look past her illness. When it was good it was FUCKING fantastic but when it was bad... well lets just say one time she chased me around a bar with a broken whiskey bottle. When she is Manic she will have no conscience what so ever. As hard as it is my best advice is to take your kids and get as far away from her as possible. I'm so sorry you have kids involved but that is honestly the best advice I can give you. Like the other guy has stated it has almost been a year and she is still harassing me.


Well-Known Member
how can i shut her up?
Jealousy is just an excuse for not trusting you... now... in my opinion, if my girlfriend doesn't trust me or gets jealous as you say yours does... it's over, plain and simple... and that will probably shut her up. That, or duct tape.


Jealousy is just an excuse for not trusting you... now... in my opinion, if my girlfriend doesn't trust me or gets jealous as you say yours does... it's over, plain and simple... and that will probably shut her up. That, or duct tape.
Yes that is totally true. If you didn't give her no reason to be jealous or not trust you chances are she has done something that makes her think that you have too. Its over before its over.
Silence is golden... Duct tape is silver!! :)


Well-Known Member
yeah you hit it on the head. she did something before and got caught and now she doesnt trust me cuz she thinks im going to return the "favor"

Big P

Well-Known Member
i would be more than worried my friend in my expiriance its the people who constantly acuse you of cheating who are actually the ones cheating on you

i bet shes still cheating on you homie i would put money on it

every gurl or guy i know who has tripped too much about thier signifcant other cheating is usually cheating themselves and thats why they so much think you might be too

its a phycological thing

like if im your friend and I always steal a little bit of weed from you when your not looking and you dont notice,

when i have my bag around you i would be worried you would try to steal some weed from me cuz its what i would do, thats how the mind works

above is just an example, i dont steal weed:blsmoke:

i think shes cheating on your bro

simple fact that you took her back after such horrendous actions by her part fucking your friends!!! and relitives!!!

basically you gave her an: i can fuck anyone i want card cuz she knows you will just get back together with her anyway

if you dont believe me start to investigate who shes calling. if you have internet phone with your cable you can view every number and every call ever dialed.

thats how i caught my buddies baby moms cheating:mrgreen: he tossed her to the curb faster than you could say "bye bitch" it was really sad too cuz they have a beautiful baby boy, but what can you do? cant let another man tap your honey! specially if the bees are letting him. time to find a new hive before you get stung eating leftover honey:spew:

i think shes a cheater peter eater. not trying to be offensive

im also dismayed that your friends and even family cheated with her

this means they might still be fucking, if they didnt give a shit that they were fucking thier buddies old lady or thier relitives old lady what makes you think they give a shit about fuckin her secretly now while you are with her?

trust me I speak words of wisdom,

an invetigation is in order

if you cant find anything through your investigation go to the nucleur option:

you walk up to her super pissed and be like "you fuckin bitch i new it!!" "i cant believe you are still cheating on me!!!!, fuck this!! its over!"

and pretend you dont even wanna talk to her about it anymore and just want her out of your life cuz she will try to deny and shit so when she does that act like you have irrifutable evidence and act like you are so disgusted with her still trying to lie about it"

it will be a good bluff but she may be wise to it.

so then if she is cheating and still doesnt admit it i garantee she will go try to call or contact the person or people she is cheating with to be like wtf you told hiim?

thats when you try to catch her doing that

then long story short if you wrongly accused her of cheating and she gets pissed just be like "see how it feels to have a jealous person dating you:mrgreen:"

"now you know how i feel when you constantly trip:blsmoke:"

damn im too good:mrgreen:

first skank that cheated on me totally clowned me cuz i was a newb in the ways of the woman and it was a valuable lesson learned,

second one that was about to cheat on me got kicked to the curb ASAP

its wasnt easy but you gotta do it

now im married & temped cheat:confused: go figure lol, but im a good boy so far:mrgreen:

you got kids with her?

how old r u and how old is she?


Well-Known Member

This does speaks the absolute truth. You don't wanna believe it but it's true. We've all been there dude.

I used to be the same way as her. I would cheat on my girl and then get pissed at HER.

Go watch some Dane cook about cheating. He tells it like it is.


Active Member
I used to be a big fan of the if they can't trust they can't be trusted, but There are other factors most often is Daddy issues and fear of abandonment. either way if she isn't trying to change it your in a world of hurt til you get out of there.


I used to be a big fan of the if they can't trust they can't be trusted, but There are other factors most often is Daddy issues and fear of abandonment. either way if she isn't trying to change it your in a world of hurt til you get out of there.
oh god yes Can not forget the daddy issues... If shes got issues with daddy get the fuck outta dodge...