JC2 pics ;)


Active Member
I have have 5 different jc2 phenos and I am wondering if someone can post pics of their various phenos for comparison.

Thanks a ton


Well-Known Member
JC2 is a poly hybrid it has unlimited possibilities,
Grow em out pick the one you like.



Well-Known Member
I have some qlearner and some jc2 on the go. Sorry no pics but I can tell you subcool does breed some very nice stuff. I also find many phenos again all good. I also used his jc2 (a male I got) and crossed it with my Hindu kush and qlearner. Haven't popped those yet but am very excited to see what happens.

And subcool, can I ask, how does one choose? They're all good. Keep up the good work and thank you for your contributions to the cannabis world. I really enjoy your work.